1. (1) Docket No. 090538-TP Complaint of Qwest Communications Company, LLC against MCImetro Access Transmission Services (d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services); XO Communications Services, Inc.; tw telecom of florida, l.p.; Granite Telecommunications, LLC; Cox Florida Telcom, L.P.; Broadwing Communications, LLC; and John Does 1 through 50 (CLECs whose true names are currently unknown) for rate discrimination in connection with the provision of intrastate switched access services in alleged violation of Sections 364.08 and 364.10, F.S. 2. (2**) Docket No. 100175-TL Complaint against AT&T d/b/a BellSouth for alleged violations of various sections of Florida Administrative Code, Florida Statutes, and AT&T regulations pertaining to billing of charges and collection of charges, fees, and taxes. Docket No. 100312-EI Complaint against Florida Power & Light Company for alleged violations of various sections of Florida Administrative Code, Florida Statutes, and FPL tariffs pertaining to billing of charges and collection of charges, fees, and taxes. (Deferred from the October 26, 2010 Commission Conference.) 3. (3) Docket No. 090505-EI Review of replacement fuel costs associated with the February 26, 2008 outage on Florida Power & Light Company's electrical system. (Deferred from the December 14, 2010 Commission Conference.) 4. (4**) Docket No. 100459-EI Petition for authority to implement a demonstration project consisting of proposed time-of-use and interruptible rate schedules and corresponding fuel rates in the Northwest Division on an experimental basis and request for expedited treatment, by Florida Public Utilities Company. 5. (5**) Docket No. 090441-WU Application for amendment of Certificate No. 430-W to add territory in Duval County by Neighborhood Utilities, Inc. 6. (6**PAA) Docket No. 100326-SU Application for staff-assisted rate case in Duval County by Commercial Utilities, Division of Grace & Co., Inc. 7. (7**) Docket No. 100456-WS Application for transfer of water and wastewater facilities to North Sumter County Utility Dependent District, and cancellation of Certificate Nos. 618-W and 532-S, by North Sumter Utility Company, L.L.C.