floridapsc.com - /pscfiles/library/filings/2021/11881-2021/Support/Exhibit 437/Attachments/OPC's 5th POD No. 93-Disk 2/Benny Luedike/
[To Parent Directory]
4/28/2021 8:22 AM 8892416 1- DEP Permit App Transmittal - GPC NFRC (Bates 040683).msg
4/28/2021 3:20 PM 4736512 1- USACE Permit App Transmittal - GPC NFRC (Bates 038063).msg
4/29/2021 5:02 PM 1564928 As-Buil Cert_Leon_FDEP Permit - NFRC - 0378587-003-EI-37 ss (Bates 026891).pdf
5/4/2021 9:05 PM 3148755 As-Built Cert_Columbia_FDEP Permit - NFRC - 12-0378587-009-EI.pdf
4/29/2021 5:02 PM 137117 Commencement Notice - ERP No. 0378587-003-EI-37 (Leon County) (Bates 026908).pdf
4/29/2021 5:02 PM 149467 Commencement Notice - ERP No. 0378587-008-EI-20 (Gadsden County) (Bates 026909).pdf
4/29/2021 5:02 PM 137201 Commencement Notice - ERP No. 12-0378587-005-EI (Madison County) (Bates 026906).pdf
4/29/2021 5:02 PM 127399 Commencement Notice - ERP No. 12-0378587-009 (Columbia County) (Bates 026907).pdf
4/29/2021 5:02 PM 104557 Commencement Notification - SAJ-2019-02708 (GP-BJC) (Bates 026910).pdf
5/4/2021 8:56 PM 618257 Construction Commencement Notification 12-0378587-001-EI (1) (Bates 026911).pdf
5/4/2021 9:13 PM 9623098 DEP App 01- Cover Ltr, TOC, Forms.pdf
5/5/2021 8:17 AM 1274504 DEP App 02- Tables 1 thru 10.pdf
5/4/2021 9:18 PM 729181 DEP App 03- Attachment A.pdf
5/6/2021 12:32 PM 186054167 DEP App 04- Attachment B.1.pdf
5/6/2021 9:14 AM 114395984 DEP App 05- Attachment B.2.pdf
5/6/2021 9:02 AM 93769728 DEP App 06- Attachment B.3.pdf
5/6/2021 10:46 AM 140228368 DEP App 07- Attachment B.4.pdf
5/6/2021 8:11 AM 36902314 DEP App 08- Attachments C thru K.pdf
5/6/2021 12:18 PM 160857714 DEP App 09- Attachments L thru M.pdf
5/5/2021 2:11 PM 56168392 DEP App 10- Figures 1 thru 4.pdf
5/6/2021 11:02 AM 209637548 DEP App 11- Figure 5.pdf
5/6/2021 11:58 AM 200256065 DEP App 12- Figure 6.pdf
5/6/2021 12:46 PM 198236270 DEP App 13- Figure 7.pdf
5/4/2021 9:22 PM 1964253 DEP App 14- Figure 8.pdf
5/4/2021 9:23 PM 787749 DEP App Attachment J only.pdf
5/4/2021 9:25 PM 722974 DEP Parks Concurrence Ltr_NFRC_2019-06-27.pdf
5/6/2021 6:16 AM 18971500 DEP Upland Easement App FINAL.pdf
5/6/2021 6:14 AM 17380848 DEP Upland Easement Updated App FINAL.pdf
5/6/2021 8:08 AM 10037664 DSL Determinations for NFRC.pdf
5/6/2021 7:57 AM 1520186 FDEP ERP Geotech CO2_Attachment A.pdf
5/6/2021 7:59 AM 636418 FDEP ERP Geotech CO2_Electronic Receipt.pdf
5/6/2021 7:59 AM 1476176 FDEP ERP Geotech CO2_Section A - Signed.pdf
5/6/2021 7:59 AM 745866 FDEP ERP Geotech CO2_Section C - Final.pdf
5/4/2021 9:26 PM 639087 FDEP ERP Geotech CO_App.pdf
5/6/2021 7:57 AM 1143218 FDEP ERP Geotech CO_Fig. 1 - Location Map.pdf
5/6/2021 7:57 AM 1083969 FDEP ERP Geotech CO_Fig. 2 - Road Map.pdf
5/6/2021 7:57 AM 1876343 FDEP ERP Geotech CO_Fig. 3 - Topo Map.pdf
5/6/2021 7:58 AM 1184801 FDEP ERP Geotech CO_Fig. 4 - TRS Map.pdf
5/6/2021 7:58 AM 2257443 FDEP ERP Geotech CO_Fig. 5 - Soils Map.pdf
5/6/2021 7:58 AM 2795484 FDEP ERP Geotech CO_Fig. 6 - Impacts Map.pdf
5/6/2021 7:59 AM 3041416 FDEP ERP Geotech CO_Fig. 7 - FLUCCS Map.pdf
4/28/2021 12:24 PM 96037 FDEP ERP Geotech GA_Att A FDOT Auth. (Bates 038757).pdf
5/6/2021 7:44 AM 3980715 FDEP ERP Geotech GA_Attachment B - Easements.pdf
5/6/2021 7:44 AM 638513 FDEP ERP Geotech GA_Electronic Receipt.pdf
5/6/2021 7:45 AM 7276329 FDEP ERP Geotech GA_Figure 1 - Location Map.pdf
5/6/2021 7:54 PM 17354944 FDEP ERP Geotech GA_Figure 5 - Soils Map.pdf
5/6/2021 7:45 AM 5981281 FDEP ERP Geotech GA_Figure 6 - Impact Map.pdf
5/6/2021 7:53 PM 17122199 FDEP ERP Geotech GA_Figure 7 - Land Use Map.pdf
5/6/2021 7:45 AM 911824 FDEP ERP Geotech GA_Section A.pdf
5/6/2021 7:46 AM 764261 FDEP ERP Geotech GA_Section C.pdf
5/6/2021 7:32 AM 5713602 FDEP ERP Geotech JA_Attachment A JA-001, 002 RPI.pdf
4/28/2021 1:01 PM 96037 FDEP ERP Geotech JA_Attachment B FDOT Authorization 02-11-2020 (Bates 038669).pdf
5/6/2021 7:32 AM 635318 FDEP ERP Geotech JA_Electronic Receipt.pdf
5/6/2021 7:32 AM 758339 FDEP ERP Geotech JA_FDEP ERP Geotech JA_Section C.pdf
5/6/2021 7:33 AM 1325017 FDEP ERP Geotech JA_Figure 1 Location Map Jackson Geotech.pdf
5/6/2021 7:33 AM 1090760 FDEP ERP Geotech JA_Figure 2 Road Map Jackson Geotech.pdf
5/6/2021 7:33 AM 2163278 FDEP ERP Geotech JA_Figure 3 Topographic Map Jackson.pdf
5/6/2021 7:33 AM 1308047 FDEP ERP Geotech JA_Figure 4 Section Township Range Jackson Geotech.pdf
5/6/2021 7:33 AM 2749456 FDEP ERP Geotech JA_Figure 5 Soils Jackson Geotech.pdf
5/6/2021 7:32 AM 2744754 FDEP ERP Geotech JA_Figure 6 Impacts Jackson Geotech.pdf
5/6/2021 7:33 AM 2790672 FDEP ERP Geotech JA_Figure 7 Land Use Jackson Geotech.pdf
5/6/2021 7:34 AM 953103 FDEP ERP Geotech JA_Section A.pdf
5/6/2021 7:08 AM 635266 FDEP ERP Geotech JE_Electronic Receipt.pdf
5/6/2021 7:08 AM 906225 FDEP ERP Geotech JE_ERP Application - Section A.pdf
5/6/2021 7:08 AM 758051 FDEP ERP Geotech JE_ERP Application - Section C.pdf
5/6/2021 7:08 AM 6521565 FDEP ERP Geotech JE_Figure 1 - Location Map.pdf
5/6/2021 7:08 AM 1189890 FDEP ERP Geotech JE_Figure 2 Road Map Geotech Jefferson.pdf
5/6/2021 7:09 AM 2403859 FDEP ERP Geotech JE_Figure 3 Topographic Map Geotech Jefferson.pdf
5/6/2021 7:09 AM 1367537 FDEP ERP Geotech JE_Figure 4 Section Township Range Geotech Jefferson.pdf
5/6/2021 7:08 AM 3119608 FDEP ERP Geotech JE_FIgure 5 Soils Geotech Jefferson.pdf
5/6/2021 7:09 AM 3124756 FDEP ERP Geotech JE_Figure 6 Wetland Impacts Geotech Jefferson.pdf
5/6/2021 7:09 AM 3114618 FDEP ERP Geotech JE_Figure 7 Land Use Geotech Jefferson.pdf
5/6/2021 7:02 AM 639313 FDEP ERP Geotech LE_Electronic Submission Receipt.pdf
5/6/2021 7:02 AM 1128161 FDEP ERP Geotech LE_Figure 1 - Location Map.pdf
5/6/2021 7:02 AM 1055066 FDEP ERP Geotech LE_Figure 2 - Road Map.pdf
5/6/2021 7:03 AM 1866643 FDEP ERP Geotech LE_Figure 3 - Topo Map.pdf
5/6/2021 7:03 AM 1188814 FDEP ERP Geotech LE_Figure 4 - TRS Map.pdf
5/6/2021 7:03 AM 3606213 FDEP ERP Geotech LE_Figure 5 - Soils Map.pdf
5/6/2021 6:52 AM 3687439 FDEP ERP Geotech LE_Figure 6 - Impacts Map.pdf
5/6/2021 6:52 AM 3618507 FDEP ERP Geotech LE_Figure 7 - Land Use Map.pdf
5/6/2021 6:52 AM 1746354 FDEP ERP Geotech LE_LE-006.003 Acquired Agreement.pdf
5/6/2021 6:53 AM 2812632 FDEP ERP Geotech LE_LE-054.002 and LE-054.003 - Evans - Acquired Agreement.pdf
5/6/2021 6:52 AM 879792 FDEP ERP Geotech LE_Section A_Final Signed.pdf
5/6/2021 7:02 AM 758270 FDEP ERP Geotech LE_Section C.pdf
5/6/2021 6:39 AM 1041398 FDEP ERP Geotech MA_Attachment B.pdf
5/6/2021 6:39 AM 638234 FDEP ERP Geotech MA_DEP - Application Receipt.pdf
5/6/2021 6:40 AM 1266766 FDEP ERP Geotech MA_Figure 1 Location Map.pdf
5/6/2021 6:40 AM 1676488 FDEP ERP Geotech MA_Figure 2 Road Map.pdf
5/6/2021 6:40 AM 5084910 FDEP ERP Geotech MA_Figure 3 Topographic Map.pdf
5/6/2021 6:40 AM 1281684 FDEP ERP Geotech MA_Figure 4 STR.pdf
5/6/2021 6:41 AM 22165682 FDEP ERP Geotech MA_Figure 5 Soils.pdf
5/6/2021 6:42 AM 20176151 FDEP ERP Geotech MA_Figure 6 Impacts.pdf
5/6/2021 6:39 AM 26303197 FDEP ERP Geotech MA_Figure 7 Land Use.pdf
5/6/2021 6:43 AM 1081985 FDEP ERP Geotech MA_Section A.pdf
5/6/2021 6:43 AM 961517 FDEP ERP Geotech MA_Section C.pdf
5/6/2021 6:26 AM 635216 FDEP ERP Geotech SU_Electronic Receipt.pdf
5/6/2021 6:27 AM 1221126 FDEP ERP Geotech SU_Figure 1 Location Map.pdf
5/6/2021 6:27 AM 999923 FDEP ERP Geotech SU_Figure 2 Road Map.pdf
5/6/2021 6:27 AM 1667514 FDEP ERP Geotech SU_Figure 3 Topographic Map.pdf
5/6/2021 6:25 AM 1214258 FDEP ERP Geotech SU_Figure 4 STR.pdf
5/6/2021 6:26 AM 1985651 FDEP ERP Geotech SU_Figure 5 Soils.pdf
5/6/2021 6:27 AM 2049476 FDEP ERP Geotech SU_Figure 6 Impacts.pdf
5/6/2021 6:27 AM 1982940 FDEP ERP Geotech SU_Figure 7 Land Use.pdf
5/5/2021 9:28 PM 1475402 FDEP ERP Ltr Reassignging Agent.pdf
5/6/2021 6:20 AM 8547531 FDEP ERP Minor Mod Request to 12-0378587-001, 010.pdf
5/5/2021 9:58 PM 742888 FDEP ERP NOI Publ Affidavit Gadsden County Times 2020-7-16.pdf
5/5/2021 9:58 PM 3186579 FDEP ERP NOI Publ Affidavit Jackson County Times 2020-7-16.pdf
5/5/2021 9:58 PM 1073542 FDEP ERP NOI Publ Affidavit Lake City Reporter 2020-7-14.pdf
5/5/2021 10:06 PM 2281425 FDEP ERP NOI Publ Affidavit Madison County Carrier 2020-7-15.pdf
5/5/2021 9:58 PM 846303 FDEP ERP NOI Publ Affidavit Monticello Times 2020-7-15.pdf
5/5/2021 9:59 PM 740032 FDEP ERP NOI Publ Affidavit Tallahassee Democrat 2020-7-14.pdf
5/5/2021 9:28 PM 851126 FDEP ERP RAI 1.pdf
5/5/2021 9:28 PM 853087 FDEP ERP RAI 2.pdf