floridapsc.com - /pscfiles/library/filings/2013/07457-2013/Support/Gulf's response to Staff's 2nd POD, No. 7/Alexander/supporting calculations/
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8/8/2013 2:10 PM 262606 2012-12 Use per customer Billed.xlsx
8/8/2013 2:21 PM 359883 B2013A Calendar Sales Growth New Wx with Dec 2012 Actual.xlsx
8/9/2013 1:40 PM 28160 Base Revenues.xls
8/8/2013 2:25 PM 78825 calculations for RJA testimony.xlsx
8/8/2013 3:20 PM 2345162 Calendar Retail Forecast Variance Analysis with B2013 coefficients (using B11 at current rates).xlsx
12/6/2012 4:28 PM 269312 ComLg_02.xls
12/6/2012 4:36 PM 252928 ComSm_02.xls
3/20/2013 4:09 PM 33947 conservation details 2013-02-18 without ratios.xlsx
8/9/2013 1:08 PM 46080 Energy Sales by Class.xls
8/8/2013 1:47 PM 249831 Forecast Accuracy Nov 12 thru May 13.xlsx
8/8/2013 3:24 PM 27892 historical customer gains.xlsx
8/9/2013 1:30 PM 18013 industrial MB energy versus total retail energy.xlsx
8/8/2013 3:26 PM 81696 Res & Com Customer Forecast Variance FINAL.xlsx