floridapsc.com - /pscfiles/library/filings/2013/07457-2013/Support/Gulf's response to OPC's 1st POD, No. 57/
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8/8/2013 10:22 AM 4590669 Banz 1981 (1-16).pdf
8/8/2013 10:25 AM 6556347 Black Jensen Scholes 1972 (17-40).pdf
8/8/2013 10:27 AM 2552092 Fama French 1992 Cross Section of Expected Returns (41-80).pdf
8/8/2013 10:29 AM 600418 Fama French 2004 CAPM Theory & Evidence JEP (81-102).pdf
8/8/2013 10:34 AM 1870573 Fama MacBeth 1973 Risk Return (103-132).pdf
8/8/2013 5:03 PM 1537643 Ibbotson SBBI 2012 6.7 Percent Risk Premium (133-134).pdf
8/8/2013 12:23 PM 482765 Investor Growth Expectations-2004 State Street IBES Study (135-139).pdf
8/8/2013 12:38 PM 2455042 Jegadeesh and Titman 1993 (140-167).pdf
8/8/2013 5:18 PM 1691827 Lee, Lochhead and Ritter 1996 (168-183).pdf
8/8/2013 5:19 PM 6223650 Litzenberger 1979 (184-200).pdf
8/8/2013 5:19 PM 2421987 Malkiel Cragg 1970 Expectations Structure Share Prices (201-218).pdf
8/8/2013 5:20 PM 2639715 Pettway Effects of New Equity Sales Upon Utility Share Prices 1984 (219-223).pdf
8/8/2013 5:21 PM 3244704 Smith 1977 Alternative Methods Raising Capital (224-258).pdf
8/8/2013 5:22 PM 1307969 Vander Weide Investor Growth Expectations (259-263).pdf
8/8/2013 5:22 PM 1013620 VL Selec & Opinion Feb 22 2013 Forecasts (264).pdf