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State of Florida
Public Service
Capital Circle Office Center 2540 Shumard
Oak Boulevard
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0850
TO: |
Director, Division of the Commission Clerk & Administrative Services (Bayó) |
Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement (Brown, Bulecza-Banks, Casey, Makin) Division of Economic Regulation (Kummer) Office of the General Counsel (Vining) |
RE: |
10/19/04 – Regular Agenda – Tariff Filing- Interested Persons May Participate |
Case Background
On August 30, 2004, City Gas Company of Florida, a Division of NUI Utilities, Inc., (City Gas or Company) filed a petition for approval of revisions to Tariff Sheets Nos. 68-70, Alternative Fuel Discount Rider (AFD). By this petition, City Gas seeks approval of tariff revisions to change the Company’s AFD Rider. The Company explains that the proposed modifications are designed to clarify and simplify the AFD Rider to promote the use of cleaner burning natural gas. The proposed modifications will also enhance the Company’s ability to compete with alternate fuels in its service territory. The AFD provides for a discount off the applicable tariff rates to compete with the customer’s alternate fuel price. On September 28, 2004, the Company revised the proposed tariff sheets filed with its August 30, 2004, petition.
The implementation of natural gas tariffs that provide discounts for alternate fuels began in the mid-80’s. In 1985, by separate petitions, Gulf Natural Gas Corporation (Docket No. 850204-GU), Peoples Gas System, Inc. (Docket No. 85203-GU), and Central Florida Gas Corporation (Docket No. 85213-GU) sought modifications to their interruptible rate schedules that would allow them to adjust rates charged to individual interruptible customers in order to compete with alternate fuels available to those customers. Under the proposals, an interruptible customer would complete an application for the reduced rate and submit an affidavit stating the source of the alternate fuel and its cost. The petitions were filed in order to gain flexibility to meet the price of an interruptible customer’s existing alternate fuel by lowering the company’s energy charge and/or customer charge. Subsequently, the Commission approved the proposed tariffs on an interim basis, and announced that similar tariffs from the remaining natural gas utilities would be temporarily approved. Pursuant to Commission Order No. 14965 issued September 17, 1985, City Gas incorporated “contract interruptible service” into its tariffs effective April 1, 1986. The tariff has undergone modification over the years to update changes proposed by the Company.
Jurisdiction in this matter is vested in the Commission by several provisions of Chapter 366, Florida Statutes, including Sections 366.04, 366.05, and 366.06, Florida Statutes.
Discussion of Issues
Based upon its review of the petition, staff recommends that the Commission approve the Company’s petition for revisions to Tariff Sheets Nos. 68-70, Alternative Fuel Discount Rider. Approval of the revised tariff would not result in any additional margin for the Company, or change any of the General Service rates under which customers would qualify for the AFD. The proposed tariff modifications would enhance the Company’s ability to compete with alternate fuels in its service territory, retain firm revenue contributions, and prevent potential customers from gaming the system and gaining an unfair price advantage over other customers.