floridapsc.com - /pscfiles/library/filings/2021/11881-2021/Support/Exhibit 437/Attachments/OPC's 5th POD No. 94/Golder/DEP DSL/Brad Richardson/Sent/
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5/4/2021 1:14 PM 3342336 Gulf Power NFRC Geotechnical Boring Authorization Request (Bates Number 042602).msg
5/4/2021 1:14 PM 129024 NFRC Upland Easement Execution Process (AID 40469-Easement 33305) (Bates Number 042603).msg
5/4/2021 1:14 PM 198656 RE_ NPB amount to FFS (Bates Number 042604).msg
5/4/2021 1:14 PM 141312 RE_ NPB amount to FFS (2) (Bates Number 042605).msg
5/4/2021 1:14 PM 121856 RE_ Private Easement#33305_Action ID #40469 Application_ 161 (kV) (Bates Number 042606).msg
5/4/2021 1:14 PM 152064 RE_ Private Easement#33305_Action ID #40469 Application_ 161 (kV) (Bates Number 042607).msg