floridapsc.com - /pscfiles/library/filings/2022/10882-2022/Support/Exhibit 91/Attachments/
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9/26/2022 2:11 PM 5151232 Revised Staff POD 15 For Staff ROG 51 (c) (i) and (ii) Depreciation Expense NOI (FPUC-Rate 1050884-1050891(16136243.1).xls
9/26/2022 2:11 PM 3347968 Revised Staff POD 15 For Staff ROG 51 (c) (iii) Accumulated Depreciation Utility Plant (FPUC-Rate 1050895-1050900)(16136259.1).xls
9/26/2022 2:11 PM 3329536 Revised Staff POD 15 For Staff ROG 51 (c) (iv) Accumulated Depreciation Common Plant (FPUC-Rate 1050892-1050894)(16136324.1).xls
9/12/2022 3:18 PM 10910 Staff POD 14 Depreciation Expense for 3921 and 3922_(FPUC-Rate 1050553-1050556).xlsx