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8/31/2015 3:56 PM 781977 Appalachian Power (IAL and petition) and Consumers Energy (petition) comparables.pdf
8/31/2015 3:56 PM 504404 Buckler Exhibit BB-1.pdf
8/31/2015 3:56 PM 573997 Discussion of Estimated Up-front Bond Issuance Costs and Ongoing Financing Costs.pdf
8/31/2015 3:56 PM 756357 Line 1 - Underwriting Fees and Expenses_Redacted.pdf
8/31/2015 3:56 PM 578443 Line 12 - Trustee-Trustee Counsel Fees and Expenses.pdf
8/31/2015 3:56 PM 572051 Line 2 - Servicer Set-up Fees (including Information Technology Programming Costs).pdf
8/31/2015 3:56 PM 470896 Line 3 - Legal Fees(2).pdf
8/31/2015 3:56 PM 670266 Line 3 - Legal Fees.pdf
8/31/2015 3:56 PM 478423 Line 4 - Rating Agency Fees(2).pdf
8/31/2015 3:56 PM 674767 Line 4 - Rating Agency Fees.pdf
8/31/2015 3:56 PM 634176 Line 5 - Commission Financial Advisor Fee.pdf
8/31/2015 3:56 PM 770108 Line 6 - DEF Structuring Advisor Fee_Redacted.pdf
8/31/2015 3:56 PM 511707 Line 7 - Auditor Fees.pdf
8/31/2015 3:56 PM 498846 Line 8 - SEC Filing Fee.pdf
8/31/2015 3:56 PM 521710 Line 9 SPE Set-up Fee.pdf