CONFERENCE DATE AND TIME:  Wednesday, October 22, 2014, 9:00 a.m.

LOCATION:  Betty Easley Conference Center, Joseph P. Cresse Hearing Room 148

DATE ISSUED:  October 10, 2014



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The Commission Conference has a live video broadcast the day of the conference, which is available from the PSC’s Web site.  Upon completion of the conference, the video will be available from the Web site by selecting Conferences &  Meeting Agendas, then Audio and Video Event Coverage.

   1**                           Docket No. 130230-SU – Application for amendment of territory for Certificate No.  300-S in Lee County by Forest Utilities, Inc.

Critical Date(s):


Commissioners Assigned:

All Commissioners

Prehearing Officer:



ENG:   Lee, Lewis

ECO:   Bruce, Hudson

GCL:   Brownless


Issue 1: 

 Should the Commission approve Forest’s application to amend Certificate No. 300-S to include additional territory in Lee County?


 Yes.  It is in the public interest to amend Certificate No. 300-S to include the additional territory which Forest is requesting to serve, effective the date of the Commission’s vote.  The resultant order should serve as Forest’s amended certificate and should be retained by the Utility. 

Issue 2: 

Does the Commission’s approval of Forest’s application to amend Certificate No. 300-S to include Jamaica Bay constitute a de facto approval of the terms of the Settlement by the Commission?   


No.  The Settlement was negotiated between Jamaica Bay and Forest as a resolution of all of the issues raised in the circuit court breach of contract case between these parties.  The Settlement is not binding on the Commission and the Commission’s approval of the request for amendment of its certificated service territory to add Jamaica Bay does not constitute the Commission’s approval of any of the terms of the Settlement. 

Issue 3: 

 Should Forest’s request to cancel Seventh Revised Tariff Sheet No. 17.1 be approved?

Recommendation:  Yes.  Staff recommends that Forest’s request to cancel Seventh Revised Tariff Sheet No. 17.1 be approved. 

Issue 4: 

 Should this docket be closed?

Recommendation: If the Commission approves staff’s recommendations, the docket should be closed.