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State of Florida
Public Service
Capital Circle Office Center 2540 Shumard
Oak Boulevard
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0850
TO: |
Director, Division of the Commission Clerk & Administrative Services (Bayó) |
Division of Economic Regulation (Bohrmann, Matlock, Trapp, VonFossen) Office of the General Counsel (C. Keating, Rodan) |
RE: |
Docket No. 031033-EI – Review of Tampa Electric Company’s 2004-2008 waterborne transportation contract with TECO Transport and associated benchmark. |
08/17/04 – Regular Agenda – Motions for Reconsideration and Clarification of Non-Final Order – Oral Argument Not Requested; Participation at the Commission’s Discretion |
None |
Case Background
This recommendation addresses two motions for reconsideration filed by Tampa Electric Company (“Tampa Electric”) seeking reconsideration of non-final orders ruling on confidentiality requests. The first motion, filed June 7, 2004, seeks reconsideration of Order No. PSC-04-0543-CFO-EI, issued May 26, 2004, in Docket No. 031033-EI, which granted in part and denied in part Tampa Electric’s request for confidential classification of portions of its response to the Florida Industrial Power Users Group’s (“FIPUG”) First Set of Interrogatories. Tampa Electric seeks reconsideration of that portion of the Order that denied confidential treatment for the Example Inland Barge Transportation Rate Analysis contained on Bates Stamp Page Nos. 5-10 in Tampa Electric’s response to Interrogatory No. 4. FIPUG responded in opposition on June 21, 2004. Staff recommends in Issue 1 that this motion be denied.
The second motion, also filed June 7, 2004, seeks reconsideration of Order No. PSC-04-0544-CFO-EI, issued May 26, 2004, which granted in part and denied in part Tampa Electric’s request for confidential classification of portions of intervenor testimony and exhibits. In particular, Tampa Electric seeks clarification of that portion of the Order which addressed Exhibit RFW-1 to CSX Transportation (“CSX”) witness Robert F. White’s testimony and reconsideration of that portion of the Order which denied confidential treatment for specified information on pages 2 and 28 of Office of Public Counsel (“OPC”) witness Michael J. Majoros’ testimony and Exhibit MJM-5 to Mr. Majoros’ testimony. OPC and FIPUG jointly responded in opposition on June 21, 2004. Staff recommends in Issues 2 and 3 that this motion for reconsideration and clarification be granted.
The Commission has jurisdiction over this subject matter pursuant to Chapter 366, Florida Statutes, including Sections 366.04, 366.05, and 366.06, Florida Statutes.
Discussion of Issues
Tampa Electric notes that the Order states as the basis for denying confidential treatment to Bates Stamp Page Nos. 5-10 that the analysis is not based upon the Dibner Maritime Associates (“DMA”) model or methodology. Tampa Electric asserts that this is incorrect and that the Commission should reconsider the Order’s conclusion that the information on Bates Stamp Page Nos. 5-10 is not entitled to confidential treatment. Tampa Electric argues that all of Bates Stamp Page Nos. 5-10 of its response to Interrogatory No. 4 is entitled to confidential protection since it constitutes information relating to competitive interests, the disclosure of which would impair the competitive business of the provider of the information.
In its response, FIPUG argues that Tampa Electric’s motion for reconsideration fails to identify a point of fact or law that the Commission has overlooked. FIPUG contends that Tampa Electric’s motion is a reargument of its request for confidential classification. FIPUG asserts that Tampa Electric’s sole argument is that the information in the Example Inland Barge Transportation Rate Analysis (“Example”) on Bates Stamp Page Nos. 5-10 contains confidential proprietary information of DMA and Mr. Dibner. FIPUG contends that the Order should stand because the Example itself states that “[i]t is not the methodology, structure, or model used by DMA . . ..” FIPUG also asserts that the Example notes that it “may have limitations in its adaptability . . ..” FIPUG argues that given the limited adaptability of the Example and the fact that it does not contain the methodology, structure or model used by DMA, it is highly unlikely that its dissemination poses any risk of harm to Mr. Dibner.
In denying confidential treatment to the majority of the Example on Bates Stamp Page Nos. 5-10 in Tampa Electric’s response to FIPUG’s Interrogatory No. 4, the Prehearing Officer found that the information was not proprietary confidential business information. In particular, the Prehearing Officer stated:
However, the information on Bates Stamp Pages 5-10, with the exception of the last line of the table on Bates Stamp Page 10 and accompanying footnote, is an inland barge transportation rate analysis which Tampa Electric acknowledges is not the methodology, structure or model used by DMA and is further described as a simplified approach. Since the analysis is not based upon the DMA model or methodology, it is not proprietary confidential business information. Therefore, confidential classification is denied for the above mentioned portions of Tampa Electric’s answer to Interrogatory No. 4 (Bates Stamp Page Nos. 5-10).
Order No. PSC-04-0543-CFO-EI, p. 2.
Tampa Electric fails to identify any point of fact or law that the Prehearing Officer overlooked in this analysis. Staff notes, as stated by Tampa Electric, that the rate analysis is a simplified example of a reasonable approach to inland barge costing. While conceptually similar, it is not the methodology, structure or model used by DMA. The analysis reflects a common sense approach using data commonly available to the industry. The Example’s analysis shows general costing concepts and does not reveal the intricacies of Mr. Dibner’s model. Further, Tampa Electric has not shown how revealing the Example would impair DMA’s competitive business interests when it is, in fact, not the methodology, structure or model used by DMA. For these reasons, staff recommends that the Commission deny Tampa Electric’s motion for reconsideration of Order No. PSC-04-0543-CFO-EI.
Issue 2: Should the
Commission grant Tampa Electric’s motion for reconsideration of Order No. PSC-04-0544-CFO-EI?
Tampa Electric also seeks reconsideration of the denial of confidential treatment with respect to page 28, lines 1-2, of Mr. Majoros’ testimony. Tampa Electric asserts that these numbers must be treated consistently with the numbers shown on page 2, lines 7, 9, and 12, discussed above. The figure on page 28, line 1, is the same figure shown on page 2, line 7. The figure on page 28, line 2, is the same figure shown on page 2, line 9.
Further, Tampa Electric seeks reconsideration of the denial of confidential treatment with respect to the information shown in Mr. Majoros’ Exhibit MJM-5, page 1 of 8, column 8, row 4. According to Tampa Electric, the number shown in row 4 is the same as that shown on pages 2 and 28 of Mr. Majoros’ testimony and cannot be revealed without revealing the proprietary confidential contract rate.
In its joint response, OPC and FIPUG argue that Tampa Electric’s motion for reconsideration fails to identify a point of fact or law that the Commission has overlooked. OPC and FIPUG note that Order No. PSC-04-0544-CFO-EI held that the percentage figures and the dollar amount contained on page 2, lines 7 and 12, and page 28, line 1, of Mr. Majoros’ testimony are not confidential. OPC and FIPUG argue that these figures are the result of Mr. Majoros’ analysis and are his professional work product and opinion. According to OPC and FIPUG, Tampa Electric’s motion does not oppose their arguments that the percentage figure and the dollar amount do not contain information about contract terms and rates or disclose any information about existing contracts. OPC and FIPUG further assert that Tampa Electric’s motion demonstrates the correctness of their argument that the percentage figure and dollar amount cannot be used to back into other confidential numbers in the absence of the recommended rate number appearing on page 2, line 9, and Exhibit MJM-5, page 1 of 8, column 8, row 4. OPC and FIPUG contend that Tampa Electric’s motion should be denied and, at a minimum, the information on page 2, lines 7 and 12, and page 28, line 1, should be made public consistent with Order No. PSC-04-0544-CFO-EI.
Staff believes that Order No. PSC-04-0544-CFO-EI, based upon a mistake of fact, erroneously denies confidential classification to information which, if made public, would allow one to calculate the confidential contractual rate for transportation services provided by TECO Transport to Tampa Electric. That contractual rate has been granted confidential classification by Order No. PSC-04-0548-CFO-EI, issued May 26, 2004, in this docket. Accordingly, staff recommends that the Commission grant Tampa Electric’s motion for reconsideration. Confidential classification should be granted for the numbers appearing on page 2, lines 7 and 12, and page 28, line 1, of Mr. Majoros’ testimony so that the confidential contractual rate paid by Tampa Electric to TECO Transport cannot be calculated. With this information held confidential, disclosure of the information on page 2, line 9, on page 28, line 2, and in Exhibit MJM-5, page 1 of 8, column 8, row 4, will not allow one to calculate the confidential contractual rate. Thus, confidential classification is not necessary for the information on page 2, line 9, on page 28, line 2, or in Exhibit MJM-5, page 1 of 8, column 8, row 4.
Issue 3: Should the Commission grant Tampa Electric’s motion for clarification of Order No. PSC-04-0544-CFO-EI?
Page 1 of 9 of Exhibit RFW-4 to Mr. White’s testimony is a letter to Tampa Electric regarding the CSX proposal. The letter, with the exception of lines 3-6, contains information available to the public and would not impair efforts of the utility to contract for goods and services on favorable terms. Therefore, confidential classification is granted for Page 1 of 9, lines 3-6 of Exhibit RFW-4 and denied for the remainder of Page 1 of 9 of Exhibit RFW-4 to Mr. White’s testimony.
In its motion for clarification, Tampa Electric notes that only lines 3-6 on page 1 of 9 of Exhibit RFW-4 are granted confidential classification. Tampa Electric requests clarification that the Order references lines 3-6 of the first paragraph in the body of the letter. Tampa Electric asserts that technically lines 3-6 of the letter are Tampa Electric witness Joann Wehle’s title and business address, which is not confidential information.