floridapsc.com - /library/filings/2022/05530-2022/Support/

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8/17/2022 7:41 AM 42393 (BS 131)IRR 2 SPP LUG Change Log.xlsx
8/17/2022 7:41 AM 126298 (BS 132)IRR 2 and 3 SPPCRC 2022 Discovery Est vs Actuals.xlsx
8/17/2022 7:41 AM 17843 (BS 133)IRR 3 SPP Actuals - 2020 2021.xlsx
8/17/2022 7:41 AM 60173 (BS_2) Final Year 2022 rate Impact 2-1-22.xlsx
8/17/2022 7:41 AM 60193 (BS_3) Final Year 2023 rate Impact 2-1-22.xlsx
8/17/2022 7:41 AM 60239 (BS_4) Final Year 2024 rate Impact 2-1-22.xlsx
8/17/2022 7:39 AM 180927 20220051 - FPL Responses to OPCs 5th INT No. 64 - Attachment No. 1.xlsx
8/17/2022 7:39 AM 157982 20220051 - FPL Responses to OPCs 5th INT No. 64 - Attachment No. 2.xlsx
8/17/2022 7:39 AM 13120 20220051 - FPL Responses to Staffs 1st INT No. 2 - Attachment 1 (1).xlsx
8/17/2022 7:38 AM 13120 20220051 - FPL Responses to Staffs 1st INT No. 2 - Attachment 1.xlsx
8/17/2022 7:38 AM 13126 20220051 - FPL Responses to Staffs 1st INT No. 6 - Attachment 1.xlsx
8/17/2022 7:39 AM 37666 20220051 - OPCs 4th INT No. 28 - Attachment 1.xlsx
8/17/2022 7:39 AM 45537 20220051 - OPCs 4th INT No. 40 - Attachment 1.xlsx
8/17/2022 7:39 AM 32218 20220051 - OPCs 4th INT No. 47 - Attachment 1.xlsx
8/17/2022 7:42 AM 18750 APPALACHICOLA RIVER CROSSING POLE LIST_FPUC-SPP (0004-0008) (003)(15065468.1).xlsx
8/17/2022 7:42 AM 45711 AppendixA_FPUC-SPP (0009-0014)(15065402.1).xlsx
8/17/2022 7:42 AM 2575653 COMBINED OUTAGE DATA2_FPUC-SPP (0015-0772)(15065414.1).xlsx
8/17/2022 7:42 AM 198490 Estimated Storm Protection Cost Recovery Rate Impact - revised 4_5_2022_FPUC-SPP (0773-0792)(15065474.1).xlsx
8/17/2022 7:42 AM 37280 First Table Information_FPUC-SPP (0793-0814)(15065424.1).xlsx
8/17/2022 7:42 AM 64054 FPUC Model Targets_FPUC-SPP (0815-0852)(15065429.1).xlsx
8/17/2022 7:42 AM 2107712 FPUC OMS Data 12-6-21- Meter Ids and Locations_FPUC-SPP (0853-1780)(15065435.1).xlsx
8/17/2022 7:39 AM 63057 OPC 1st POD No. 4 - Database used in the selection of laterals.xlsx
8/17/2022 7:39 AM 17338 OPC 4th POD No. 16 - Outage Data.xlsx
8/17/2022 7:39 AM 17384 OPCRESP-FPL POD1 000001 Copy of Named Storm Costs By Company - 2017 - 2021.xlsx
8/17/2022 7:40 AM 42538 OPCRESP-FPL POD1 000009 SPP dollars per customer with 2020 data updated with Lane data.xlsx
8/17/2022 7:40 AM 109364 OPCRESP-FPL POD1 000010 Total 10 Year Costs FPL 2020 SPP 2023 SPP.xlsx
8/17/2022 7:40 AM 34174 OPCRESP-FPL POD1 000011 10-Year Summary of SPP Costs and Rev Req - Tables for Testimony.xlsx
8/17/2022 7:40 AM 21667 OPCRESP-FPL POD1 000012 Costs and Benefits Summary.xlsx
8/17/2022 7:40 AM 14354 OPCRESP-FPL POD1 000013 Spend & Req Compared to Total Net Plant In Service and Revenues.xlsx
8/17/2022 7:40 AM 12131 OPCRESP-FPL POD1 000014 Total 2022-2031 SPP Investment Per Customer.xlsx
8/17/2022 7:40 AM 510131 POD 29 - WACC 2023 7.61% Support.xlsx
8/17/2022 7:40 AM 17817 POD 3 000008 10-Year Summary of SPP Costs and Rev Req - Tables for Testimony.xlsx
8/17/2022 7:40 AM 19160 POD 3 000009-000011 Costs and Benefits Summary.xlsx
8/17/2022 7:40 AM 14243 POD 3 000012 Spend & Req Compared to Total Net Plant In Service and Revenues.xlsx
8/17/2022 7:40 AM 13457 POD 3 000013 Total 2022-2031 SPP Investment Per Customer.xlsx
8/17/2022 7:40 AM 189294 POD 30 - WACC Base Rate Order No. PSC-2021-0202-AS-EI.xlsx
8/17/2022 7:40 AM 208249 POD 32 -- 2018 ASR - Reserve Transactions - DEF Depr Rates Used for FERC 2023 SPP Program Filing.xlsx
8/17/2022 7:40 AM 1972656 Q1 Rule 25-6030 - Rev Req & 3 yr Rate Impacts_BLM-1 Support File -POD 1.xlsx
8/17/2022 7:40 AM 10765 Q19_Backlot_Projects.xlsx
8/17/2022 7:40 AM 11314 Q21_Submersible_Projects.xlsx
8/17/2022 7:40 AM 30328 Q22 ROG 33 and 34 _ Feeder Ties for SOG 2020_2021_2022.xlsx
8/17/2022 7:40 AM 12395 Q22_Feeder_Tie_Projects.xlsx
8/17/2022 7:42 AM 11180 Rog #47 Updated Attachment - Exhibit PMC-60(15549126.1).xlsx
8/17/2022 7:41 AM 198962 Second Rogs - 20220049 Attachment A - Capital Structure Components and Equity(15345685.1).xlsx
8/17/2022 7:41 AM 115380 Second Rogs - 20220049 Attachment B - Revised Estimated Revenue Requirement(15345736.1).xlsx
8/17/2022 7:42 AM 20768 SPP Customer bill impact comparison - 4_5_2022_FPUC-SPP (1781)(15065439.1).xlsx