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State of Florida
Public Service Commission
Capital Circle Office Center 2540 Shumard Oak Boulevard
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0850
TO: |
Director, Division of the Commission Clerk &
Administrative Services (Bayó) |
Office of the General
Counsel (Gervasi, Helton) |
RE: |
08/29/06 – Regular Agenda – Proposed Agency Action Except Issue 10 –
Interested Persons May Participate |
On January 23, 2006, Commission staff conducted a workshop to discuss damage to electric utility facilities resulting from recent hurricanes and to explore ways of minimizing future storm damages and customer outages. State and local government officials, independent technical experts, and Florida’s electric utilities participated in the workshop. On January 30, 2006, some participants filed post-workshop comments.
At the February
27, 2006, Internal Affairs, staff briefed the Commission on recommended actions
to address the effects of extreme weather events on electric infrastructure. The Commission also heard comments from
interested persons and
Staff would file a proposed agency action
recommendation for the
3) A docket would be opened to initiate rulemaking to adopt distribution construction standards that are more stringent than the minimum safety requirements of the National Electrical Safety Code.
4) A docket would be opened to initiate rulemaking to identify areas and circumstances where distribution facilities should be required to be constructed underground.
On April 25, 2006, in this docket, the Commission issued Order No. PSC-06-0351-PAA-EI, requiring the investor-owned electric utilities to file plans and estimated implementation costs for ten ongoing storm preparedness initiatives on or before June 1, 2006. The ten ongoing initiatives are:
1) A Three-year Vegetation Management Cycle for Distribution Circuits,
2) An Audit of Joint-Use Attachment Agreements,
3) A Six-year Transmission Structure Inspection Program,
4) Hardening of Existing Transmission Structures,
5) A Transmission and Distribution Geographic Information System,
6) Post-Storm Data Collection and Forensic Analysis,
7) Collection of Detailed Outage Data Differentiating Between the
Reliability Performance of Overhead and Underground Systems,
8) Increased Utility Coordination with Local Governments,
9) Collaborative Research on Effects of Hurricane Winds and Storm Surge,
10) A Natural Disaster Preparedness and Recovery Program.
The initiatives listed above are not intended to encompass all reasonable ongoing storm preparedness initiatives. Rather, the Commission viewed these initiatives as the starting point of an ongoing process. The docket was kept open for the Commission to address the adequacy of the utility’s plans.
This recommendation addresses the adequacy of the investor-owned electric utility plans for implementing the ten initiatives for ongoing storm preparedness identified in Order No. PSC-06-0351-PAA-EI. The plans filed by the investor-owned electric utilities are discussed in Issues 1 through 8 and in Attachment A. In Issue 9, staff presents a method for monitoring each utility’s ongoing storm hardening initiatives.
Staff informally asked each municipal electric utility and rural electric cooperative utility to voluntarily file plans regarding the ten initiatives identified in the Order. A summary of the filed plans of the municipal electric utilities and rural electric cooperative utilities are discussed in Issue 10 and in Attachments B and C.
The Commission has jurisdiction
pursuant to Sections 366.04(2)(c), (2)(f), and (5), 366.05(7), Florida
Issue 1:
Are each of the investor-owned electric utility plans for vegetation management for distribution equivalent to or better than a three-year trim cycle in terms of cost and reliability for purposes of preparing for future storms?
The plans filed by Tampa Electric Company and
Florida Public Utilities Company comply with the three-year trim cycle requirement
of Order No.
Staff Analysis:
Initiative 1 –Three-Year
Vegetation Management Cycle for Distribution Circuits.
In Order No.
Consequently, the Commission required each investor-owned electric utility to provide plans, a timeline for implementation, and cost estimates to implement a three-year trim cycle for all distribution circuits unless shown to be cost prohibitive. The plan should enumerate minimum performance requirements. The Commission provided for utility specific flexibility. The Order states that any “alternatives proposed by the utility shall be compared to a three-year trim cycle and must be shown to be equivalent or better in terms of cost and reliability for purposes of preparing for future storms.”
Each investor-owned electric utility filed plans on
Individual Plans
As shown by the summary on page 1 of Attachment A, Tampa
Electric Company (TECO) and Florida Public Utilities Company (FPUC) plan to
comply with the three-year tree trim cycle for all distribution circuits. Florida Power & Light Company (
Table 1
Summary of Vegetation Management Options Considered by FPL
Vegetation Management Initiative |
Average Annual Costs ($millions) |
Average Annual Incremental Costs ($millions) |
Annual Avoided Storm Outages (measured by Customer
Interruption or “CI” |
Average Cost per Avoided CI |
Recommended 3-year cycle for all distribution circuits |
$102.5 |
$43.5 |
155,000 |
$280 |
$71.9 |
$12.9 |
100,000 |
$129 |
$59.0 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
with its current tree trimming practice,
Staff believes
PEF: As shown by the summary on page 1 of Attachment A, PEF’s plan is an alternative to a three-year tree trim cycle for all distribution circuits. PEF calls for a fully integrated vegetation management program using a number of prioritization ranking factors for targeted trimming to balance the cycle trimming approach. PEF believes its program is better than a three-year tree trim cycle for all distribution circuits. PEF estimates that a three-year cycle for all circuits would immediately increase costs by approximately $7 million in the first year and could increase its overall budget by more than 3% per year.
PEF’s plan includes a goal of a three-year average trim
cycle. However, PEF has not shown whether
it has achieved that goal or whether it will increase the trim frequency to
move toward that goal. PEF provided
reasons why it believes its alternative is better. However, its plan provides no quantitative
comparisons of the costs and benefits similar to
As more data becomes available, PEF’s plan should be re-evaluated annually to assess the need for any adjustment. This annual assessment should be conducted consistent with the discussion in Issues 5 (Data Collection) and 9 (Annual Review). In particular, to ensure the level of vegetation management is achieving the Commission’s goal of reducing future storm impact, the company needs to collect forensic data to evaluate the correlation between the storm-related CI and the frequency of the trim cycles.
TECO: As shown by the summary on page 1 of Attachment A, TECO’s plan calls for targeted tree trimming. The company will ensure that every circuit is trimmed every three years. TECO alleges contractor resource constraints due to increased demand. TECO is planning a phased-in approach to transition from the current vegetation management program to the three year program. A two to three year transition period is planned to stabilize costs and conduct training. Staff believes that TECO’s plan complies with the three-year trim cycle recommended in the Order when fully implemented. As more data becomes available, TECO’s plan should be re-evaluated annually to assess the need for any adjustment. This annual assessment should be conducted consistent with the discussion in Issues 5 and 9.
GULF: As shown by the summary on page 1 of Attachment A, GULF’s plan is an alternative to a three-year tree trim cycle for all distribution circuits. Its plan is to continue its current reliability-based program. GULF’s reliability-based program targets vegetation based on the following priorities: Trouble Ticket Pruning, Targeted Hot Spot Pruning, and Full Maintenance Pruning. Gulf described its Full Maintenance Pruning as follows: If the field patrol determines that reliability is deteriorating due to the overall condition of vegetation on the entire circuit, then the entire circuit will be scheduled for pruning. In full maintenance pruning, the main feeder as well as all taps and laterals will be pruned to establish a minimum of three-years of clearance on the entire circuit. In addition, small trees on the right-of-way that will present future problems will be removed.
GULF does not believe a cyclical approach is better with respect to the impact on storm hardening. GULF asserts that the vast majority of tree caused outages during storms have historically been caused by trees falling into the road right-of-way. GULF believes neither cyclical nor reliability based programs would have a significant impact on these trees. GULF estimates that a three-year cycle for all circuits would require an annual budget of $7.4 million, representing an annual incremental cost of $4.2 million.
In its response to staff’s data request, GULF states that it is evaluating a process that will ensure each distribution circuit is evaluated on a cyclical basis. An appropriate cycle will be established for each circuit to insure it is evaluated with respect to potential for storm damage. Circuits with a high customer count and heavy forest cover will be evaluated on a shorter cycle than will circuits with no forest cover. The entire circuit, main feeder lines and laterals, will be evaluated and vegetation concerns will be corrected. Critical circuits in heavily forested areas may be evaluated for trimming annually while circuits on the beach may not require evaluation on a regular basis. It is conceivable that the frequency of circuit specific trim cycles could range from one to ten years. GULF estimates the annual incremental cost of this program would be approximately $1,000,000.
Staff notes that GULF is the only company that does not
incorporate a cyclical approach in its plan.
While staff believe GULF’s assumption regarding outages caused by trees
falling into the road right-of-way may be valid for major storms with extreme
winds, staff also believes cyclical trimming should result in fewer
storm-related customer interruptions for named storms with wind speeds less
than 100 miles per hour, as indicated by
The Order requires that “alternatives proposed by the
utility shall be compared to a three-year trim cycle and must be shown to be
equivalent or better in terms of cost and reliability for purposes of preparing
for future storms.” GULF’s responses to
staff’s data request stated reasons why it believes its alternative is better. However, GULF provided no quantitative
comparisons of the costs and benefits similar to
FPUC: As shown by the summary on page 1 of Attachment A, FPUC’s plan calls for a three-year trim cycle for all feeders. For laterals, FPUC plan includes a three-year trim cycle for the NE division and an alternative of a five-year trim cycle for its NW division. Subsequent to its filing, FPUC provided additional clarification that the company will implement the three-year tree trim cycle for all distribution circuits. Based on FPUC’s clarifications, staff believes FPUC’s plan complies with the order requirement of a three-year trim cycle. As more data becomes available, FPUC’s plan should be re-evaluated annually to assess the need for any adjustment. This annual assessment should be conducted consistent with the discussion in Issues 5 and 9.
Based on the forgoing, staff believes the plans filed by
The alternative plans filed by PEF and GULF are based on their current vegetation management programs. They do not contain a method or data for staff to conduct the necessary ongoing review to ensure that they are equivalent to or better than a three-year trim cycle in terms of cost and reliability for purposes of preparing for future storms. Staff believes their current plans should be revised. Staff will work with the two companies to bring their plans to full compliance with the Order.
Staff recommends that all plans should be re-evaluated annually to assess the need for any adjustment. This annual assessment should be conducted consistent with the discussion in Issues 5 and 9.
Issue 2:
Does each investor-owned electric utility’s plans for auditing its joint-use attachment agreements include pole strength assessments and attachment verification?
Yes. Each utility’s plan for auditing its joint-use attachment agreements includes pole strength assessments, but plans should be re-evaluated annually to assess the need for any adjustment. This annual assessment should be conducted consistent with the discussion in Issue 9. (Swearingen, Gervasi)
Staff Analysis:
Initiative 2 –Audit of
Joint-Use Attachment Agreements.
In Order No. PSC-06-0351-PAA-EI, the Commission found that
Consequently, the Commission required each investor-owned electric utility to provide plans, a timeline for implementation, costs, and rate impacts to audit joint-use agreements that include pole strength assessments. The plans should enumerate minimum performance requirements. The Commission provided for utility specific flexibility.
Staff’ Review
Each investor-owned electric utility filed plans on
FPL: Currently, FPL partners with CATV and telecommunication companies to complete system wide pole attachment surveys on a five-year cycle. The system wide attachment surveys focus on compliance issues associated with existing pole attachment agreements for all FPL-owned and third-party-owned poles. The current attachment surveys do not explicitly include pole strength assessments. Prospectively, FPL proposes to include pole strength assessments addressing the impacts of existing pole attachments in conjunction with its eight-year wooden pole inspection program. Data on the poles will be collected and stored in an information database. FPL will continue to verify all attachments have been made pursuant to a current joint-use agreement on a five-year cycle system-wide pole attachment survey. FPL’s plan will be implemented in January 2007 at an estimated incremental annual cost of $1.2 to 2.5 million.
PEF: PEF currently performs a pole agreement compliance audit on a five-year cycle. The current pole attachment compliance audit does not explicitly address pole strength assessments. PEF has developed a plan that includes pole strength assessment for all PEF-owned and third-party-owned poles in conjunction with its eight-year wood pole inspection cycle. Data on the poles will be collected and stored in electronic format. PEF will continue to verify all attachments have been made pursuant to a current joint-use agreement on a five-year cycle. PEF initiated this plan in 2006 with completion cycles of eight years and an estimated incremental annual cost of $80,000.
TECO: Currently, TECO performs periodic inspections and/or audits of all joint-use attachments to its facilities. TECO has proposed a plan to audit all joint-use agreements including pole strength assessment for all TECO-owned and third-party-owned poles. This audit will be performed in conjunction with its eight-year wood pole inspection cycle. Stress calculation will also be performed on poles during the eight-year inspection cycle. Data on the poles will be collected and stored in a GIS database. TECO will verify all attachments have been made pursuant to a current joint-use agreement including strength assessments during the eight-year pole inspection cycle. TECO’s plan will be implemented in January 2007 with a completion cycle of eight-years at an estimated annual cost of $5 million. TECO’s cost estimate associated with Initiative 2 does not appear comparable to estimates of the other utilities because TECO’s cost estimate of $5 million is commingled with its cost to perform pole inspections.
GULF: Since 1991, GULF has
conducted field audits of joint-use poles every five years. GULF has proposed a plan to audit all
joint-use agreements of GULF-owned poles and third-party-owned poles on a five-year
cycle. Pole strength assessments and stress calculations will be performed on a
5% random sample of GULF-owned poles that are 20 years old or more and have three
or more attachments. Data on poles will
be collected and stored in a database. GULF will verify all attachments have
been made pursuant to a current joint-use agreement on a five-year cycle. GULF will use results of its 2006 survey to
revise its cost estimates and scope of work for 2007. Preliminary cost estimates for 2007 show a $5.375
million increase relative to 2005.
GULF’s cost estimate associated with just Initiative 2 appears to
include activities and costs to perform pole inspections on an eight-year cycle.
FPUC: FPUC’s plan was silent
on how the utility currently audits joint-use attachment agreements. FPUC has
proposed a plan to audit all joint-use agreements including pole strength
assessment for all FPUC-owned and third-party-owned poles. This audit will be
performed in conjunction with its eight-year wood pole inspection cycle. Stress
calculation will also be performed on poles during the eight-year inspection
cycle. Data on the poles will be collected and stored in a database. FPUC’s
plan will be implemented in January 2007 with a completion cycle of eight-years
at an estimated annual cost of $20,300.
Staff recommends that each of the utilities’ plans for auditing joint-use attachment agreements include strength assessments and are consistent with the intent of Order No. PSC-06-0351-PAA-EI. All plans should be re-evaluated annually to assess the need for any adjustment. This annual assessment should be conducted consistent with the discussion in Issue 9.
Issue 3:
Is each investor-owned electric utility’s plan for a transmission structure inspection program equivalent to a six-year inspection cycle methodology in terms of cost and reliability?
Yes, each utility’s transmission structure inspection plan is consistent with the intent of the Order Staff recommends continued monitoring of each utility’s transmission structure inspection program. This annual assessment should be conducted consistent with the discussion in Issue 9. (Breman, McRoy, Gervasi)
Staff Analysis:
Initiative 3 – A Six-year Transmission
Structure Inspection Program
In Order No. PSC-06-0351-PAA-EI, the Commission was “not convinced that current utility transmission facility inspections are adequate to prepare for future storms.”
Consequently, the Commission required each investor-owned electric utility to provide plans, a timeline for implementation, costs, and rate impacts to implement a plan for fully inspecting all transmission towers and other transmission line supporting equipment on a six-year cycle. The Commission provided for utility specific flexibility. The Order states that any “alternatives shall be compared to a six-year inspection cycle methodology and must be shown to be equivalent or better in terms of cost and reliability for purposes of preparing for future storms.”
The Commission noted that Order No. PSC-06-0144-PAA-EI[1] does not address whether an eight year inspection cycle for all transmission facilities is adequate to prepare for future storms. Also, Order No. PSC-06-0144-PAA-EI does not address the full inspection of all transmission poles, towers, and other line supporting structures. Therefore, the Commission required each investor-owned electric utility to develop a plan to fully inspect on a six-year cycle all transmission structures, substations, and all hardware associated with these facilities that are not already addressed by Order No. PSC-06-0144-PAA-EI.
Each investor-owned electric utility filed plans on
FPL: FPL’s prior transmission structure inspection program focused on performing detailed inspections on ten percent of its transmission structures every four years and fully inspecting substations every three months. FPL is now increasing its sample and inspection methodology to achieve what it believes to be “the equivalent of a non-sample six-year inspection cycle.” The estimated increase in annual inspection costs is $2.3 million. FPL is currently implementing upgrades to its transmission structure inspection program this year.
PEF: PEF’s existing transmission structure inspection program is indexed to a five-year cycle for structures. PEF completes a full inspection of its substations once per year. PEF is not proposing any changes to its current program. PEF will not incur any incremental costs associated with transmission structure inspections.
TECO: TECO’s plan establishes a six-year transmission structure inspection program consistent with the requirements of the Order. The estimated increase in annual inspection costs and additional maintenance is $2.97 million. TECO currently completes a full inspection of its substations once per year and no enhancements of substation inspection activities are planned.
GULF: GULF fully inspects its substations annually and schedules inspections of its transmission structures based on achieving a six-year inspection cycle for all of its facilities. GULF will not incur any incremental costs associated with transmission structure inspections.
FPUC: FPUC is developing a program for inspecting its transmission structures on a six-year cycle. The program includes coordination with customers who own transmission structures. The estimated increase in annual inspection costs is $18,000. FPUC currently fully inspects its substations at least once per year and no enhancements of substation inspection activities are planned.
Staff recommends that the Commission find that each of the utility’s transmission structure inspection plan is consistent with the intent of Order No. PSC-06-0351-PAA-EI. Over time, as each utility collects and reviews its storm performance data, each utility will become better able to address the adequacy of its efforts to prepare for future storms. Staff recommends continued monitoring of each utility’s transmission structure inspection program consistent with the discussion in Issue 9.
Issue 4:
Is each investor-owned electric utility’s plan for hardening existing transmission structures adequate for purposes of preparing for future storms?
Yes. Based on the available information, the Commission should find that each utility’s transmission plan for hardening existing transmission structures is consistent with the intent of Order No. PSC-06-0351-PAA-EI. As utilities implement their forensic data collection procedures, each utility will become better able to address the adequacy of its efforts to prepare for future storms. Staff recommends continued monitoring of each utility’s plans for hardening existing transmission structures consistent with the discussion in Issue 9. (Breman, McRoy, Gervasi)
Staff Analysis:
Initiative 4 – Hardening of
Existing Transmission Structures.
In Order No. PSC-06-0351-PAA-EI, the Commission concluded that the electric utilities “have not shown the extent of utility efforts in this area nor the criteria used to select which transmission structures are upgraded or replaced.”
Consequently, the Commission required each investor-owned electric utility to provide a plan, a timeline for implementation, costs, and rate impacts to implement a plan to upgrade and replace existing transmission structures. The Commission provided for utility specific flexibility. The Order states that “the plan shall include the scope of activity, any limiting factors, and the criteria used for selecting transmission upgrades and replacements.”
Each investor-owned electric utility filed plans on
FPL: FPL currently upgrades its existing transmission structures during road-way relocation projects and as other maintenance activities provide cost-efficient opportunities. Two specific activities included in its program include upgrading un-guyed single wood pole transmission structures and replacement of ceramic post line insulators with a type of polymer insulators to ensure the structures meet extreme wind load criteria. FPL estimates these two activities will be completed within 10 to 15 years. FPL projects an increased level of transmission upgrade activities relative to 2005 resulting in additional annual expenses between $3.3 and $6 million beginning in 2007.
PEF: PEF currently upgrades
its existing transmission structures during road-way relocation projects and as
other maintenance activities provide cost-efficient opportunities. A primary component in its plan includes
changing out existing wooden transmission poles with either concrete or
steel. Over the next ten years, PEF
estimates the program will reduce the percentage of wooden transmission poles
from 75 percent to 50 percent. PEF does
not plan to expand its existing program at this time. Consequently, PEF is not expected to incur
any costs associated with any incremental changes to its plan relative to 2005.
TECO: TECO currently
upgrades its existing transmission structures during road-way relocation
projects and as other maintenance activities provide cost-efficient
opportunities. TECO’s plan includes the
systematic replacement of wooden transmission structures with non-wooden
structures based primarily on pole inspection results. TECO does not plan to expand its existing
program at this time. Consequently, TECO
is not expected to incur any costs associated with any incremental changes to
its plan relative to 2005.
GULF: GULF currently
upgrades its existing transmission structures during road-way relocation
projects, and as other maintenance activities provide cost-efficient
opportunities. GULF’s plan includes a
five-year program to install storm guys on H-frame transmission structures not
currently guyed. In addition, GULF began
a ten-year program to replace all wooden cross-arms with steel. For new construction beginning in 2007, GULF
will implement a “loss of conductor” contingency design standard. A “loss of conductor” contingency is a design
standard directed at avoiding cascading transmission tower failures. In 2007, GULF will begin incurring
approximately $600,000 in incremental annual capital construction costs
relative to 2005.
FPUC: FPUC plans to replace 180 wooden transmission poles on its system with concrete poles as necessary and economically practicable. The total project costs are estimated to be $4.5 million for replacement of all 180 wooden transmission poles. To date, FPUC has not established a timeline for completing the pole change outs because the poles are currently sound, and transmission line upgrades that may require stronger poles have not been scheduled at this time.
Based on the available information, staff believes the Commission should find that each utility’s transmission plans for hardening existing transmission structures is consistent with the intent of Order No. PSC-06-0351-PAA-EI. Utilities are in the process of implementing forensic data collection. Over time, as each utility collects and reviews its storm performance data, each utility will become better able to address the adequacy of its efforts to prepare for future storms. Staff recommends continued monitoring of each utility’s plans for hardening existing transmission structures consistent with the discussion in Issue 9.
Issue 5:
Are each investor-owned electric utility’s plans for a transmission and distribution geographic information system (Initiative 5), post-storm data collection, and forensic reviews (Initiative 6), and assessing performance of overhead and underground systems (Initiative 7) adequate for purposes of improving its storm restoration activities and evaluation of its storm hardening options?
Yes. The Commission should find that each utility’s plans are consistent with the Order. Each utility’s implementation of its plan should be monitored consistent with the discussion in Issue 9. (Matlock, Gervasi)
Staff Analysis:
The following three initiatives are addressed together because effective implementation of anyone initiative is dependent on effective implementation of the other two initiatives.
Initiative 5 – A Transmission
and Distribution Geographic Information System
Initiative 6 – Post-Storm Data
Collection and Forensic Analysis,
Initiative 7 – Collection of
Detailed Outage Data Differentiating Between Overhead and Underground Systems.
In Order No.
The Order also states “[i]n addition to the general need to increase post-storm data collection, utilities shall collect specific storm performance data that differentiates between overhead and underground system. Data regarding overhead and underground system performance is needed to adequately inform customers and communities who are considering their options. The same data is needed by the utility to address storm hardening options that reduce storm damage, storm restoration costs, and customer outages.”
Consequently, the Commission required each investor-owned
electric utility to provide a plan, timeline for implementation, costs, and
rate impacts to implement plans to develop a
Individual Plans
investor-owned electric utility filed plans on
For forensic data collection and analysis,
PEF: Although PEF’s present
PEF has established procedures for gathering post-storm performance data for the 2006 hurricane season. The goal of PEF’s data gathering procedures is to be able to provide the PEF Forensic Assessor (distribution) and a consultant (transmission) with the data gathered so that each will be able to make recommendations for improvements in its system. PEF’s plans include assessing differences in damage sustained between underground and overhead facilities and determining whether customer outages are caused by failures in underground or overhead components. PEF plans estimated cost to comply with Initiatives 5, 6, and 7 will be $8.8 million initially for developing its computer system and inspecting its facilities, with an annual maintenance cost of $0.3 million and a per storm cost of $0.9 million.
TECO: TECO began to
implement a new distribution and transmission
GULF: GULF presently has a
FPUC: FPUC, NW Florida
Division, presently has a
Staff recommends that the Commission find the utilities” filed plans adequate for carrying out Initiatives 5, 6, and 7. Staff further recommends that utility implementation of the plans be monitored consistent with the discussion in Issue 9.
Issue 6:
Are the utility plans for increased coordination with local governments adequate to foster better communication between the utilities and the cities and counties they serve, not only prior to and immediately after a storm, but year-round to identify and address issues of common concern?
Yes. While no objective metrics exist to quantify community coordination, the investor-owned electric utilities have filed draft plans which appear to inform and encourage joint participation with cities and counties and resolve common issues. Staff recommends continued monitoring of the implementation of the plans as discussed in Issue 9. (Jopling, Kummer, Gervasi)
Staff Analysis:
Initiative 8 – Increased Coordination with
Local Governments
Order No. PSC-06-0351-PAA-EI noted that the electric utilities needed to develop “better communication between the utilities and the cities and counties they serve.” The goal of this better communications is to promote on-going dialogue, in addition to the general need to increase pre-and post-storm coordination. The increased coordination and communication will also facilitate the collection and analysis of more detailed information on the operational characteristics of underground and overhead systems. This additional data is also necessary to more fully inform customers and communities who are considering undergrounding as an option, as well as to assess the most cost effective storm hardening.
One example of better coordination was suggested at the
We want to be the eyes and ears for FPL. We have offered…[to] … train our public service people, our public safety people, especially after a hurricane or even on an ongoing basis during the year, as to what to look for in their infrastructure. If they could teach us what to look for as far as poles being bad or wires being bad or fuses hanging or loose ends hanging, our folks as they routinely do this through code enforcement, through the fire department, through the police department, are happy to go out there and take a look. Even our citizens on patrol…turn in half of the code violations anyway…they can report all that, they can create a list…
To facilitate increased governmental interaction, the Commission required each IOU to provide a plan, detailing activities, a timeline for implementation, and associated cost and rate impacts for expanding any existing program or initiating new utility/local government liaison programs. The goal of increased discussion is to reach some accommodation or agreement on mutual concerns and to prioritize needs, within the given time and financial constraints. This could include not only optimal system planning or upgrades such as undergrounding or expansion of facilities but also tree trimming and storm restoration priorities.
Individual Plans
Each investor-owned electric utility filed plans on
FPL: FPL’s plan consists of
three subsections, each addressing a different mode of operation: (1) Storm Mode, (2) Storm Recovery Mode, and
(3) Normal Operations. The plan
subsections addressing Storm Mode and Storm Recovery Mode include the traditional
pre-storm planning and post-storm restoration activities and indicate that FPL
is increasing the level of pre/post storm related information shared with local
governments. Noted in the plan is an
annual campaign to identify special needs customers under the Medically
Essential Program to alert local officials to customers who may need extra care
in relocation and service restoration.
FPL will continue to coordinate with each local emergency operation
center (EOC) before and after storms and has pledged to have FPL
representatives in
Under its plan for Normal Operations, FPL will expand its
existing “Right Tree,
The costs associated with FPL’s planned enhancements are for program startup as well as training local governmental participants. Initial startup costs are estimated to be $125,000 and the ongoing annual expense associated with training is estimated to be $12,000. FPL provided supplemental data addressing training of local governmental volunteers to find and report potential reliability concerns. FPL states its plan will not be fully operational until the first part of 2007.
PEF: While PEF did not propose any additional programs, it did note planned improvements in its storm preparedness coordination and its information update activities associated with storm restoration. Improvements include more efficient process and reporting mechanisms to facilitate easier use by city and county governments. PEF also plans to enhance its educational efforts to prepare customers for storm related activities and coordinate with local governments on prioritizing local restoration activities.
As part of its response to the July 14 meeting, PEF provided a detailed list of activities envisioned for a cross functional team to improve staff training and communications. This team will include representatives in the areas of public policy, community relations and commercial/industrial and governmental accounting. As part of the implementation of this cross functional team, PEF notes that more than 70 employees will be utilized to support these communication efforts. An in-house improvement to facilitate better communication includes a task specific electronic site to insure that information is timely updated. Continuing interaction with community representatives will provide feedback on the effectiveness of existing programs and form the basis for changes. Communications with local governments will be through mailings, coordination meetings, update calls, e-mails and workshops. In addition, PEF states it is in the process of revising its existing underground conversion tariff to offer more flexibility to local governments in managing project costs. PEF also plans to continue its vegetation management education as well as its street lighting reporting and repair program.
Because the plans initially anticipate primarily a continuing of current efforts or redirection of existing staff and resources, PEF did not provide incremental cost impacts. It did note, however, that as the programs are refined, additional costs may be incurred.
TECO: TECO asserts it has very good relationships with local governments within its service territory. TECO plans to continue its ongoing discussions with local officials regarding issues such as storm preparedness and storm restoration activities. TECO notes that it currently hosts a storm preparation workshop with local government officials and safety personnel each year prior to storm season. Based on their experience in 2004, TECO plans to place additional personnel in local EOC’s during storms to facilitate timely communication. TECO also assists in training local EOC participants which allows establishment of personal relationships with local participants and encourages cooperation.
As part of its on-going activities, TECO plans to increase its efforts in vegetation management coordination and develop educational material related to overhead-to-underground conversion projects. Part of this effort is working with local governments to develop viable tree ordinances that meet both the local and utility needs. In addition, TECO also plans to develop a program to train local government representatives in the identification and reporting of damaged or unsafe system conditions to expedite repairs.
Since many of the activities are already in place, there are minimal incremental costs. Preliminary estimates to develop the educational and training materials for this new program are $75,000 annually. TECO will implement its plan in the first part of 2007.
GULF: GULF believes it enjoys very positive relationships with local governments within its service territory. Storm related activities include notifying all local governments when a storm becomes imminent and providing a single point of contact for governments to call for additional information. It also staffs local EOC’s on a 24 hour basis, if necessary. These GULF representatives also provide updated restoration information after storms. GULF also sets up temporary customer service in or near government facilities to expedite the handling of customer issues.
On an ongoing basis, GULF conducts Community Leader Forums where government and civic leaders are invited to discuss critical issues, including storm related matters and overhead-to-underground conversion projects, and other matters of common interest. GULF also indicated that it will create a website for county building and electrical inspectors as a central information source on the electric system, planned improvements and storm preparation and restoration. GULF assigns designated employees to maintain active relationships with local governments, including Line Clearing Specialists which serve a single point of contact for vegetation management issues for local governments. To facilitate underground conversions, GULF indicated that it works to identify and involve all affected parties early on to facilitate cost effective planning and construction. It also stresses the need for a single point of coordination and contact with the authority to make timely decisions.
Since many of these activities are being conducted today, GULF states that there are no incremental costs associated with its plan. To the extent programs or initiatives are expanded or modified, additional costs may be incurred.
FPUC: FPUC is in the unique position of serving two small compact service territories which enables it to maintain an ongoing close relationship with local governments as a regular business practice. Since FPUC employees often live and work in the communities it serves, they bring a different perspective to the process of local government communications. The utility has received no complaints about the level or timeliness or coordination of information from its local governments.
FPUC notes that, due to limited resources, it is not able to have employees at all government locations throughout storm related activities; however, staff can be relocated from undamaged areas to assist in areas hit hardest by weather activity. The cost of additional personnel is estimated at $9,700 per activity. In lieu of a physical presence at local EOC’s, FPUC suggests that it may be more cost effective to institute daily communication procedure to ensure that necessary information is received in a timely manner at EOC’s during storms.
Based on the available information, staff concludes that each investor-owned electric utility’s plan is consistent with the requirements of the Order. There are, however, no objective metrics to judge whether any of the plans will accomplish the desired level of coordination. How the plans are implemented and ultimately perceived by the local governments will determine their effectiveness. Staff recommends continued monitoring of the implementation of the plans as discussed in Issue 9.
Issue 7:
Is each investor-owned electric utility’s plan for collaborative research on effects of hurricane winds and storm surge adequate to further the development of storm resilient electric utility infrastructure and technologies that reduce storm restoration costs and outages to customers reasonable?
While efforts are underway, the collaborative research plans of the investor-owned electric utilities are incomplete at this time The plans do not establish a sufficiently detailed schedule for selecting collaborative research activities and establishing funding levels. Staff will keep the Commission informed on the progress of these activities. (McNulty, Gervasi)
Staff Analysis:
Initiative 9 – Collaborative
Research on Effects of Hurricane Winds and Storm Surge
In Order No. PSC-06-0351-PAA-EI, the Commission noted that
“the utilities appeared to be unaware of work being done by universities to
study the effects of hurricane winds and storm surge within
Consequently, the Commission required each investor-owned electric utility to establish a plan that increases collaborative research, establishes continuing collaboration, identifies objectives, promotes cost sharing, and funds necessary work. The investor-owned electric utilities were required to solicit participation from the municipal electric utilities and rural electric cooperative electric utilities in addition to available educational and research organizations.
Individual Plans
Each investor-owned electric utility filed plans
supporting a non-profit, member supported organization to coordinate all
research efforts directed at better understanding storm effects on utility
infrastructure and development of technologies that reduce storm restoration
costs and outages to customers. On
Pursuant to the MOU, a statewide collaborative research
effort will be coordinated through PURC.
Each research project will be approved by a steering committee comprised
of experienced electric utility engineering staff. However, the MOU is silent regarding the
frequency of steering committee meetings and whether any research project would
be pursued by a time certain. On June 9,
and on July 14, several potential research activities were identified for
review by the steering committee, including efforts to gather better wind data
associated with failed poles. As of
Staff recommends that the Commission find each of the investor-owned electric utility plans for collaborative research to be incomplete at this time because the plans do not establish a sufficiently detailed schedule for selecting collaborative research activities and establishing project funding levels. Each investor-owned electric utility has made progress in establishing a plan that may increase collaborative research, establish continuing collaboration, identify objectives, promote cost sharing, and fund necessary work. All investor-owned electric utilities, all municipal electric utilities, and most rural electric cooperative utilities have participated in establishing a cost allocation methodology and an administrative structure. Staff will monitor the utilities continued efforts on collaborative research and will keep the Commission informed on the progress of these activities.
Issue 8:
Is each of the investor-owned electric utility’s natural disaster preparedness and recovery plan adequate?
The Commission should find that each utility natural disaster preparedness and recovery plan is consistent with the intent of Order No. PSC-06-0351-PAA-EI. The plans are “living documents” and subject to constant revision as new lessons are learned. They will be reviewed and updated annually with lessons learned from storms and forensics data that is collected and analyzed. The plans will be relied on by EOC and PSC staff during training and actual emergencies. (Swearingen, Gervasi)
Staff Analysis:
Initiative 10 – A Natural
Disaster Preparedness and Recovery Program
In Order No. PSC-06-0351-PAA-EI, the Commission noted that “[a] key element in minimizing storm-caused outages is having a natural disaster preparedness and recovery plan. A formal disaster plan provides an effective means to document lessons learned, improve disaster recovery training, pre-storm staging activities, and post-storm recovery.”
Consequently, the Commission required each investor-owned electric utility “to develop, if it has not already, a formal disaster preparedness and recovery plan that outlines its disaster recovery procedures. Each utility shall maintain a current copy of its utility disaster plan with the Commission on a going-forward basis.”
Individual Plans.
Each investor-owned electric utility filed plans on
Staff notes that each of the natural disaster preparedness and recovery plans will be available to the EOC staff and PSC staff during training and actual emergencies.
FPL: FPL has a formal disaster preparedness and recovery plan. The plan is reviewed and updated by FPL on an annual basis. The plan contains pre/post emergency procedures and safety procedures for natural disasters. The plan has a procedure for collecting forensics data after a disaster.
PEF: PEF has a formal disaster preparedness and recovery plan. The plan is reviewed and updated by PEF on an annual basis. The plan contains pre/post emergency procedures and safety procedures for natural disasters. The plan has a procedure for collecting forensics data after a disaster.
TECO: TECO has a formal disaster preparedness and recovery plan. The plan is reviewed and updated by TECO on an annual basis. The plan contains pre/post emergency procedures and safety procedures for a wide scope of natural and man made disasters.
GULF: GULF has a formal disaster preparedness and recovery plan that has been filed with the Commission. The plan is reviewed and updated by GULF on an annual basis. The plan contains pre/post emergency procedures and safety procedures for natural disasters.
FPUC: FPUC has a formal disaster preparedness and recovery plan. The plan is reviewed and updated by FPUC on an annual basis. The plan contains pre/post emergency procedures and safety procedures for natural disasters. FPUC will develop a procedure for gathering forensic data per their response to Initiative 6 “Post-Storm Data Collection and Forensic Analysis” discussed in this recommendation.
The plans for all investor-owned electric utilities satisfy the intent of initiative 10 of Order No. PSC-06-0351-PAA-EI. The plans are “living documents” and subject to constant revision as new lessons are learned. They will be reviewed and updated annually with lessons learned from storms and forensics data that is collected and analyzed. The plans will be relied on by EOC and PSC staff during training and actual emergencies.
Issue 9:
Should the Commission authorize staff to monitor and report on the investor-owned electric utility storm hardening plans?
Yes. The storm hardening initiatives should be monitored and reported in the following manner:
· Initiatives 1 through 7 – These initiatives should be monitored through the Commission’s annual review of distribution service reliability performance because the storm hardening initiatives involve reliability performance activities.
· Initiative 8 – This initiative for increased coordination with local governments should be monitored through Commission’s review of electric utilities’ dialogue with local governments and selected review of utility activities in this area.
· Initiative 9 – This initiative for collaborative research on effects of hurricane winds and storm surge should be monitored by the Commission by reviewing the electric utilities’ participation in studies and projects undertaken by the collaborative research efforts.
· Initiative 10 – This initiative regarding the electric utilities’ natural disaster preparedness and recovery plans should be monitored by the Commission by reviewing and maintaining current copies of the plans.
Each utility should file updates of its storm hardening
plans by
Staff Analysis:
In Order No. PSC-06-0351-PAA-EI, the Commission noted that the ten listed ongoing storm preparedness initiatives “are not intended to encompass all reasonable ongoing storm preparedness initiatives. We view these initiatives as the starting point of an ongoing process. Utilities and interested persons are encouraged to identify additional initiatives and to suggest alternative plans so long as the same objectives are achieved in a cost effective manner.”
The plans that have been developed and discussed in prior issues are based on the prevailing utility management views and the data that is available at this time. As experience reveals new information, utility management can be expected to change and improve their implementation strategy and even identify new storm hardening initiatives. Thus, the investor-owed electric utilities need to provide periodic updates and status reports on their ongoing storm hardening initiatives in order for the Commission to effectively monitor utility programs.
Staff inquired whether the investor-owned electric utilities
would be willing to provide status reports and updates on their respective
storm hardening initiatives by March 1. The
March 1 date was suggested because it is the filing date for the Annual
Distribution Service Reliability Report pursuant to Rule 25-6.0455, Florida
Administrative Code. All investor-owned
electric utilities have indicated that they can provide annual updates of their
storm hardening initiatives on or before March 1. However, additional dialogue is necessary to
address details regarding the content and format of such updates. Assuming there is no protest to this PAA Order,
staff will schedule a staff workshop in October addressing the format and
summary information to be reported on or before
Staff believes that the most effective method to monitor each utility’s ongoing storm hardening initiatives is in conjunction with the Commission’s annual review of distribution reliability performance because the storm hardening initiatives are primarily reliability performance activities. Staff intends to include an additional section in its 2007 review of electric utility reliability performance addressing the ten listed ongoing storm preparedness initiatives and any additional storm hardening initiatives proposed by either the utilities or the Commission.
Issue 10:
What information has been provided to the Commission regarding each municipal electric utility’s and each rural electric cooperative utility’s ongoing storm hardening plans?
Staff Analysis:
In order to gauge the level of storm preparation
throughout the State of
Staff’s initial assessment of the electric municipal utilities’ and the electric cooperative utilities’ plans are summarized below by initiative in a generalized format.
Initiative 1 – Three-Year
Vegetation Trim Cycle
The electric municipal utilities’ and the electric cooperative utilities’ vegetation management programs are consistent with the intent of the Order. Electric cooperative utilities using trim cycles greater than three years in rural areas assert that their vegetation trim clearance practices are more aggressive for these areas and provide better overall performance in terms of cost and customer outages than what would be achieved on a three-year cycle.
Initiative 2 – Joint-Use Pole
Attachment Audits
At this time, most electric municipal (24) and cooperative
(12) utilities perform field audits of the attachments. Most of these utilities have not provided information
regarding their practices for concluding pole strength assessments associated
with joint-use poles. However, these
utilities design poles to the NESC safety standards and indicate they have
experienced few pole failures due to overloading. On
Initiative 3 – Six-Year
Inspection Cycle for Transmission Structures
Many electric municipal utilities (16) do not have transmission structures. Most electric cooperative utilities (10) with transmission facilities reported inspection cycles of less than six years.
Initiative 4 – Storm Hardening
Activities Associated with Wooden Transmission Structures
Of the electric municipal utilities and electric cooperative utilities which have wooden transmission facilities, some utilities plan to replace wood transmission poles with non-wood poles (9) while others do not (10).
Initiative 5 – Geographic
Information System (GIS)
Most larger municipal (16) and most cooperative (9) electric utilities have an electronic GIS system. Some municipal (6) and cooperative (4) electric utilities are in the process of implementing a GIS system. Many of the smaller utilities only have a paper system and do not plan to implement a GIS system.
Initiative 6 – Post-Storm Data
Collection and Forensic Analysis
Most electric municipal utilities (28) and electric cooperative utilities (18) indicate that their current post-storm data collection programs meet the needs of the utility. The post-storm reviews generally focus on identifying lessons learned.
Initiative 7 – Outage Data
Differentiating Between Overhead and Underground Systems
Almost all the municipal and cooperative electric utilities reported that detailed outage data is routinely collected. The electric municipal utilities and cooperative electric utilities are capable of providing overhead and underground performance data.
Initiative 8 – Increase Coordination with Local Governments
This initiative is primarily directed at increasing dialog and coordination regarding vegetation management issues and underground issues. Municipal electric utilities tend to address these local issues through their governance process that includes public meetings. The cooperative electric utilities assert their historical level of dialogue and interaction with local governments regarding vegetation management issues and undergrounding projects has been effective.
Initiative 9 – Collaborative
In Order No. PSC-06-0351-PAA-EI the IOUs were directed to
solicit participation from municipal and cooperative electric utilities. As discussed in Issue 7, through FMEA and
FECA, each electric municipal and cooperative utility is participating in such
a statewide collaborative research effort.
Lee County Electric Cooperative is the only
Initiative 10 – Disaster Preparedness and Recovery Plan
As of
Issue 11:
Should this docket be closed?
No. If no timely protest is filed by a person whose substantial interests are affected by the proposed agency action portions of the order arising from this recommendation, a consummating order will be issued. If the Commission approves staff recommendation in Issue 1, the docket should remain open for PEF and GULF to file an updated vegetation management plan which includes appropriate means of evaluating the effectiveness of their programs. (Gervasi)
Staff Analysis:
If no timely protest is filed by a person whose substantial interests are affected by the proposed agency action portions of the order arising from this recommendation, a consummating order will be issued. If the Commission approves staff recommendation in Issue 1, the docket should remain open for PEF and GULF to file an updated vegetation management plan which includes appropriate means of evaluating the effectiveness of their programs.
Initiative 1 – A
Three-year Vegetation Management Cycle for Distribution Circuits
Requirement: 1. 3 Year Tree Trim Cycle for Primary Feeders
(minimum). 2. 3 year cycle for laterals as well, if not cost
prohibitive. 3. Utilities may propose alternatives to the
requirements described below. Any
alternatives must include a complete description of the alternative as well
as the reason why the alternative is equivalent or better in terms of cost
and avoiding future storm damages. 4. Timeline for implementation. |
Utility |
Investor-Owned Electric Utility Plan to Comply with Order |
($ million)* |
Utility Alternative Incremental Cost Impact ($ million)* |
1. Average 3 year trim cycle for feeders. 2. Average 6 year trim cycle for laterals, instead
of 3 year cycle. 3. 4. Year One for
implementation is 2007. |
Year One –
$88.9 Annual -
$43.4 |
Year One
–$15.5 Annual -
$12.9 |
1. Targeted feeder
trim based on prioritization (3 year weighted average trim cycle). 2. Not specified
for laterals. 3. PEF provided reasons why it believes its
alternative is better; however, there are no quantitative comparisons of the
costs and benefits. 4. Year One for implementation is 2007. |
Year One -
$7 Annual –
3% minimum increase in tree trim budget |
Year One –
Annual –
N/R |
1. Feeder
trim based on prioritization (All trimmed every 3 years). 2. Every
circuit including open secondaries, cabled secondaries, and appropriate
services is trimmed every 3 years. 3. TECO’s
program is a three-year trim-cycle program. 4. Year
One for implementation is 2007.
Assuming 2 to 3 year transition allowed to stabilize costs, conduct
training, etc. |
Year One –
N/R Annual
$3.4 |
applicable. |
1. Reliability
based trimming instead of cycle based. 2. Not
based on fixed year cycle. 3. GULF
provided reasons why it believes its alternative is better; however, there
are no quantitative comparisons of the costs and benefits. 4. Year
One for implementation is 2007. |
Year One –
Annual - $4.2 |
Year One –
NR Annual –
N/R |
1. All
feeders on a three-year trim cycle. 2. Laterals
may be on a three-year trim cycle or an alternative 5-year trim cycle in the
NW service area. 3. The
5-year trim cycle is less expensive. 4. Year
One for implementation is 2007. |
Year One –
N/R Annual -
$.342 |
Year One –
N/R Annual -
$.228 |
* The
incremental cost impact is based on comparisons with the existing trimming
program forward. “N/R” No Response. Not Applicable.: Not Applicable. “Year One” First Year of Implementation. “Annual” refers to annual incremental cost
impact incurred each year beginning with the first year of implementation.
Order Requirement: 1. (a) Each investor-owned
electric utility shall develop a plan for auditing joint-use agreements that
includes pole strength assessments. (b) These
audits shall include both poles owned by the electric utility and poles owned
by other utilities to which the electric utility has attached its electrical
equipment. 2. The location
of each pole, the type and ownership of the facilities attached and the age
of the pole and the attachments to it should be identified. 3. Each
investor-owned utility shall verify that such attachments have been made
pursuant to a current joint-use agreement. 4. Stress
calculations shall be made to ensure that each joint-use pole is not
overloaded or approaching overloading for instances not already addressed by
Order No. PSC-06-0144-PAA-EI. 5. Provide
compliance cost estimate and cost estimate for alternative action if any. 6. Provide a
timeline for implementation. |
Initiative 2 – Audit
of Joint-Use Attachment Agreements
Utility |
Investor-Owned Electric Utility Plan to Comply with Order |
PSC Incremental Cost Impact ($ million) * |
Utility Alternative Incremental Cost Impact ($ million) * |
1. (a) Plan includes performing pole strength
assessment during eight-year wood pole inspection cycle. (b) Plan includes auditing all FPL owned
and third-party poles during eight-year wood pole inspection cycle. 2. All required data will be collected during
inspections and stored in the attachment information database. 3. Will verify attachments have been made
pursuant to current joint-use agreement through a 5 year system wide pole
attachment survey. 4. Stress calculations will be performed
during eight-year wood pole inspection cycle. 5. See columns to the right. 6. Plan will be initiated January 2007 with
completion cycles of eight-years. |
Annual - $1.2 – 1.5 |
Not Applicable |
1. (a) Plan includes performing pole strength
assessment during eight-year wood pole inspection cycle. (b) Plan includes auditing all PEF owned
and third-party poles during eight-year wood pole inspection cycle. 2. All required data will be collected on select
poles and stored in electronic format. 3. Will verify attachments have been made
pursuant to a current joint-use agreement during eight-year wood pole
inspection cycle. 4. Stress calculations will be performed on select
poles during eight-year wood pole inspection cycle. 5. See columns to the right. 6. Plan initiated 2006 with completion cycles
of eight-years. |
Annual - $.080 |
Not Applicable |
1. (a)
Plan includes performing pole strength assessment during eight-year
wood pole inspection cycle. (b) Plan includes auditing all TECO
owned poles and third-party poles per Joint-Use contract agreements on a eight-year
cycle. 2. All required data will be collected during
the eight-year wood pole inspection cycle and stored in GIS database. 3. Will verify attachments have been made
pursuant to a current joint-use agreement during eight-year wood pole
inspection cycle. 4. Stress calculations will be performed
during eight-year wood pole inspection cycle. 5. See columns to the right. 6. Plan will be initiated January 2007 with
completion cycles of eight-years. |
Annual - $5 |
Not Applicable |
Gulf |
1. (a) Plan proposes to do pole
strength assessment on 5% random sample of Gulf owned poles that are 20 years old or more and with 3 or more
attachments. (b) Plan includes auditing
all Gulf owned poles and third-party poles per Joint-Use contract agreements
on a 10 year cycle. 2. All required data will be
collected and stored during 10 year inspection cycle. 3. Will verify attachments have been made
pursuant to current joint-use agreement through a 10 year cycle. 4. Stress assessment will be
performed on 5% random sample of Gulf owned poles that are 20 years old or
more and with 3 or more attachments. 5. See columns to the right. 6. Plan will be initiated January 2007 with
completion cycles of 10 years. |
Annual - $5.375 |
Not Applicable |
1. (a) Plan includes performing pole strength
assessment during eight-year wood pole inspection cycle. (b) Plan includes auditing all FPUC
owned and third-party poles during eight-year wood pole inspection cycle. 2. All required data will be collected during
inspections and stored in a database. 3. Will verify attachments have been made
pursuant to a current joint-use agreement during eight-year wood pole
inspection cycle. 4. Stress calculations will be performed during
eight-year wood pole inspection cycle. 5. See columns to the right 6. Plan will be initiated January 2007 with
completion cycles of eight-years. |
Annual - $.020 |
Not Applicable |
* Incremental cost impact is calculated using 2005 as a base year. “Annual” refers to annual incremental cost impact incurred each year beginning with the first year of implementation.
Initiative 3 – Six-year
Transmission Inspection Program
Order Requirement: 1. Develop
a plan to fully inspect all transmission towers and other transmission
supporting equipment (such as insulators, guying, grounding, splices,
cross-braces, bolts etc.). 2. Develop
a plan to fully inspect all substations (including relay, capacitor, and
switching stations). 3. Provide
a timeline for implementation. 4. Provide
compliance cost estimate and cost estimate for alternative actions if any. |
Utility |
Investor-Owned Electric Utility
Plan to Comply with Order |
PSC Incremental Cost Impact ($ million) * |
Utility Alternative Incremental
Cost Impact ($ million) * |
1. Wood
pole inspection activities (PSC-06-0144-PAA-EI Docket No. 060078-EI). Circuits
with structures containing wood cross-arm structures inspected at least every
4 years. Steel
and/or concrete structures (no wood) inspection activities 10% sample
every 4-year program will be augmented to achieve equivalent of a non-sample six-year
inspection cycle. Inspection
of insulators, wires, etc., are included in the augmented efforts. 2. Substations
fully inspected quarterly. 3. Plan
already implemented. 4. Estimated
incremental costs relative to 2005 is $12.9 million, annually. |
Annual - $2.3 |
Not Applicable |
1. Wood
pole inspection activities (PSC-06-0144-PAA-EI Docket No. 060078-EI). Structures
on a 5-year inspection cycle. All
other portions of the system: inspected on a three-year cycle. 2. Monthly
visual substation inspection. 3. Plan
already implemented. 4. Estimated
incremental costs relative to 2005 is $0. |
Annual - $ 0 |
Not Applicable |
1. Wood
pole inspection activities (PSC-06-0144-PAA-EI Docket No. 060078-EI). Structures
on a 6 year cycle, All other portions of the system: inspected
annually. 2. Substations
fully inspected at least annually. 3. Plan
already implemented. 4. Estimated
incremental costs relative to 2005 is $0. |
Annual - $2.97 |
Not Applicable |
Gulf |
1. Wood pole inspection activities
(PSC-06-0144-PAA-EI Docket No. 060078-EI). All other portions of the system: Gulf does not hold itself to a rigid number
of annual inspections. Period of 12
years will show that on average a six-year cycle is achieved. 2. Substations at least annually. Structures inside new substations built to withstand
wind speed in excess of 150MPH. 3. Plan already implemented. 4. Estimated incremental costs relative to 2005
is $0. |
Annual - $ 0 |
Not Applicable |
1. Will
develop procedures for climbing inspections of owned 69 and 138 KV
structures. Coordination/process for
customer-owned 69 KV line will be developed. 2. No
plan provided for substations. 3. Plan
already implemented. 4. Estimated
incremental costs relative to 2005 is $18,000, annually. |
Annual - $.018 |
Not Applicable |
* Incremental cost impact is
calculated using 2005 as a base year.
“Annual” refers to annual incremental cost impact incurred each year beginning
with the first year of implementation.
Initiative 4 –
Hardening of Existing Transmission Structures
Requirement: 1. Develop a plan to upgrade and replace
existing transmission structures.
Provide scope of activity, limiting factors, and criteria for
selecting structure to upgrade and replace. 2. Provide a timeline for implementation. 3. Provide compliance cost estimate and cost estimate for alternative actions if any. |
Utility |
Investor-Owned Electric Utility Plan to Comply with Order |
PSC Incremental Cost Impact ($ million) * |
Company Alternative Incremental Cost Impact ($ million) * |
1. Incremental upgrades during relocations
and other maintenance. Upgrade un-guyed single wood pole
structures. Ceramic post line insulator
replacements. 2. Plan
completed in 10-15 years. 3. Estimated
incremental costs relative to 2005 is between $3.3 and 6 million, annually. |
One Time - $0 Annual - $3.3-6 |
Not Applicable |
1. Incremental upgrades during relocations
and other maintenance. 2. Plan completed in 10 or more years. 3. Estimated incremental costs relative to
2005 are $0. |
One Time - $0 Annual - $2.8 |
Not Applicable |
1. Incremental phase out of wood transmission
structures during all new construction, relocations, and other maintenance. 2. Plan is on-going with no completion date. 3. Estimated incremental costs relative to
2005 are a one time cost of $2.5 million. |
One Time - $2.5 Annual - $0 |
Not Applicable |
1. Storm guy H-Frames. Replace wood cross-arms with steel
cross-arms and other activities. 2. Plan completed in 10-15 years. 3. Estimated incremental costs relative to
2005 are $0.6 million. |
One Time - $0.2 Annual - $0.6 |
Not Applicable |
1. Replacement of 180 wood poles on 69 KV
line with concrete as necessary and when economically practical. 2. Plan is on-going with no completion date. 3. Estimated total cost is $4.5 million. |
One Time - $4.5 Annual - $0 |
Not Applicable |
* Incremental cost impact is calculated using 2005 as a base
year. “One Time” refers to total project
costs. “Annual” refers to annual
incremental cost impact incurred each year beginning with the first year of
Initiative 5 - A
Transmission and Distribution Geographic Information System
Order Requirement: Develop a program that collects
data - 1.
To conduct forensic reviews; 2.
To assess the performance of underground systems relative to overhead
systems; 3.
To determine whether
appropriate maintenance has been performed; and 4.
To evaluate storm hardening options. 5. Provide a timeline for implementation. The utilities have the flexibility
to propose a methodology that is efficient and cost effective |
Utility |
Investor-Owned Electric Utility Plan to Comply with Order |
PSC Incremental Cost Impact ($ million) * |
Utility Alternative Incremental Cost Impact ($ million) * |
Transmission: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. None.
Combine existing analytical systems to
have all facilities in a 1. Combine
existing analytical systems to have all facilities in a 2. 3. 4. 5. Three
years. |
One Time -
$14.55 Annual - $3.13 |
One Time –
$6.3 Annual -
$.5 |
PEF plans to “populate” the system
(present 1. PEF’s
plan does not include forensic
reviews. 2. PEF’s
plan does not include underground versus overhead performance assessment. 3. PEF’s
plan does not include determination of appropriate maintenance. 4. PEF’s
plan does not include evaluation of storm hardening options. 5. Six
years. Distribution:
PEF plans to create an environment
that contains all the elements referenced by the order, change its current 1. PEF’s
plan does not include forensic reviews 2. PEF’s
plan does not include underground versus overhead. 3. PEF’s
plan does not include determination of appropriate maintenance. 4. PEF’s
plan does not include evaluation of storm hardening options 5. 6
years |
One Time -
$8.8 Annual -
$.30 |
Applicable |
TECO is in
the process of implementing a new 1. TECO’s
plan includes forensic reviews on a
statistical sampled basis. 2. TECO’s
plan includes forensic reviews with regard to types of materials and
construction, and location 3. TECO’s
plan does not include determination of appropriate maintenance. 4. TECO’s
plan includes assessment of future preventive measures where possible. 5. Not
Applicable. |
One time -
$.4 Annual – Not
Applicable. |
Applicable |
Gulf |
Gulf describes its 1. Gulf’s
plan does include forensic reviews 2. Gulf’s
plan does include underground versus overhead. 3. Gulf’s
plan does include determination of appropriate maintenance. 4. Gulf’s
plan does include evaluation of storm hardening options 5. 6
Years |
One Time -
$0 Annual -
$.075 |
Applicable |
1-4. NW Fl Division currently has in place 1-4. NE Florida Division does not have this capability but will upgrade
its present system 5. Not
Applicable. |
One Time -
$.19 Annual -
$.0 |
Applicable |
* The incremental cost impact is based on comparisons with the existing trimming program going forward. “Year One” refers to First Year of Implementation. “Annual” refers to annual incremental cost impact incurred each year beginning with the first year of implementation.
Initiative 6 – Post-Storm
Data Collection and Forensic Analysis
Requirement: 1. Develop a
program that collects post-storm information for performing forensic analyses. 2. Provide a
timeline for implementation. The utilities have the flexibility to propose a methodology that is efficient and cost effective. |
Utility |
Investor-Owned Electric Utility
Plan to Comply with Order |
($ million) * |
Utility Alternative Incremental Cost Impact ($ million) * |
1. Distribution: Divide a sample of damaged poles among
forensics teams, observations will be made on all damaged samples. Capture information such as location,
attachments, and area wind speed. Transmission: For the 2004 and 2005 storm season FPL used
the storm management system called Orion Storm. The system captures 100% of the damaged impacted
lines. Forty-one percent of the lines
imported included detailed data collected with the Orion Storm Program. Fifty-nine percent of the lines impacted
did not involve damaged facilities.
FPL proposes to collect data for these transmission facilities to meet
the Commission initiative. 2. Distribution: Available for 2006 storm season. Transmission: Currently activated program. |
One Time - $0 Annual - $.050-.10 |
Not Applicable |
1. Distribution: PEF has implemented the Forensic Assessment
process for the upcoming 2006 storm season. Transmission: PEF will hire a contractor. The contractor will collect detailed post
storm data necessary to perform storm damage and forensic analysis. 2. Available for 2006 storm season. |
One Time - $0 Annual $.9/ per storm |
Not Applicable |
1. Distribution & Transmission: TECO plans to implement a formal process to
randomly sample system damage following a major weather event in a
statistically significant manner. This
information will be used to perform forensic analysis in an attempt to
categorize the root cause of equipment failure. 2. 1 Year. |
One time - $.2 Annual - $.1 per storm |
Not Applicable |
Gulf |
1. Distribution & Transmission: Concurrent with storm restoration, crews of
contractors will survey a sample of the lines affected by the storm. Inland and coastal areas will be surveyed. 2. No Response. |
One time - $0 Annual - $.125/per storm |
Not Applicable |
1. Distribution & Transmission: FPUC will develop a procedure to better
track specific hurricane outages, identify outage causes, and count the
numbers of customers affected. 2. No Response. |
One Time - $.017 Annual - $.010/per storm |
Not Applicable |
* The
incremental cost impact is based on comparisons with the existing trimming
program going forward. “Annual” refers
to annual incremental cost impact incurred each year beginning with the first
year of implementation.
Initiative 7 –
Collection of Detailed Outage Data Differentiating between the Reliability
Performance of Overhead and Underground Systems
Order Requirement: 1. Collect
specific storm performance data that differentiates between overhead and
underground systems, to determine the percentage of storm caused outages that
occur on overhead and underground systems, and to assess the performance and
failure mode of competing technologies such as direct bury cable versus
cable-in-conduit, and concrete poles versus wooden poles, and location
factors such as front-lot versus back-lot, and pad-mounted versus vault. 2. Provide
a timeline for implementation. The utilities have the flexibility
to propose a methodology that is efficient and cost effective. |
Utility |
Investor-Owned Electric Utility Plan to Comply with Order |
($ million) |
Company Alternative Incremental Cost Impact ($ million) |
1. Feeders
tend to be hybrids with regard to underground and overhead. Forensics teams will be augmented to assess
the damages to the various locations.
Laterals tend to be either one or the other, so assessments with
regard to overhead or underground will be available by knowing a lateral’s
location. 2. No
Response. |
One Time -
$0 Annual -
$.05-.1/per storm |
Applicable |
1. The
implementation of the new 2. No
Response. |
Response One Time –
No Response Annual –
No Response |
Applicable |
currently collects outage data. TECO
will implement to fully comply with the Commission initiative for the collection
of detailed outage data differentiating between the reliability performance
of overhead and underground systems. 2. 1
Year. |
One Time -
$.5 Annual - $0 |
Applicable |
1 Gulf
will record numbers of overhead and underground customers and calculate SAIDI
and SAIFI for each outage. As outages
occur, Gulf will also collect data by type of buried cable and type of pole. 2. ¾
Year |
One time -
$0 Annual –
minimal |
Applicable |
is currently able to carry out this initiative. 2. Available
now. |
One Time -
$0 Annual -
$0 |
Applicable |
* The
incremental cost impact is based on comparisons with the existing trimming
program going forward. “One Time” refers
to first year set-up costs.. “Annual”
refers to annual incremental cost impact incurred each year beginning with the
first year of implementation.
Initiative 8 –
Increased Coordination with Local Governments
Order Requirement: 1.
Each utility should actively work
with local communities year-round to identify and address issues of common
concern, including the period following a severe storm like a hurricane and
also ongoing, multihazard infrastructure issues such as flood zones, areas
prone to wind damage, development trends in land use and coastal development,
joint use of public right-of-way, undergrounding facilities, tree trimming,
and long range planning and coordination. 2.
Provide a timeline for
implementation. 3. Incremental plan costs. |
Utility |
Investor-Owned Electric Utility Plan to Comply with Order |
PSC Incremental Cost Impact ($ million)* |
Company Alternative Incremental Cost Impact ($ million)* |
1, The FPL Plan focuses initially on
storm preparation, coordination and communication with External Affairs
representatives working with county planners and post-storm
communications FPL plans to
implement: §
planning programs with External Affairs representatives working with local
government officials. §
special e-mail program oriented to government officials and special audiences. §
new government update website. §
program called “community trouble reporting. §
outreach teams to brief local government and customer groups. 2. No
specific timeline for implementation of the entire plan is provided except
for a general reference to May 2006 marking the start date for some programs. 3. Incremental
costs are only provided for the training ($25k) and Wire Down/Priority 1
($12k) and Communications ($100k). No
methodology for cost estimates are provided. |
One Time -
$.1 Annual - $.012 |
Applicable |
1. The PEF Plan provides an internal
team composed of community relations, regulatory affairs and account
management to coordinate Company planning with governmental activities. The
activities include assigning specific staff to work with individual
communities to identify opportunities throughout the year for improved
preparedness, developing enhanced organization and planning, providing
support and information for storm preparation and restoration, conducting an
annual storm drill, conducting on-going activities such as planning workshops
and town-hall type meetings at both state and county levels. 2. No
specific timeline for implementation of the entire plan is provided except
for a general reference 2006 marking the start date for the programs. 3. Incremental
costs for the Plan are not provided.
No methodology for estimating cost are provided. |
One Time –
No Response Annual –
No Response |
Applicable |
1. TECO’s Plan calls for building on
past community involvement by including local government, fire, police and
water officials in storm preparation workshops, including local government in
local Emergency Operations Centers, increased vegetation management including
government and consumer education, undergrounding planning and education, and
damage reporting prior, during and after storms. 2. No
specific timeline for implementation of the entire plan is provided except
for a general reference to some of the programs having already started in
2006. 3. Only
a general incremental cost for the overall plan is provided ($75,000). No methodology for estimating costs is
provided. |
One time -
$0 Annual -
$.075 |
Applicable |
1. The Gulf Plan builds on existing programs
of year round activities like workshops with community leaders, pre-hurricane
planning with participation in all local government hurricane preparedness
drills, exercises, information fairs by line clearing specialists and post
hurricane programs to include timely news announcements to government
officials, single point-of-contact personnel and a standing Emergency
Operations Center staffed 24 hours a day. 2. Gulf’s
Programs are currently ongoing. 3. No
incremental costs are provided since the programs are considered already
ongoing. No methodology for estimating
costs is provided. |
One Time -
$0 Annual -
$0 |
Applicable |
1. The FPUC Plan calls for interacting
with local governments in each of the separate divisions of the Company,
having personnel at local Emergency Operations Centers after each storm, and
engaging in discussions with local government on both undergrounding and tree
trimming issues as they arise. 2. No
specific timeline for implementation of the entire plan since the program is
simply a continuation of the activities that were carried out in 2005. 3 No
incremental cost were listed with the exception of an estimated cost of
$7,500 per event that FPUC staff attended.
No methodology for estimating costs were provided. |
One Time -
$0 Annual -
$0 |
Applicable |
* Incremental
cost impact is calculated using 2005 as a base year. “One Time” refers first year set-up
costs. “Annual” refers to annual
incremental cost impact incurred each year beginning with the first year of
Initiative 9 – Collaborative
Requirement: 1. IOUs must establish a plan that increases
collaborative research 2. IOUs must identify collaborative research
objective 3. IOUs must develop collaborative plans that
promote cost sharing 4. IOUs must solicit munies, coops,
educational and research institutions. 5. IOUs must establish timeline for
implementation. 6. IOUs must identify their incremental
costs necessary to fund the organization and perform the research. |
Utility |
Investor-Owned Electric Utility Plan to Comply with Order |
($ million) * |
Company Alternative Incremental Cost Impact ($ million) * |
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. No timeline for implementation was
provided. 6. For cost requirements, see column to the
right. |
One Time -
$0 Annual -
$05-$.10 |
Applicable |
Same as |
One Time -
TBD Annual –
Applicable |
Same as FPL. |
One Time -
TBD Annual –
Applicable |
Same as |
One Time -
TBD Annual –
Applicable |
Same as |
One Time -
$0 Annual -
$.025 |
Applicable |
* Incremental
cost impact is calculated using 2005 as a base year. “One Time” refers first year set-up
costs. “Annual” refers to annual
incremental cost impact incurred each year beginning with the first year of
implementation. “TBD”“ is abbreviation
for “To Be Determined.”
Initiative 10 – A
Natural Disaster Preparedness and Recovery Program
Develop a formal Natural Disaster Preparedness and
Recovery Plan that outlines the utility’s disaster recovery procedures if the
utility does not already have one. |
Utility |
Investor-Owned Electric Utility
Plan to Comply with Order |
($ million) |
Company Alternative Incremental Cost Impact ($ million) |
Preparedness/Recovery Plan already developed and filed . |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Disaster Preparedness/Recovery Plan
already developed and filed. |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Preparedness/Recovery Plan already developed and filed. |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Disaster Preparedness/Recovery Plan
already developed and filed. |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Preparedness/Recovery Plan already developed and filed. |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
of Municipal Electric Utility Responses and Plans for Each Ongoing Storm
Hardening Initiative |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
I0 |
Utility |
Approx. Customer Count |
Vegetation Clearing
- 3-Yr Cycle for Feeders 3-Yr
Cycle for Laterals |
Joint-Use Pole Audit
& Stress Calc. |
6-Yr Transmission
Inspection Cycle |
Hardening of Existing
Transmission |
A Geographic Information
System |
Post-Storm Data and
Forensic Analysis |
OH/UG Reliab. Data |
Coord. with Local Gov. |
Research Wind & Surge |
Disaster Plan |
387,685 |
3-Yr All |
Audit in 2002 No stress
calc |
4-Yr |
No new wood, No plan
existing |
Migrating to electronic
system +1-yr |
Done |
Collected - Not reported |
Yes |
See MOU |
No Response |
Utilities Commission |
194,081 |
4-Yr Feeders, N/A Lat |
Audit Plan No stress calc |
6-Yr |
Phase out wood trans poles |
Electronic system for 100%
assets |
In future plans |
Collected - Not reported |
Yes |
See MOU |
After 2004 entire plan
rewrote |
Electric |
120,000 |
5-Yr All |
Audit in 2005. Stress calc
as needed |
1-Yr |
Phase out wood trans poles |
Electronic system of 100%
assets |
Done |
Collected - Not reported |
Yes |
See MOU |
No Response |
City of |
109,000 |
1.5 -Yr All |
Audit Fall 2006. Plan to stress
calc |
5-Yr; 8-yr for wood poles |
Phase out wood trans poles |
Electronic system for 100%
assets |
Done |
Collected - Not reported |
Yes |
See MOU |
No Response |
Regional Utilities |
87,700 |
3-Yr All |
Audit only. No stress calc |
1-Yr |
No plans to replace wood
poles |
Electronic system for 100%
assets |
Done |
Collected - Not reported |
Yes |
See MOU |
No Response |
Utility Authority |
62,000 |
4-Yr All |
Audit not discussed. Plan
to stress calc |
5-Yr; 8-yr for wood poles |
Phase out wood trans poles |
Electronic system for 100%
assets |
Done |
Collected - Not reported |
Yes |
See MOU |
No Response |
Electric Utility |
48,300 |
4-Yr All |
5-Yr Audit. Stress calc |
6-Yr |
No plan to replace wood
poles |
Electronic from Substation
to Service |
Done |
Collected - Plan to report |
Yes |
See MOU |
No Response |
Beach, City of |
32,500 |
2-3 Yr All |
5-Yr Audit cycle. Stress calc for new poles |
1-Yr (River crossing @10
yrs) |
No plan to replace wood
poles |
Electronic system for 100%
assets |
May install system |
Collected - Not reported |
Yes |
See MOU |
No Response |
Energy Services |
32,000 |
3-Yr All |
Plan to Audit. No stress calc |
1-Yr Visual 69 Kv, Plan
aerial 138 Kv |
None |
Migrating to electronic + ? yr |
Done |
Collected - Not reported |
Yes |
See MOU |
No Response |
Worth Utilities Dept. |
27,400 |
2-Yr All |
Plan to Audit 2006. No stress calc |
1-Yr |
None |
Electronic system for 100%
assets |
Partial implement |
Plan to collect - Not
reported |
Yes |
See MOU |
No Response |
Energy Services |
27,000 |
2-Yr All |
No Audit. No stress calc |
2 Yr Aerial, 3-4 Yr
Foundations |
None |
Electronic system for 100%
assets |
Done |
Upgrade in progress |
Yes |
See MOU |
No Response |
Pierce Utilities Authority |
26,500 |
3-Yr All |
Audit 2006. No stress calc |
1-Yr Trans, 3-Yr Line
Hardware |
Class 2 wood poles,
Reviewing |
Electronic system for 100%
assets |
Done |
Collected - Not reported |
Yes |
See MOU |
No Response |
Smyrna Beach |
24,000 |
Ongoing All |
Audit includes stress calc |
4-5 Yr |
Phase out wood trans poles |
Electronic system for 100%
assets |
Done |
Collected - Not reported |
Yes |
See MOU |
No Response |
City of |
21,500 |
4-Yr All |
5-Yr Audit cycle. Plan stress
calc |
Not Applicable |
None |
Electronic system for 100%
assets |
Plan more detail |
Collected - Reported |
Yes |
See MOU |
No Response |
City of |
19,500 |
Less than 3 Yr for all |
5-Yr Audit cycle with
stress calc |
6-Yr, 2-Yr Thermo |
None |
Electronic system for 100%
assets |
Done |
Collected - Not reported |
Yes |
See MOU |
No Response |
Park, City of |
14,000 |
2-3-Yrs |
Plan to Audit. No stress
calc |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Migrating to electronic system +
1 yr |
Done |
Collected - Plan to report |
Yes |
See MOU |
No Response |
City of |
10,500 |
4-Yr All |
No Audit cycle. Stress calc
for big cables |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Electronic system for 100%
assets |
Done |
Collected - Not reported |
Yes |
See MOU |
No Response |
Dora, City of |
5,800 |
1-Yr All |
Audits regularly. No
stress calc |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Paper system for 100% of assets
Plan for GIS |
Done |
Collected - Not reported |
No mention of EOC |
See MOU |
No Response |
City of |
4,580 |
1-Yr All |
No Audit cycle. No stress
calc |
6-Yr, 2-Yr Thermo |
None |
Paper system for 100%
assets |
Done |
Not currently |
Yes |
See MOU |
No Response |
Utilities, City of |
4,135 |
1-Yr Feed Removal by
Request Dist |
5-Yr Audit cycle. No
stress calc |
2-Yr |
None |
Migrating to electronic
system +7-yrs |
Partial implement |
Collected - Not reported |
Yes |
See MOU |
No Response |
City of |
3,600 |
3-Yr All |
3-Yr Audit cycle. No
stress calc |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Migrating to electronic
system +2 yr |
Done |
Collected - Not reported |
Yes |
See MOU |
No Response |
Cove Springs, City of |
3,600 |
1-Yr All |
No Audit cycle. No stress
calc |
Not Applicable |
None |
Paper system for 100%
assets |
Done |
Collected - Not reported |
Yes |
See MOU |
No Response |
City of |
3,000 |
1-Yr All |
1-Yr Audit cycle. No
stress calc |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Paper system for 100%
assets |
Done |
Collected - Not reported |
Yes |
See MOU |
No Response |
City of |
2,773 |
3-Yr |
3-Yr Audit cycle. No
stress calc |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Migrating to electronic system + ? yr |
Done |
Collected - Not reported |
Yes |
See MOU |
No Response |
Meade, City of |
2,647 |
3-4 Yr All |
2-3-Yr Audit cycle. No stress
calc |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Paper system for 100%
assets Plan GIS |
Done |
Collected - Not reported |
Yes |
See MOU |
No Response |
City of |
1,390 |
1-Yr All |
3-Yr Audit cycle. No
stress calc |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Paper system for 100%
assets |
Done |
Collected - Not reported |
Yes |
See MOU |
No Response |
City of |
1,333 |
3-Yr All |
1-Yr Audit cycle. No
stress calc |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Paper system for 100%
assets |
Done |
Collected - Not reported |
Yes |
See MOU |
No Response |
Town of |
1,310 |
3-Yr All |
2-3-Yr Audit cycle. No stress calc |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Paper system for 100%
assets Plan GIS |
Done |
Collected - Not reported |
Yes |
See MOU |
No Response |
City of |
1,300 |
1-1.5 Yr All |
1-Yr Audit cycle. No
stress calc |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Paper system for 100%
assets Plan GIS |
Done |
Collected - Not reported |
Yes |
See MOU |
No Response |
City of |
1,298 |
1-Yr All |
3-Yr Audit cycle. No
stress calc |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Paper system for 100%
assets |
Done |
Collected - Not reported |
Yes |
See MOU |
No Response |
Creek Improvement District |
1,213 |
Not applicable. 99% UG. |
No overhead attachments. |
Monthly |
None |
Electronic system for 100%
assets |
Done |
99% UG |
Yes |
See MOU |
No Response |
City of |
1,132 |
1-Yr All |
1-Yr Audit cycle. No
stress calc |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Electronic system for 100% assets |
Done |
Collected - Not reported |
Yes |
See MOU |
No Response |
Haven, City of |
842 |
1-1.5 Yr All |
1-Yr Audit cycle. No
stress calc |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Paper system for 100%
assets |
Done |
Collected - Not reported |
Yes |
See MOU |
No Response |
Cloud, City of |
See Orlando Utilities
Commission. |
Done = Post-storm damage
review process in place in the nature of lessons learned. |
of Rural Electric Cooperative Utility Responses and Plans for Each Ongoing
Storm Hardening Initiative |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
Utility |
Approx. Customer Count |
Vegetation Clearing
- 3-Yr Cycle for Feeders 3-Yr Cycle for Laterals |
Joint-Use Pole Audit &
Stress Calc. |
6-Yr Transmission
Inspection Cycle |
Hardening of Existing
Transmission |
A Geographic Information
System |
Post-Storm Data and
Forensic Analysis |
OH/UG Reliab. Data |
Coord. with Local Gov. |
Research Wind & Surge |
Disaster Plan |
River Electric Coop., Inc. |
177,972 |
4-5 Yr cycle all |
5-Yr Audit cycle. No stress calc |
1-Yr cycle |
Replace wood poles 3-5 Yrs
Electronic system for 100%
assets |
Done |
Collected - and reported. |
Yes |
See MOU |
Yes |
County Electric Coop., Inc. |
168,749 |
3-6 Yr cycle all |
Audit 2001. No stress calc |
1-2 Yr cycle |
No new wood poles. Phase-out wood poles |
Electronic system for 100%
assets |
Done |
No collection – Not
Reported |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Electric Coop., Inc. |
164,000 |
3-5-Yr cycles based on
city/rural criteria Avg. 3.9 all |
Audit 2008 Some stress
calc |
6-Yr cycle 4X-Yr Thermo |
No plan to replace wood
poles |
Non-GPS electronic system |
Done |
Collected – Plan to report |
Yes |
See MOU |
Yes |
Electric Coop., Inc. |
152,000 |
3-Yr cycle all Not Adequate New Plan |
Audit for un-notified
attachments. Stress calc |
5-Yr cycle 1.5-Yr Thermo |
No new wood poles. Phase-out some wooden structures |
Electronic system for 100%
assets |
Done |
Collected- Not Reported –
No value. |
Yes |
See MOU |
Yes |
Electric Coop., Inc. |
52,838 |
Target 3-Yr cycle all achieved
3.7- Yr |
5-Yr Audit cycle. No
stress calc |
8-Yr cycle |
Phase out wood poles |
Considering whether need
exists |
Done |
Not Collected - Not
reported. |
Yes |
See MOU |
Yes |
Electric Coop., Inc. |
36,987 |
5-Yr cycle all |
3-Yr Audit cycle. Stress
calc |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Electronic system for 100%
assets |
Done |
Collected - Not reported. |
Yes |
See MOU |
Yes |
River Electric Coop., Inc. |
34,500 |
3-Yr cycle all Not
Adequate |
No Audit. No stress calc |
6-Yr cycle |
No new wood poles. Phase out wood poles |
Electronic system for 100%
assets |
Done |
Plan to Collect - Plan to
report |
Yes |
See MOU |
Yes |
Florida Electric Coop., Inc. |
31,702 |
4-Yr cycle all |
5-Yr Audit cycle. No stress
calc |
Targets 1-Yr Cycle |
No plan to replace wood
poles |
Paper system |
Done |
Few UG facilities. |
Yes |
See MOU |
Yes |
Keys Electric Coop. Ass., Inc. |
31,000 |
3-Yr cycle all |
3-Yr Audit cycle. No stress
calc |
1-Yr cycle |
None |
Migrating to electronic system |
Done |
Collected - Not reported. |
Yes |
See MOU |
No Response |
Florida Electric Coop. Ass., Inc. |
27,000 |
4.5-Yr cycle all |
5-Yr Audit cycle. No stress calc |
Not Applicable |
None |
Electronic system for 100%
assets |
Done |
Collected - Not reported. |
Yes |
See MOU |
Yes |
Valley Electric Coop., Inc. |
24,000 |
4 Yr cycle all |
Audit 2007. No stress calc |
8-Yr, Own 5 |
Not Applicable |
Electronic system for 100%
assets |
Done |
Collected - Not reported. |
Yes |
See MOU |
Yes |
Coast Electric Coop., Inc. |
20,098 |
5-Yr cycle all |
8-Yr Audit cycle. No
stress calc |
Not Applicable |
None at this time. |
Electronic system for 100%
assets |
Done |
Collected - Not reported. |
Yes |
See MOU |
No Response |
Electric Coop., Inc. |
17,200 |
5-Yr cycle all |
Audits are current. No stress
calc |
1-Yr cycle |
No plan to replace wood
poles. |
Some Electric Some Paper |
Done |
Collected - Not reported
95% OH. |
Yes |
See MOU |
Yes |
Electric Coop., Inc. |
16,063 |
3-Yr cycle all |
2-Yr Audit cycle. No
stress calc |
1-Yr cycle |
No plan to replace wood
poles. Harding |
Migrating to electronic system
2007 |
Done |
Collected - Not reported. |
Yes |
See MOU |
Yes |
River Electric Coop., Inc. |
10,100 |
5-Yr cycle all |
Plan Audit. No stress calc |
Not Applicable |
None at this time |
Migrating to electronic system |
Done |
Collected - Reported |
Yes |
See MOU |
Yes |
Rural Electric Membership Corporation |
8,883 |
3-Yr cycle all |
Start 5-Yr Audit
cycle. Some stress calc |
Not Applicable |
None at this time |
Electronic system for 100%
assets |
Done |
Collected – Not Reported. |
Yes |
See MOU |
Yes |
Electric Coop., Inc.* |
No Retail Customers |
Not Applicable |
No Audit No stress calc |
4-Yr cycle |
No plan to replace wood
poles |
Migrating to electronic system |
Done |
No UG facilities. |
Yes |
See MOU |
Yes |
Electric Coop., Inc.* |
No Retail Customers |
Not Applicable |
No Audit No stress calc |
Unknown |
No Plan – Not
Cost Effective |
No GIS system planned |
Done. Limited history. |
No UG facilities. |
Yes |
See MOU |
Yes |
1* Alabama Electric is a
generating and transmission cooperative providing wholesale service in
Florida to 4 rural electric cooperative utilities. 2* Seminole Electric is a
generating and transmission cooperative providing wholesale service in
Florida to rural electric cooperative utilities. |
Done = Post-storm damage
review process in place in the nature of lessons learned. |
[1] Issued