1. Issue 1:  Does Section 366.93, Florida Statutes, authorize the Commission to disallow recovery of all, or a portion of, the carrying costs prescribed by Section 366.93(2)(b), Florida Statutes? A. Issue 1A:  Does the term "certain costs" in Section 403.519(4)(e), Florida Statutes, include costs caused by an imprudent decision or action that are incurred in years subsequent to the year of the imprudent decision or action? 2. Issue 3:  Does the Commission have the authority to defer the determination of prudence for the Crystal River Unit 3 Uprate project in 2012 and 2013 due to lack of a final decision to repair or retire Crystal River Unit 3? If yes, what amount should the Commission disallow, if any? 3. Issue 4:  Do PEF's activities since January 2011 related to Levy Units 1 & 2 qualify as "siting, design, licensing, and construction" of a nuclear power plant as contemplated by Section 366.93, F.S.? 4. Issue 5:  Should the Commission approve what PEF has submitted as its 2012 annual detailed analysis of the long-term feasibility of completing the Levy Units 1 & 2 project, as provided for in Rule 25-6.0423, F.A.C.? If not, what action, if any, should the Commission take? 5. Issue 6:  What is the current total estimated all-inclusive cost (including AFUDC and sunk costs) of the proposed Levy Units 1 & 2 nuclear project? 6. Issue 7:  What is the current estimated planned commercial operation date of the planned Levy Units 1 & 2 nuclear facility? 7. Issue 8:  Should the Commission find that, for 2011, PEF's project management, contracting, accounting and cost oversight controls were reasonable and prudent for the Levy Units 1 & 2 project? If not, what action, if any, should the Commission take? 8. Issue 9:  What system and jurisdictional amounts should the Commission approve as PEF's final 2011 prudently incurred costs and final true-up amounts for the Levy Units 1 & 2 project? 9. Issue 10:  What system and jurisdictional amounts should the Commission approve as reasonably estimated 2012 costs and estimated true-up amounts for PEF's Levy Units 1 & 2 project? 10. Issue 11:  What system and jurisdictional amounts should the Commission approve as reasonably projected 2013 costs for PEF's Levy Units 1 & 2 project? 11. Issue 13:  Should the Commission find that, for 2011, PEF's project management, contracting, accounting, and cost oversight controls were reasonable and prudent for the Crystal River Unit 3 Uprate project? If not, what action, if any, should the Commission take? 12. Issue 14:  Were all of the actual Crystal River Unit 3 Uprate project expenditures prudently incurred or expended in 2011 in the absence of a final decision to repair or retire Crystal River Unit 3 in 2011? 13. Issue 15:  What system and jurisdictional amounts should the Commission approve as PEF's 2011 prudently incurred costs and final true-up amounts for the Crystal River Unit 3 Uprate Project? 14. Issue 17:  What system and jurisdictional amounts should the Commission approve as reasonably estimated 2012 costs and estimated true-up amounts for PEF's Crystal River Unit 3 Uprate project? 15. Issue 18:  What system and jurisdictional amounts should the Commission approve as reasonably projected 2013 costs for PEF's Crystal River Unit 3 Uprate project? 16. Issue 19:  What is the total jurisdictional amount to be included in establishing PEF's 2013 Capacity Cost Recovery Clause factor? 17. Issue 20:  Do FPL's activities since January 2011 related to Turkey Point Units 6 & 7 qualify as "siting, design, licensing, and construction" of a nuclear power plant as contemplated by Section 366.93, F.S.? 18. Issue 21:  Should the Commission approve what FPL has submitted as its 2012 annual detailed analysis of the long-term feasibility of completing the Turkey Point Units 6 & 7 project, as provided for in Rule 25-6.0423, F.A.C.? If not, what action, if any, should the Commission take? 19. Issue 22:  What is the current total estimated all-inclusive cost (including AFUDC and sunk costs) of the proposed Turkey Point Units 6 & 7 nuclear project? 20. Issue 23:  What is the current estimated planned commercial operation date of the planned Turkey Point Units 6 & 7 nuclear facility? 21. Issue 24:  Should the Commission find that FPL's 2011 project management, contracting, accounting and cost oversight controls were reasonable and prudent for the Turkey Point Units 6 & 7 project? 22. Issue 25:  What system and jurisdictional amounts should the Commission approve as FPL's final 2011 prudently incurred costs and final true-up amounts for the Turkey Point Units 6 & 7 project? 23. Issue 26:  What system and jurisdictional amounts should the Commission approve as reasonably estimated 2012 costs and estimated true-up amounts for FPL's Turkey Point Units 6 & 7 project? 24. Issue 27:  What system and jurisdictional amounts should the Commission approve as reasonable projected 2013 costs for FPL's Turkey Point Units 6 & 7 project? 25. Issue 28:  Should the Commission approve what FPL has submitted as its 2012 annual detailed analysis of the long-term feasibility of completing FPL’s Extended Power Uprate project, as provided for in Rule 25-6.0423, F.A.C.? If not, what action, if any, should the Commission take? 26. Issue 29:  Should the Commission find that FPL's 2011 project management, contracting, accounting and cost oversight controls were reasonable and prudent for FPL's Extended Power Uprate project? A. Issue 29A:  Should the Commission find that in the previous year (2011) and the current year to date (2012), FPL managed the Extended Power Uprate activities in a reasonable and prudent manner? If not, what action should the Commission take? 27. Issue 30:  What system and jurisdictional amounts should the Commission approve as FPL's final 2011 prudently incurred costs and final true-up amounts for FPL's Extended Power Uprate project? 28. Issue 31:  What system and jurisdictional amounts should the Commission approve as reasonably estimated 2012 costs and estimated true-up amounts for FPL's Extended Power Uprate project? 29. Issue 32:  What system and jurisdictional amounts should the Commission approve as reasonably projected 2013 costs for FPL's Extended Power Uprate project? 30. Issue 33:  What is the total jurisdictional amount to be included in establishing FPL's 2013 Capacity Cost Recovery Clause factor?