floridapsc.com - /pscfiles/library/filings/2021/11881-2021/Support/Exhibit 437/Attachments/OPC's 5th POD No. 93-Disk 2 part 2/

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5/5/2021 9:18 PM 1584622 FDEP ERP Resp to RAI 2_A-1 UMAM Columbia.pdf
5/5/2021 9:19 PM 2919293 FDEP ERP Resp to RAI 2_A-1 UMAM Gadsden.pdf
5/5/2021 9:19 PM 975061 FDEP ERP Resp to RAI 2_A-1 UMAM Jackson.pdf
5/5/2021 9:19 PM 2396060 FDEP ERP Resp to RAI 2_A-1 UMAM Jeffer.pdf
5/5/2021 9:19 PM 1811515 FDEP ERP Resp to RAI 2_A-1 UMAM Leon.pdf
5/5/2021 9:19 PM 1851324 FDEP ERP Resp to RAI 2_A-1 UMAM Madison.pdf
5/5/2021 9:18 PM 1220380 FDEP ERP Resp to RAI 2_A-1 UMAM Suwannee.pdf
5/5/2021 9:09 PM 922461 FDEP ERP Resp to RAI 2_B-2 Mitigation Bank Reservation Letters.pdf
5/5/2021 9:09 PM 2178115 FDEP ERP Resp to RAI 2_C-1 Revised NFRC_StJoe CE Exhibit.pdf
5/5/2021 9:09 PM 1649429 FDEP ERP Resp to RAI 2_CvrLtr, TOC, Text Response.pdf
5/5/2021 9:09 PM 2356514 FDEP ERP Resp to RAI 2_D-1 WWACCM Text.pdf
5/5/2021 9:10 PM 12427426 FDEP ERP Resp to RAI 2_D-2 WWACCM Appendices.pdf
5/5/2021 9:09 PM 648472 FDEP ERP Resp to RAI 2_F-1 Revised Table 3a.pdf
5/5/2021 7:21 PM 30764887 FDEP ERP Resp to RAI 2_Fig 5 Impacts Columbia.pdf
5/5/2021 7:23 PM 32781696 FDEP ERP Resp to RAI 2_Fig 5 Impacts Gadsden.pdf
5/5/2021 7:23 PM 4222540 FDEP ERP Resp to RAI 2_Fig 5 Impacts Jackson.pdf
5/5/2021 7:19 PM 28440670 FDEP ERP Resp to RAI 2_Fig 5 Impacts Jefferson.pdf
5/5/2021 7:06 PM 23766033 FDEP ERP Resp to RAI 2_Fig 5 Impacts Leon.pdf
5/5/2021 7:07 PM 27595781 FDEP ERP Resp to RAI 2_Fig 5 Impacts Madison.pdf
5/5/2021 7:08 PM 21809311 FDEP ERP Resp to RAI 2_Fig 5 Impacts Suwannee.pdf
5/5/2021 7:08 PM 660608 FDEP ERP Resp to RAI 2_G-1 ERP Item Inventory.pdf
5/5/2021 7:08 PM 628048 FDEP ERP Resp to RAI 2_Rev Att K Mitigation Plan.pdf
4/29/2021 8:19 AM 11953220 FDEP ERP Resp to RAI 2_Rptr Stn Dng Std (Bates 035779).pdf
4/29/2021 8:19 AM 10432668 FDEP ERP Resp to RAI 2_Stag2 Dng Study (Bates 035625).pdf
4/29/2021 8:21 AM 8016478 FDEP ERP Resp to RAI 2_Stag3 Dng Study (Bates 035623).pdf
4/29/2021 8:20 AM 14631791 FDEP ERP Resp to RAI 2_Stag4 Dng Study (Bates 035624).pdf
4/29/2021 8:22 AM 6028160 FDEP ERP Resp to RAI 2_Stag5 Dng Study (Bates 035622).pdf
4/29/2021 8:22 AM 7744731 FDEP ERP Resp to RAI 2_Stag8 Dng Study (Bates 035621).pdf
5/5/2021 6:56 PM 670642 FDEP ERP Resp to RAI 2_Table 8 Impacts Summary.pdf
5/5/2021 6:56 PM 722335 FDEP ERP Resp to RAI 2_Table 9 Functional Loss - Perm Conv.pdf
5/5/2021 6:57 PM 647438 FDEP ERP Resp to RAI 2_Table 9 Functional Loss - Perm Fill.pdf
5/5/2021 6:57 PM 634394 FDEP ERP Resp to RAI 2_Table 9 Functional Loss - Temp Const.pdf
5/5/2021 6:27 PM 2283569 FDEP ERP Response to RAI 1_Att A.pdf
5/5/2021 6:28 PM 1469956 FDEP ERP Response to RAI 1_Att B.pdf
5/5/2021 6:28 PM 705238 FDEP ERP Response to RAI 1_Att C.pdf
5/5/2021 10:57 AM 208341630 FDEP ERP Response to RAI 1_Att D.pdf
5/5/2021 6:28 PM 655469 FDEP ERP Response to RAI 1_Att E.pdf
5/5/2021 6:28 PM 1720134 FDEP ERP Response to RAI 1_Att F.pdf
5/5/2021 6:28 PM 620379 FDEP ERP Response to RAI 1_Att G1.pdf
5/5/2021 6:29 PM 39294742 FDEP ERP Response to RAI 1_Att G2.pdf
5/5/2021 6:30 PM 5241040 FDEP ERP Response to RAI 1_Att H.pdf
5/5/2021 6:30 PM 4338438 FDEP ERP Response to RAI 1_Att I.pdf
5/5/2021 5:50 PM 2924096 FDEP ERP Response to RAI 1_Att J.pdf
5/5/2021 5:41 PM 585919 FDEP ERP Response to RAI 1_Att K.pdf
5/5/2021 5:41 PM 1666180 FDEP ERP Response to RAI 1_CvrLtr, TOC and Response Document.pdf
5/5/2021 9:47 PM 6562137 FDEP GeoTech Exemption - Columbia County - NFRC (6-9-20).pdf
5/5/2021 9:48 PM 7914031 FDEP GeoTech Exemption - Jackson County - NFRC (7-23-20).pdf
5/5/2021 9:48 PM 6784965 FDEP GeoTech Exemption - Jefferson County - NFRC (7-7-20).pdf
5/5/2021 9:49 PM 5342643 FDEP GeoTech Exemption - Suwannee County - NFRC (7-10-20).pdf
5/5/2021 9:38 PM 3459068 FDEP GeoTech Permit (Individual) - Columbia County (No. 2) - NFRC (9-18-20) - CLOSED.pdf
5/5/2021 9:47 PM 12280624 FDEP GeoTech Permit (Individual) - Gadsden Geotech (12-9-20).pdf
5/5/2021 9:38 PM 1935031 FDEP GeoTech Permit (Individual) - Leon County - NFRC (6-26-20) - CLOSED.pdf
5/5/2021 9:50 PM 13434457 FDEP GeoTech Permit (Individual) - Madison County - NFRC (7-27-20).pdf
5/5/2021 8:48 AM 200793085 FDEP NOI 12-0378587-001-EI 2020-07-10 (full file).pdf
5/5/2021 6:27 PM 621678 FDEP Upland Easement RAI 1.pdf
4/29/2021 9:17 AM 19331072 FDEP Upland Easement Resp to RAI 1 (Bates 035940).msg
5/5/2021 9:39 PM 39515200 FDEP Uplands Easment.pdf
5/5/2021 5:41 PM 8829505 FDEP Uplands FFS LOC.pdf
5/5/2021 2:39 PM 693212 FDEP Uplands Geotech DRP Boring.pdf
5/5/2021 5:42 PM 10956916 FDEP Uplands Geotech LOA FFS.pdf
4/29/2021 10:07 AM 768550 FDEP Uplands Geotech LOA UF (Bates 030993).pdf
5/5/2021 9:40 PM 10956927 FDEP Uplands LOA for Geotech.pdf
5/5/2021 2:31 PM 736634 FDEP Uplands LOC DRP.pdf
5/5/2021 2:32 PM 963409 FDEP Uplands LONO FDACS.pdf
5/5/2021 2:38 PM 722969 FDEP Uplands Torreya Talla-St. Marks Trail Ltr.pdf
5/5/2021 2:35 PM 6351469 FDEP Uplands UF LA.pdf
5/5/2021 8:34 AM 78357587 FDEP- NFRC 12-0378587-001-EI with maps 2020-7-31.pdf
5/5/2021 8:25 AM 82720745 FDEP- NFRC 12-0378587-010-EM Transfer of Ownership.pdf
5/6/2021 6:02 AM 9215872 FFS Concurrence Ltr_NFRC_2020-01-21FINAL.pdf
5/6/2021 6:03 AM 8174953 FFS Ltr of Commitment Attachments.pdf
5/6/2021 6:03 AM 1234466 FFS Ltr of Commitment.pdf
4/28/2021 3:01 PM 115824 FPL NFRC_Request to Transfer ERP Form 62-330_340_1_signed (Bates 038420).pdf
5/6/2021 6:03 AM 1539064 FWC Concurrence Ltr_NFRC_2020-04-28.pdf
5/6/2021 6:01 AM 654602 FWC GT Permit for Columbia Co staging site.PDF
5/6/2021 6:03 AM 660802 FWC GT Permit for TIA staging site.pdf
5/5/2021 9:37 PM 777431 FWC Permit (GTC) - T-line - NFRC (9-25-20).pdf
5/5/2021 9:40 PM 773781 FWC Permit (GTU) - T-line - NFRC (10-14-20).pdf
5/5/2021 2:32 PM 1539064 FWC Spprt Ltr Gulf Power_Joe Budd-DBJ Xcutd-042820.pdf
5/6/2021 6:20 AM 2699159 GPC to FPL Articles of Merger.pdf
4/29/2021 10:13 AM 4584448 Gulf Power NFRC Geotechnical Boring Authorization Request (Bates 035939).msg
4/29/2021 10:13 AM 1843200 Gulf Power NFRC Geotechnical Boring Authorization Request (UF Agricultural Experiment Station Property) (Bates 035937).msg
4/29/2021 10:13 AM 1933824 Gulf Power NFRC Geotechnical Boring Request (Bates 035938).msg
5/5/2021 2:31 PM 800500 NFRC - Mitigation Credit Transfer Letter - St Marks.pdf
5/5/2021 2:23 PM 1122959 NFRC - Sale of Mit. Credits - San Pedro.pdf
5/5/2021 2:25 PM 627942 NFRC bird survey ltr 9-3-2020.pdf
5/5/2021 10:36 AM 65553747 NFRC EA_V5_Final_9OCT2020.pdf
5/6/2021 6:03 AM 209274 NFRC TLine GTC App_62624 (Bates 038209).pdf
5/6/2021 6:03 AM 130890 NFRC TLine GTU App_62650 (Bates 038210).pdf
5/5/2021 2:26 PM 632104 Precon bird surveys.pdf
5/6/2021 6:20 AM 8545934 Request for mod to ERP for HDD.pdf
5/6/2021 6:20 AM 2352273 Request to transfer ERP Permit.pdf
5/5/2021 10:24 PM 4941269 USACE App 01- Cover Ltr, TOC, Form.pdf
5/5/2021 10:25 PM 1123465 USACE App 02- Tables 1 thru 10.pdf
5/5/2021 4:42 PM 186093832 USACE App 04- Attachment B.1 Route of Line Columbia-Suwannee.pdf
5/5/2021 1:56 PM 114404734 USACE App 05- Attachment B.2 Route of Line Madison- Jefferson.pdf
5/5/2021 11:31 AM 93778843 USACE App 06- Attachment B.3 Route of Line Jefferson-Leon.pdf
5/5/2021 4:12 PM 140237041 USACE App 07- Attachment B.4 Route of Line Leon-Gadsden-Jackson.pdf
5/5/2021 10:26 PM 27813198 USACE App 08- Attachment C NFRC Typical Drawings.pdf
4/28/2021 4:10 PM 263823 USACE App 09- Attachment D NFRC Preliminary Jurisdiction Form (Bates 038062).pdf
5/5/2021 3:59 PM 140819959 USACE App 10- Attachment E NFRC USACE Datasheets.pdf
5/5/2021 10:26 PM 8635717 USACE App 11- Attachment F NFRC UMAM Forms.pdf
5/5/2021 10:24 PM 697893 USACE App 12- Attachment G Impacts and Avoidance.pdf
5/5/2021 10:27 PM 792071 USACE App 13- Attachment H Wildlife and Listed Species.pdf
5/5/2021 10:27 PM 680309 USACE App 14- Attachment I Mitigation Plan.pdf
5/5/2021 10:21 PM 5417748 USACE App 15- Attachment J Aerial Crossings.pdf
5/5/2021 4:23 PM 152828270 USACE App 16- Attachment K Photolog.pdf
5/5/2021 10:10 PM 1401627 USACE App 17- Figure 1 Project Vicinity Map.pdf
5/5/2021 4:59 PM 196743736 USACE App 18- Figure 2 Wetlands (by County).pdf
5/5/2021 10:12 PM 36943826 USACE App 19- Figure 3 Topographic Map.pdf
5/6/2021 7:54 PM 10783003 USACE App 20- Figure 4 Section Township Range.pdf
5/6/2021 8:31 AM 209652109 USACE App 21- Figure 5 NFRC Impacts (by County).pdf
5/5/2021 5:37 PM 200365709 USACE App 22- Figure 6 NFRC Soils (by County).pdf
5/5/2021 5:16 PM 198251931 USACE App 23- Figure 7 NFRC LULC (by County) (1).pdf
5/5/2021 10:12 PM 1656534 USACE App 24- Figure 8 NFRC Mitigation Banks.pdf
5/5/2021 1:45 PM 171605289 USACE RGP 13 Verification Signed with Attachments.pdf
5/5/2021 2:26 PM 907830 USFS - SUP Geotech Permit Closed - WAK10282020 (12-14-20).pdf
4/28/2021 9:57 PM 183808 USFS Approval for Geotech (Bates 036779).msg
5/5/2021 10:12 PM 7700259 USFS Geoech App SF299-20_NFRC_2020-09_Final.pdf
5/5/2021 10:13 PM 5033499 USFS SF299 App 10Jun2019 Signed.pdf
5/5/2021 10:10 PM 9501175 USFS SF299 App 10Jun2019_Updated 24Nov2020 Signed.pdf
5/5/2021 9:29 PM 1209256 USFS SUP - WAK10282020 Geotech.pdf
5/5/2021 9:28 PM 10360089 USFS SUP - WAK372019 Tline.pdf