For an official paper copy, contact the Florida Public ServiceCommission at or call (850) 413-6770. There may be a charge for the copy.
State of Florida
Public Service
Capital Circle Office Center 2540 Shumard
Oak Boulevard
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0850
TO: |
Director, Division of the Commission Clerk & Administrative Services (Bayó) |
Division of Economic Regulation (Joyce, Kyle, Merchant, Redemann, Willis) Office of the General Counsel (Gervasi)
RE: |
Docket No. 030445-SU – Application for rate increase in Lee County by Utilities, Inc. of Eagle Ridge. |
10/19/04 – Regular Agenda – Proposed Agency Action, except for Issues 13 and 14 – Interested Persons May Participate |
5-Month Effective Date (PAA Rate Case): Extended to 10/19/04 |
Case Background
Utilities, Inc. of Eagle Ridge (Eagle Ridge or utility) is a Class B utility providing wastewater service in Lee County, Florida. Water service is provided by Lee County. According to its 2002 annual report, Eagle Ridge serves approximately 2,792 customers with gross revenues of $698,437 and a net operating income of $59,661. The utility provides service to two areas: the Eagle Ridge Development and the Cross Creek Community Association, Inc. Each area has a separate wastewater treatment plant.
On November 17, 2003, the utility filed for approval of final and interim rate increases, pursuant to Sections 367.081 and 367.082, Florida Statutes. However, the information submitted did not satisfy the minimum filing requirements (MFRs) for a general rate increase. The utility resubmitted its MFRs on February 17, 2004, which was originally established as the official filing date. On May 12, 2004, however, the utility again revised its MFRs and the amount of its requested rate increase. May 12, 2004, was then designated as the official filing date pursuant to Section 367.083, Florida Statutes. The utility has requested that the Commission process this case under the proposed agency action (PAA) procedure.
The test year for interim and final purposes is the historical test year ended December 31, 2002. By Order No. PSC-04-0720-PCO-SU, issued July 26, 2004, in this docket, the Commission approved an interim revenue increase of $62,666 (or 8.80%) for wastewater. The interim rates are subject to refund with interest, pending the conclusion of the rate case. The utility has requested final wastewater revenues of $836,821. This represents an increase of $124,485, or 17.48%.
The five-month statutory deadline for the Commission to vote on the utility’s requested final rates has been extended to October 19, 2004. This recommendation addresses the revenue requirement and rates that should be approved on a prospective basis. The Commission has jurisdiction pursuant to Section 367.081, Florida Statutes.
Discussion of Issues
Recommendation: Yes. The utility’s overall quality of service is satisfactory. (Redemann)
Staff Analysis: Pursuant to Rule 25-30.433(1), Florida Administrative Code, in every water and wastewater rate case, the Commission shall determine the overall quality of service provided by the utility by evaluating (1) the quality of the product, (2) the operating conditions of the plant and facilities, and (3) the utility’s attempt to address customer satisfaction.
Quality of the Product and Operating Conditions
Staff contacted the Department of Environment Protection (DEP) and performed field inspections at the Eagle Ridge and Cross Creek systems. According to the DEP, the utility is meeting all applicable wastewater treatment standards and all operating permits are current for both the Eagle Ridge and Cross Creek systems. The operating permit for the Eagle Ridge wastewater treatment plant, which was in effect during the test year, expired on January 14, 2003, and a new, revised operating permit was subsequently issued. The new permit requires the replacement of a standby filter by October 15, 2005. Staff inspected the utility’s lift stations, treatment plants, and reuse facilities and found them to be in good working order, with the exception of some minor deficiencies which were subsequently corrected.
Customer Satisfaction
A customer meeting was held on July 15, 2004, near the utility service area and two customers attended. One of the customers indicated that he was not concerned about the rate increase; however, he was concerned that the Eagle Ridge plant might be over capacity and that occasionally the plant smells bad. Staff explained that the plant does not appear to be over capacity and further described the steps taken by the utility to control the plant odor. The utility injects a chemical into the treatment system to control odor and recently enclosed a portion of the treatment plant with stainless steel boxes as an additional precautionary measure.
The DEP had received some odor complaints and, as a part of the operating permit renewal, the local homeowners and the utility developed an odor detection program to determine the source and cause of the odors. DEP was unable to confirm an odor problem and indicated that the homeowners did not want to pursue the issue further.
There are no outstanding complaints on the Commission’s Complaint Tracking System. Staff reviewed the utility’s complaint log and found only a few complaints which had been resolved.
Staff recommends that the utility’s wastewater effluent quality and plant operating conditions are satisfactory. Further, the utility is providing prompt responses to customer concerns. Therefore, staff recommends that the utility’s overall quality of service is satisfactory.
Issue 2: Are any rate base adjustments appropriate?
Accumulated |
Depreciation |
Plant |
Depreciation |
Expense |
Organization Cost (A/E 2) |
($14,483) |
$543 |
($362) |
Miscellaneous Plant (A/E 3 & 4) |
($27,081) |
4,439 |
($1,415) |
Retirements (A/D 3) |
($306,117) |
306,117 |
($16,789) |
Pro Forma Plant (A/D 1) |
(45,285) |
1,906 |
(1,906) |
Retirement on Pro Forma |
(25,399) |
25,399 |
(1,412) |
WSC Common Plant (A/E5) |
25,263 |
0 |
0 |
Total: |
($393,102) |
$338,404 |
($22,268) |
Accum. Amort. |
Test Year |
Test Year |
of CIAC |
Amortization |
Revenues |
Post-Test Year Customer |
($7,008) |
$304 |
($304) |
$1,563 |
Staff Analysis: The staff auditors reviewed the utility’s rate base accounts to determine the appropriate balances at the end of the test year. The audit report contained several recommended adjustments, the majority of which the utility agreed to make. In its revised MFRs submitted on May 12, 2004, the utility made many of the auditor’s recommended adjustments. This issue addresses the audit adjustments not made by the utility and additional adjustments recommended by staff. Listed below are the adjustments per the audit, additional staff adjustments and staff’s total recommended adjustments.
Organization Costs
In Audit Exception No. 2, the staff auditors recommended reductions to plant, accumulated depreciation, and depreciation expense for acquisition and undocumented costs. The utility agreed with the adjustments and made the majority of the audit reductions with the exception of $14,483. Staff recommends that plant should be reduced by $14,483, with corresponding reductions of $543 and $362 for accumulated depreciation and depreciation expense, respectively.
Miscellaneous Plant
In Audit Exception No. 3, the staff auditors recommended several adjustments to remove misclassified plant and unsupported plant. The utility agreed that adjustments should be made to these accounts. Staff made additional adjustments to accumulated depreciation and depreciation expense to correct the depreciation rate. In Audit Exception No. 4, the auditors recommended that unapproved charges for allowance for funds used during construction (AFUCD) be removed for the years 1998-2001. The utility did not have an authorized AFUDC rate approved by the Commission for those years. Therefore, pursuant to Rule 25-30.116 (5), Florida Administrative Code, the utility could not capitalize AFUDC. The adjustments are shown below:
Miscellaneous Plant -Exception No. 3 and 4 |
Adj. per Audit |
Add’l Adj. per Staff |
Total Staff Adjustment |
Decrease Plant |
($27,081) |
$0 |
$(27,081) ($27,081343) |
Decrease Accumulated Depreciation |
$2,484 |
$4,439 |
Decrease Depreciation Expense |
($2,484) |
$1,069 |
($1,415) |
Plant Retirements
In Audit Disclosure No. 3, the auditors stated that the utility failed to make proper retirements for plant improvements and requested that the utility provide the proper retirement entries. The utility subsequently provided a response to this disclosure, which included the dates that the original plant items were placed in service and a copy of the original invoice for a retired filter on the Eagle Ridge plant. The utility also provided calculations for proper retirement entries consistent with its policy. Staff has reviewed the utility’s calculations and made one correction to make all of the entries consistent with the utility’s methodology. Based on the above, staff recommends that plant and accumulated depreciation each be decreased by $306,117 and depreciation expense be decreased by $16,789. The adjustments are shown below:
Plant Retirements -Disclosure No. 3
Adj. per Audit |
Add’l Adj. per Staff |
Total Staff Adjustment |
Decrease Plant |
$0 |
($306,117) |
($306,117) |
Decrease Accumulated Depreciation |
$0 |
$306,117 |
$306,117 |
Decrease Depreciation Expense |
$0 |
($16,789) |
($16,789) |
Pro Forma Plant
In its MFRs, the utility requested pro forma plant additions of $209,780. In Audit Disclosure No. 1, the auditors recommended adjustments to reflect the actual costs above those projected, and removed those projects that were improperly supported or scheduled to be completed in 2005. The auditors recommended total pro forma plant of $42,011. After reviewing the utility responses to several data requests, staff believes that pro forma plant should be increased by $130,000 to reflect the estimated cost of installing an aqua disk filter, as required by DEP. Staff also reduced the pro forma plant to retire the old filter at its original cost. Staff also made corresponding adjustments to accumulated depreciation and depreciation expense. The adjustments are shown below:
Pro Forma Plant Additions -Disclosure No. 1 |
Adj. per Audit |
Add’l Adj. per Staff |
Total Staff Adjustment |
Decrease Pro Forma Plant-per MFRs |
($167,769) |
$122,484 |
($45,285) |
Decrease Accumulated Depreciation |
$8,718 |
($6,812) |
$1,906 |
Decrease Depreciation Expense |
($8,718) |
$6,812 |
($1,906) |
Decrease Related Plant Retirements |
$0 |
($25,399) |
($25,399) |
Decrease Related Plant Accumulated Depreciation |
$0 |
$25,399 |
$25,399 |
Decrease Related Plant Depreciation Expense |
$0 |
($1,412) |
($1,412) |
Common Plant Allocation
In Audit Exception No. 5, the auditors stated that the utility’s general ledger did not include any common plant allocations from Water Services Corporation (WSC). WSC provides administrative services to the operating subsidiaries of Utilities, Inc. and Eagle Ridge’s share of common plant was $25,263. Staff recommends that Eagle Ridge’s plant be increased by $25,263 to reflect the appropriate allocation of WSC common plant, net of accumulated depreciation. No adjustment to depreciation expense is necessary because the utility correctly included those costs in allocated expenses.
Contributions in Aid of Construction (CIAC)
After the test year, a large church was added as a new general service customer. Because the growth in the service area is low, staff believes that this change should be made as a pro forma adjustment to the test year. Accordingly, staff has increased CIAC by $7,008 and made corresponding adjustments to accumulated amortization of CIAC, test year amortization of CIAC and test year revenues.
Below is a summary of staff’s recommended adjustments for this issue.
Accumulated |
Depreciation |
Plant |
Depreciation |
Expense |
Organization Cost (A/E 2) |
($14,483) |
$543 |
($362) |
Miscellaneous Plant (A/E 3 & 4) |
($27,081) |
4,439 |
($1,415) |
Retirements (A/D 3) |
($306,117) |
306,117 |
($16,789) |
Pro Forma Plant (A/D 1) |
(45,285) |
1,906 |
(1,906) |
Retirement on Pro Forma |
(25,399) |
25,399 |
(1,412) |
WSC Common Plant (A/E5) |
25,263 |
0 |
0 |
Total: |
($393,102) |
$338,404 |
($22,268) |
Accum. Amort. |
Test Year |
Test Year |
of CIAC |
Amortization |
Revenues |
Post-Test Year Customer |
($7,008) |
$304 |
($304) |
$1,563 |
Recommendation: The Eagle Ridge wastewater treatment plant is 90.25% used and useful. The Cross Creek wastewater treatment plant is 100% used and useful. The wastewater collection and reuse systems should be considered 100% used and useful. While no change to the utility’s percentage is recommended, staff has made adjustments addressed in Issue 2 and reclassifications to correct the amount of reuse related plant. This results in corresponding changes in the non-used and useful plant adjustments. (Redemann, Joyce)
Staff Analysis: Pursuant to Rule 25-30.432, Florida Administrative Code, used and useful for a wastewater treatment plant is to be calculated by comparing the test year flows and the DEP permitted capacity. The basis for the test year flows should be the same basis that DEP used to determine the permitted capacity. Other factors including growth, infiltration, inflow, and design capacity should also be considered. Eagle Ridge has two wastewater treatment plants, which are identified as Eagle Ridge and Cross Creek.
The utility proposed the following used and useful percentages for the Eagle Ridge and Cross Creek wastewater treatment facilities:
Wastewater Plant |
Collection Lines |
Reuse System |
Eagle Ridge |
90.25% |
100% |
100% |
Cross Creek |
100.00% |
100% |
100% |
The utility did not include a growth allowance in its calculations. The Eagle Ridge community is almost built out. There are four residential lots and a commercial parcel that have not yet been developed. The Cross Creek community is completely built out. Neither wastewater system appears to have a problem with infiltration or inflow. Section 367.0817(3), Florida Statutes, requires that all prudent costs of a reuse project be recovered in rates. Staff believes that the costs of the reuse systems are prudent. Therefore, staff recommends that the reuse plant should be considered 100% used and useful.
The utility calculated a composite used and useful factor of 94.06% to apply to the combined system plant, accumulated depreciation and depreciation expense accounts. Staff recommends that the utility’s proposed used and useful calculations are reasonable and should be accepted. Therefore, staff recommends that the Eagle Ridge wastewater treatment plant is 90.25% used and useful and the Cross Creek wastewater treatment plant is 100% used and useful. The wastewater collection and reuse systems should be considered 100% used and useful.To reflect adjustments recommended in Issue 2 and reclassifications of reuse related plant, staff has made corresponding adjustments to non-used and useful plant, as shown on the rate base and operating income adjustment Schedules 1-B and 3-B.
Recommendation: The appropriate working capital allowance is $68,800 using the balance sheet method. (Joyce)
Recommendation: The appropriate rate base for the test year ending December 31, 2002, is $1,413,897. (Joyce)
Staff Analysis: In its MFRs, Eagle Ridge made pro forma adjustments to employee salaries of $4,696, which represented an increase of 3.00%. The utility also made pro forma adjustments to increase health costs by $7,154, employee insurance costs by $4,333 and payroll taxes by $397. The health and employee insurance pro forma adjustments represented increases of 25.86% and 36.88%, respectively, over test year expenses.
MFR Estimated |
Utility Revised Actual &Estimated |
Staff Adjustments |
Total |
Filing Fee |
$3,500 |
$3,500 |
$0 |
$3,500 |
Legal Fees |
42,750 |
24,531 |
(5,592) |
18,939 |
Consultant Fees |
25,000 |
28,097 |
(3,629) |
24,468 |
WSC In-house Fees |
13,137 |
13,029 |
(1,260) |
11,769 |
Miscellaneous Expense |
19,250 |
4,179 |
(210) |
3,969 |
Total Rate Case Expense |
$103,634 |
$73,336 |
($10,690) |
$62,646 |
Amortization |
$25,909 |
$15,661 |
In its MFRs, the utility requested total rate case expense of $103,634, which amortized over four years would be $25,909. The utility’s revenue calculation should have reflected $25,909 in annual amortization but only reflected $6,477. In order to reflect the correct test year amortization, staff recommends that O&M expenses should be increased by $9,184.
Recommendation: Based on the adjustments discussed in previous issues, staff recommends that the test year wastewater operating income before any provision for increased revenues should be $57,642. (Joyce)
Staff Analysis: Staff recommends that the test year net operating loss/income before any revenue increase should be $57,642. Staff’s recommended NOI is reflected on Schedule No. 3-A, with adjustments shown on Schedule 3-B.
Recommendation: The following revenue requirement should be approved. (Joyce)
Test Year Revenues |
$ Increase |
Revenue Requirement |
% Increase |
$713,889 |
$98,955 |
$812,854 |
13.86% |
Staff Analysis: Eagle Ridge requested final rates designed to generate annual revenues of $836,821. These revenues exceed test year revenues by $124,485, or 17.48%.
Based upon staff’s recommendations concerning the underlying rate base, cost of capital, and operating income issues, staff recommends approval of rates that are designed to generate a revenue requirement of $812,854. These revenues exceed staff’s adjusted test year revenues by $98,955, or 13.86%. This increase will allow the utility the opportunity to recover its expenses and earn a 8.25% return on its investment in rate base.
Allocation of Revenues Recovered from Rates |
Gallons Wastewater Treated |
% to Total |
Revenues from Rates |
Eagle Ridge |
88,833 |
75.97% |
$616,305 |
Cross Creek |
28,106 |
24.03% |
$194,994 |
Total |
116,939 |
100.00% |
$811,299 |
Staff Analysis: By Order No. PSC-04-0415-PCO-SU, issued April 22, 2004, the Commission authorized the collection of interim wastewater rates, subject to refund, pursuant to Section 367.082, Florida Statutes. The approved interim revenue requirements are shown below:
Revenue Requirement |
Revenue Increase |
Percentage Increase |
Wastewater |
$775,002 |
$62,666 |
8.80% |
According to Section 367.082, Florida Statutes, any refund should be calculated to reduce the rate of return of the utility during the pendency of the proceeding to the same level within the range of the newly authorized rate of return. Adjustments made in the rate case test period that do not relate to the period that interim rates are in effect should be removed. Rate case expense is an example of an adjustment which is recovered only after final rates are established.
In this proceeding, the test period for establishment of interim and final rates is the twelve-month period ended December 31, 2002. Eagle Ridge’s approved interim rates did not include any provisions for pro forma or projected operating expenses or plant. The interim increase was designed to allow recovery of actual interest costs, and the floor of the last authorized range for equity earnings. To establish the proper refund amount, staff has calculated a revised interim revenue requirement utilizing the same data used to establish final rates. Rate case expense and the pro forma adjustments for a plant filter were excluded because those items are prospective in nature and did not occur during the interim collection period.
Using the principles discussed above, staff has calculated the interim revenue requirement for the interim collection period to be $778,309. The wastewater revenues for the interim collection period are greater than the interim revenues granted in Order No. PSC-04-0720-PCO-SU. Therefore, staff recommends that no interim refund should be required.
Staff Analysis: Section 367.0816, Florida Statutes, requires rates to be reduced immediately following the expiration of the four-year amortization period by the amount of the rate case expense previously included in the rates. The reduction will reflect the removal of revenues associated with the amortization of rate case expense and the gross-up for RAFs, which is $16,339. The decreased revenues will result in the rate reduction recommended by staff on Schedule No. 4.
The utility should be required to file revised tariff sheets and a proposed customer notice to reflect the Commission-approved rates. The approved rates should be effective for service rendered on or after the stamped approval date of the revised tariff sheets pursuant to Rule 25-40.475(1), Florida Administrative Code. The rates should not be implemented until staff has approved the proposed customer notice. The utility should provide proof of the date notice was given no less than 10 days after the date of the notice.
Utilities, Inc. of Eagle Ridge |
Schedule No. 1-A |
Schedule of Wastewater Rate Base |
Test Year Ended 12/31/02 |
Test Year |
Utility |
Adjusted |
Staff |
Staff |
Per |
Adjust- |
Test Year |
Adjust- |
Adjusted |
Description |
Utility |
ments |
Per Utility |
ments |
Test Year |
1 |
Utility Plant in Service |
$5,501,501 |
$103,112 |
$5,604,613 |
($393,102) |
$5,211,511 |
2 |
Land and Land Rights |
$38,246 |
$0 |
$38,246 |
$0 |
$38,246 |
3 |
Less: Non-used and Useful Plant |
$0 |
($132,313) |
($132,313) |
$16,114 |
($116,199) |
4 |
Construction Work in Progress |
$5,194 |
($5,194) |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
5 |
Less: Accumulated Depreciation |
($2,138,558) |
$419,850 |
($1,718,708) |
$338,404 |
($1,380,304) |
6 |
($3,542,656) |
($252,084) |
($3,794,740) |
($7,008) |
($3,801,748) |
7 |
Amortization of CIAC |
$1,924,053 |
($530,765) |
$1,393,288 |
$304 |
$1,393,592 |
8 |
Acquisition Adjustment-Net |
$133,383 |
($133,383) |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
9 |
Working Capital Allowance |
$0 |
$67,901 |
$67,901 |
$899 |
$68,800 |
Rate Base |
$1,921,163 |
($462,876) |
$1,458,287 |
($44,390) |
$1,413,897 |
Utilities, Inc. of Eagle Ridge |
Schedule No. 1-B |
Adjustments to Rate Base |
Test Year Ended 12/31/02 |
Explanation |
Wastewater |
Plant in Service |
1 |
Remove acquisition costs and unsupported additions (A/E 2) |
($14,483) |
2 |
Remove unsupported, misclassified and improper plant additions (A/E 3&4) |
($27,081) |
3 |
Adj for retirements not made |
($306,117) |
4 |
Adj for pro forma additions to plant |
($45,285) |
5 |
Adjust for proforma retirement |
($25,399) |
6 |
To reflect adjustment to WSC allocation |
$25,263 |
7 |
Total |
($393,102) |
Non-Used and Useful |
To reflect staff's recommended adjustment |
$16,114 |
Accumulated Depreciation |
1 |
Remove acquisition costs |
$543 |
2 |
Remove unsupported, misclassified and improper plant additions (A/E 3&4) |
$4,439 |
3 |
Adj for retirements not made |
$306,117 |
4 |
Adj for pro forma additions to plant |
$1,906 |
5 |
Retirement related to pro forma plant |
$25,399 |
6 |
Total |
$338,404 |
To record CIAC for new church in service area |
Accumulated Amortization of CIAC |
To record CIAC Amortization for new church |
$304 |
Working Capital |
To reduce to 1/8 O&M expense |
$899 |
Utilities, Inc. of Eagle Ridge |
Schedule No. 2 |
Capital Structure |
Test Year Ended 12/31/02 |
Specific |
Pro Rata |
Capital |
Total |
Adjust- |
Adjust- |
Reconciled |
Cost |
Weighted |
Description |
Capital |
ments |
ments |
To Rate Base |
Ratio |
Rate |
Cost |
Per Utility |
1 |
Long-term Debt |
94,090,081 |
0 |
(93,380,094) |
709,987 |
48.69% |
7.56% |
3.68% |
2 |
Short-term Debt |
11,824,500 |
0 |
(11,735,338) |
89,162 |
6.11% |
3.93% |
0.24% |
4 |
Common Equity |
77,021,455 |
0 |
(76,440,381) |
581,074 |
39.85% |
11.97% |
4.77% |
5 |
Customer Deposits |
39,336 |
0 |
0 |
39,336 |
2.70% |
6.00% |
0.16% |
6 |
Deferred Income Taxes |
38,728 |
0 |
0 |
38,728 |
2.66% |
0.00% |
0.00% |
7 |
Total Capital |
183,014,100 |
0 |
(181,555,813) |
1,458,287 |
100.00% |
8.85% |
Per Staff |
8 |
Long-term Debt |
94,090,081 |
0 |
(93,427,199) |
662,882 |
46.88% |
7.56% |
3.54% |
9 |
Short-term Debt |
11,824,500 |
0 |
(11,741,194) |
83,306 |
5.89% |
3.93% |
0.23% |
11 |
Common Equity |
77,021,455 |
0 |
(76,478,824) |
542,631 |
38.38% |
11.21% |
4.30% |
12 |
Customer Deposits |
39,336 |
0 |
0 |
39,336 |
2.78% |
6.00% |
0.17% |
13 |
Deferred Income Taxes |
38,728 |
47,014 |
0 |
85,742 |
6.06% |
0.00% |
0.00% |
14 |
Total Capital |
183,014,100 |
47,014 |
(181,647,217) |
1,413,897 |
100.00% |
8.25% |
Low |
High |
Return on Equity |
10.21% |
12.21% |
Overall Rate of Return |
7.86% |
8.63% |
Staff Adjustment |
Adjust deferred taxes for bonus depreciation |
$47,014 |
Utilities, Inc. of Eagle Ridge |
Schedule No. 3-A |
Statement of Wastewater Operations |
Test Year Ended 12/31/02 |
Test Year |
Utility |
Adjusted |
Staff |
Staff |
Per |
Adjust- |
Test Year |
Adjust- |
Adjusted |
Revenue |
Revenue |
Description |
Utility |
ments |
Per Utility |
ments |
Test Year |
Increase |
Requirement |
1 |
Operating Revenues |
$698,437 |
$138,384 |
$836,821 |
($122,922) |
$713,899 |
$98,955 |
$812,854 |
13.86% |
Operating Expenses |
2 |
Operation & Maintenance |
$527,028 |
$22,660 |
$549,688 |
$708 |
$550,396 |
$550,396 |
3 |
Depreciation-Net |
$67,737 |
$9,680 |
$77,417 |
($22,268) |
$55,149 |
$55,149 |
5 |
Taxes Other Than Income |
$47,710 |
$6,970 |
$54,680 |
($5,110) |
$49,570 |
$4,453 |
$54,023 |
6 |
Income Taxes |
($3,699) |
$29,676 |
$25,977 |
($24,835) |
$1,142 |
$35,561 |
$36,704 |
7 |
Total Operating Expenses |
$638,776 |
$68,986 |
$707,762 |
($51,505) |
$656,257 |
$40,014 |
$696,272 |
8 |
Operating Income |
$59,661 |
$69,398 |
$129,059 |
($71,417) |
$57,642 |
$58,941 |
$116,583 |
9 |
Rate Base |
$1,921,163 |
$1,458,287 |
$1,413,897 |
$1,413,897 |
10 |
Rate of Return |
3.11% |
8.85% |
4.08% |
8.25% |
Utilities, Inc. of Eagle Ridge |
Schedule No. 3-B |
Adjustments to Operating Income |
Test Year Ended 12/31/02 |
Explanation |
Wastewater |
Operating Revenues |
1 |
Remove requested final revenue increase |
($124,485) |
2 |
Adj for Revenue from new church in service area |
$1,563 |
3 |
Total |
($122,922) |
Operation & Maintenance Expense |
1 |
Remove pro forma salary adjustments & reflect 3 year average salary levels |
($4,696) |
2 |
Remove pro forma health cost |
($4,491) |
3 |
Remove proforma insurance expense |
$711 |
4 |
To reflect annual rate case expense amortization |
$9,184 |
Total |
$708 |
Depreciation Expense - Net |
1 |
Remove acquisition costs |
($362) |
2 |
Remove unsupported, misclassified and improper plant additions (A/E 3&4) |
($1,415) |
3 |
Adj for retirements not made |
($16,789) |
6 |
Adj for pro forma additions to plant |
($1,906) |
7 |
Retirement related to pro forma plant |
($1,412) |
8 |
Non-used & useful depreciation |
($80) |
9 |
Record CIAC amortization for new church |
($304) |
Total |
($22,268) |
Taxes Other Than Income |
1 |
RAFs on revenue adjustments above |
($5,531) |
2 |
Remove taxes on salary adjustments |
($397) |
3 |
Remove non-used & useful property taxes |
$818 |
Total |
($5,110) |
Income Taxes |
To adjust to test year income tax expense |
($24,835) |
Utilities, Inc. of Eagle Ridge |
Schedule 4 |
Wastewater Monthly Bills |
Test Year Ended 12/31/02 |
Rates |
Commission |
Utility |
Staff |
4-Year |
Prior to |
Approved |
Requested |
Recomm. |
Rate |
Filing |
Interim |
Final |
Final |
Reduction |
Residential – Eagle Ridge |
Base Facility Charge - All Meters: |
$14.18 |
$15.43 |
$16.66 |
$16.49 |
$0.33 |
Gallonage charge(per 1,000 gallons) |
10,000 gallons maximum |
$3.49 |
$3.80 |
$4.10 |
$3.35 |
$0.07 |
General Service and Multi-Residential – Eagle Ridge |
Base Facility Charge by Meter Size |
5/8" x 3/4" |
$14.18 |
$15.43 |
$16.66 |
$16.49 |
$0.33 |
1" |
$35.44 |
$23.15 |
$41.65 |
$41.23 |
$0.83 |
1-1/2" |
$70.87 |
$77.12 |
$83.28 |
$82.45 |
$1.66 |
2" |
$113.39 |
$123.39 |
$133.25 |
$131.92 |
$2.66 |
3" |
$226.80 |
$246.80 |
$266.52 |
$263.85 |
$5.32 |
4" |
$354.39 |
$385.63 |
$416.46 |
$412.26 |
$8.32 |
6" |
$708.80 |
$771.29 |
$832.94 |
$824.52 |
$16.63 |
Gallonage Charge, per 1,000 Gallons |
$3.49 |
$3.80 |
$4.10 |
$4.02 |
$0.08 |
Cross Creek |
Flat Rate, per mo per unit |
$13.69 |
$14.90 |
$16.09 |
$17.96 |
$0.36 |
Typical Residential Bills - Eagle Ridge |
3,000 Gallons |
$24.65 |
$26.83 |
$28.96 |
$26.54 |
5,000 Gallons |
$31.63 |
$34.43 |
$37.16 |
$33.24 |
10,000 Gallons |
$49.08 |
$53.43 |
$57.66 |
$49.99 |