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TO: |
Office of Commission Clerk (Stauffer) |
Division of Accounting and Finance (T. Brown, Norris, Fletcher) Office of the General Counsel (Villafrate) |
RE: |
Docket No. 150005-WS Annual reestablishment of price increase or decrease index of major categories of operating costs incurred by water and wastewater utilities pursuant to Section 367.081(4)(a), F.S. |
01/08/15 Regular Agenda Proposed Agency Action Interested Persons May Participate |
Since March 31, 1981, pursuant to the guidelines established by Section 367.081(4)(a), Florida Statutes (F.S.), and Rule 25-30.420, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), the Commission has established a price index increase or decrease for major categories of operating costs on or before March 31 of each year. This process allows water and wastewater utilities to adjust rates based on current specific expenses without applying for a rate case.
Staff has calculated its proposed 2015 price index by comparing the Gross Domestic Product Implicit Price Deflator Index for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2013, to the same index for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2014. This same procedure has been used each year since 1995 to calculate the price index. The U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, released its final third quarter figures on December 23, 2014.
Since March 31, 1981, the Commission has received and processed approximately 3,428 index applications. The Commission has jurisdiction over this matter pursuant to Section 367.081, F.S.
Issue 1:
Which index should be used to determine price level adjustments?
The Gross Domestic Product Implicit Price Deflator Index is recommended for use in calculating price level adjustments. Staff recommends calculating the 2015 price index by using a fiscal year, four quarter comparison of the Implicit Price Deflator Index ending with the third quarter 2014. (T. Brown)
Staff Analysis:
In 1993, the Gross Domestic Product Implicit Price
Deflator Index (GDP) was established as the appropriate measure for determining
the water and wastewater price index. At
this same time, the convention of using a four quarter fiscal year comparison
was also established and this practice has been used every year since then.[1] The GDP is prepared by the U.S. Department of
Commerce. Prior to that time, the Gross
National Product Implicit Price Deflator Index (GNP) was used as the indexing
factor for water and wastewater utilities.
The Department of Commerce switched its emphasis from the GNP to the GDP
as the primary measure of
Pursuant to Section 367.081(4)(a), F.S., the Commission, by order, shall establish a price increase or decrease index for major categories of operating costs incurred by utilities subject to its jurisdiction reflecting the percentage of increase or decrease in such costs from the most recent 12-month historical data available. Since 1995, the price index was determined by using a four quarter comparison, ending September 30, of the Implicit Price Deflator Index in order to meet the statutory deadline. The current price index was determined by comparing the change in the GDP using the four quarter fiscal year comparison ending September 30. This method has been used consistently since 1995 to determine the price index.[2]
In Order No. PSC-14-0056-PAA-WS, issued January 27, 2014, in Docket No. 140005-WS, the Commission, in keeping with the practice started in 1993, reiterated the alternatives which could be used to calculate the indexing of utility revenues. Past concerns expressed by utilities, as summarized from utility input in previous hearings, are:
1) Inflation should be a major factor in determining the index;
2) Nationally published indices should be vital to this determination;
3) Major categories of expenses are labor, chemicals, sludge-hauling, materials and supplies, maintenance, transportation, and treatment expense;
4) An area wage survey, Dodge Building Cost Index, Consumer Price Index, and the GDP should be considered;
5) A broad measure index should be used; and
6) The index procedure should be easy to administer.
Based upon these concerns, the Commission has previously explored the following alternatives:
1) Survey of Regulated Water and Wastewater Utilities;
2) Consumer Price Index;
4) Producer's Price Index - previously the Wholesale Price Index; and
5) GDP (replacing the GNP).
Over the past years, the Commission found that the Survey of Regulated Water and Wastewater Utilities should be rejected because using the results of a survey would allow utilities to pass on to customers all cost increases, thereby reducing the incentives of promoting efficiency and productivity. The Commission has also found that the Consumer Price Index and the Florida Price Level Index should be rejected because of their limited degree of applicability to the water and wastewater industry. Both of these price indices are based upon comparing the advance in prices of a limited number of general goods and, therefore, appear to have limited application to water and wastewater utilities.
The Commission further found that the Producers Price Index (PPI) is a family of indices that measures the average change over time in selling prices received by domestic producers of goods and services. PPI measures price change from the perspective of the seller, not the purchaser, and therefore should be rejected. Because the bases for these indices have not changed, staff believes that the conclusions reached in Order No. PSC-14-0056-PAA-WS continue to apply in this case. Since 1993, the Commission has found that the GDP has a greater degree of applicability to the water and wastewater industry. Therefore, staff recommends that the Commission continue to use the GDP to calculate water and wastewater price level adjustments.
The following information provides a historical perspective of the annual price index:
Analysis of the Annual Price Index for Water and Wastewater Utilities |
2003 |
1.31% |
2009 |
2.55% |
2004 |
1.60% |
2010 |
0.56% |
2005 |
2.17% |
2011 |
1.18% |
2006 |
2.74% |
2012 |
2.41% |
2007 |
3.09% |
2013 |
1.63% |
2008 |
2.39% |
2014 |
1.41% |
The table below shows the historical participation in the Index and/or Pass-Through programs:
Table 1-2
of Jurisdictional Water and Wastewater Utilities Filing for Indexes and/or Pass-Throughs |
2003 |
27% |
2009 |
53% |
2004 |
22% |
2010 |
29% |
2005 |
33% |
2011 |
43% |
2006 |
32% |
2012 |
30% |
2007 |
47% |
2013 |
41% |
2008 |
42% |
2014 |
39% |
Issue 2:
What rate should be used by water and wastewater utilities for the 2015 Price Index?
The 2015 Price Index for water and wastewater utilities should be 1.57 percent. (T. Brown)
Staff Analysis:
The U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, released the final third quarter 2014 figures on December 23, 2014. The percentage change in the GDP using the fiscal year comparison ending with the third quarter is 1.57 percent. This number was calculated as follows:
GDP Index for the fiscal year ended 9/30/14 108.603
GDP Index for the fiscal year ended 9/30/13 106.923
Difference 1.68
Divided by 9/30/13 GDP Index 106.923
2015 Price Index 1.57%
Issue 3:
How should the utilities be informed of the indexing requirements?
Pursuant to Rule 25-30.420(1), F.A.C., the Office of Commission Clerk, after the expiration of the Proposed Agency Action (PAA) protest period, should mail each regulated water and wastewater utility a copy of the PAA order establishing the index containing the information presented in Form PSC/ECR 15 (4/99) and Appendix A (Attachment 1). A cover letter from the Director of the Division of Accounting and Finance should be included with the mailing of the order (Attachment 2). The entire package will also be made available on the Commissions website. (T. Brown)
Staff Analysis:
Staff designed a package (Form PSC/ECR 15 (4/99) and Appendix A), attached hereto as Attachment 1, that details the requirements of the Commissions Index and Pass-Through programs. This package has significantly reduced the number of questions regarding what the index and pass-through rate adjustments are, how to apply for an adjustment, and what needs to be filed to meet the filing requirements.
Staff recommends that the package presented in Form PSC/ECR 15 (4/99) and Appendix A (Attachment 1) be mailed to every regulated water and wastewater utility after the expiration of the PAA protest period, along with a copy of the PAA order that has become final. The entire package will also be made available on the Commissions website.
In an effort to increase the number of water and wastewater utilities taking advantage of the annual price index and pass-through programs, staff is recommending that the attached cover letter (Attachment 2) from the Director of the Division of Accounting and Finance be included with the mailing of the PAA Order to explain the purpose of the index and pass-through applications and that Commission staff is available to assist them.
Issue 4:
Should this docket be closed?
No. Upon expiration of the 14-day protest period, if a timely protest is not received, the decision should become final and effective upon the issuance of a Consummating Order. Any party filing a protest should be required to prefile testimony with the protest. However, this docket should remain open through the end of the year and be closed upon the establishment of the new docket on January 4, 2016. (Villafrate, T. Brown)
Staff Analysis:
Uniform Rule 25-22.029(1), F.A.C., contains an exception to the procedural requirements set forth in Uniform Rule 28-106.111, F.A.C., providing that [t]he time for requesting a Section 120.569 or 120.57 hearing shall be 14 days from issuance of the notice for PAA orders establishing a price index pursuant to Section 367.081(4)(a), F.S. Therefore, staff recommends that the Commission require any protest to the PAA Order in this docket be filed within 14 days of the issuance of the PAA Order, and that any party filing the protest should be required to prefile testimony with the protest. Upon expiration of the protest period, if a timely protest is not received, the decision should become final and effective upon the issuance of a Consummating Order. However, this docket should remain open through the end of the year and be closed upon the establishment of the new docket on January 4, 2016.
DEP WWTP ID NO. ________________
*2014 Operation and Maintenance Expenses $ $
(a) Pass-through Items:
(1) Purchased Power
(2) Purchased Water
** (3) Purchased Wastewater Treatment
***(4) New DEP Required Water Testing
***(5) New DEP Required Wastewater Testing
(6) NPDES Fees
(b) Rate Case Expense Included in
2014 Expenses
(c) Adjustments to O & M Expenses from
last rate case, if applicable:
(2) ________ ________
Costs to be Indexed $ $
Multiply by change in GDP Implicit
Price Deflator Index .0157 .0157
Indexed Costs $ $
**** Add Change in Pass-Through Items:
Divide Index and Pass-Through Sum by
Expansion Factor for Regulatory
Assessment Fees .955 .955
Increase in Revenue $ $
***** Divide by 2014 Revenue __________ __________
Percentage Increase in Rates % %
========= =========
PSC/ECR 15 (04/99)
* This amount must match 2014 annual report.
** This may include government-mandated disposal fees.
*** Daily, weekly, or monthly testing required by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) not currently included in the utility's rates. Or additional tests required by the DEP during the 12-month period prior to filing by the utility and/or changes to the frequency of existing test(s) required by the DEP during the 12-month period prior to filing by the utility.
**** This may include an increase in purchased power, purchased water, purchased wastewater treatment, required DEP testing, and ad valorem taxes, providing that those increases have been incurred within the 12-month period prior to the submission of the pass-through application. Pass-through NPDES fees and increases in regulatory assessment fees are eligible as pass-through costs but not subject to the twelve month rule. DEP water and wastewater testing pass-throughs require invoices. See Rule 25-30.425, F.A.C. for more information.
***** If rates changed after January 1, 2014, the book revenues must be adjusted to show the changes and an explanation of the calculation should be attached to this form. See Annualized Revenue Worksheet for instructions and a sample format.
Have the rates charged for customer services changed since January 1, 2014?
( ) If no, the utility should use actual revenues. This form may be disregarded.
( ) If yes, the utility must annualize its revenues. Read the remainder of this form.
Annualizing calculates the revenues the utility would have earned based upon 2014 customer consumption at the most current rates in effect. To complete this calculation, the utility will need consumption data for 2014 to apply to the existing rate schedule. Below is a sample format which may be used.
Data for 2014
Number of Current Annualized
Bill/Gal. Sold X
Residential Service:
5/8"x3/4" meters .............
....... ..........
1" meters .............
....... ..........
1 2" meters .............
....... ..........
2" meters .............
....... ..........
Gallons Sold .............
....... ..........
General Service:
5/8"x3/4" meters ..............
....... ..........
1" meters ..............
....... ..........
1 2" meters
.............. .......
2" meters
.............. .......
3" meters .............. ....... ..........
4" meters ..............
....... ..........
6" meters .............. .......
Gallons Sold .............. .......
Total Annualized Revenues for 2014 $
* Annualized revenues must be calculated separately if the utility consists of both a water system and a wastewater system. This form is designed specifically for utilities using a base facility charge rate structure. If annualized revenues must be calculated and further assistance is needed, contact the Commission Staff at (850) 413-6900.
Appendix A
Section 367.081(4)(a), (c), (d), (e), and (f)
Rule 25-30.420,
Sample Affirmation Affidavit
Notice to Customers
Sections 367.081(4)(a), (c), (d), (e), and (f),
(4)(a) On or before March 31
of each year, the commission by order shall establish a price increase or
decrease index for major categories of operating costs incurred by utilities
subject to its jurisdiction reflecting the percentage of increase or decrease
in such costs from the most recent 12-month historical data available. The
commission by rule shall establish the procedure to be used in determining such
indices and a procedure by which a utility, without further action by the
commission, or the commission on its own motion, may implement an increase or
decrease in its rates based upon the application of the indices to the amount
of the major categories of operating costs incurred by the utility during the
immediately preceding calendar year, except to the extent of any disallowances
or adjustments for those expenses of that utility in its most recent rate
proceeding before the commission. The rules shall provide that, upon a finding
of good cause, including inadequate service, the commission may order a utility
to refrain from implementing a rate increase hereunder unless implemented under
a bond or corporate undertaking in the same manner as interim rates may be
implemented under s. 367.082.
A utility may not use this procedure between the official filing date of the
rate proceeding and 1 year thereafter, unless the case is completed or
terminated at an earlier date. A utility may not use this procedure to increase
any operating cost for which an adjustment has been or could be made under
paragraph (b), or to increase its rates by application of a price index other
than the most recent price index authorized by the commission at the time of
(c) Before implementing a
change in rates under this subsection, the utility shall file an affirmation
under oath as to the accuracy of the figures and calculations upon which the
change in rates is based, stating that the change will not cause the utility to
exceed the range of its last authorized rate of return on equity. Whoever makes
a false statement in the affirmation required hereunder, which statement he or
she does not believe to be true in regard to any material matter, is guilty of
a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
(d) If, within 15 months
after the filing of a utility's annual report required by s. 367.121, the commission
finds that the utility exceeded the range of its last authorized rate of return
on equity after an adjustment in rates as authorized by this subsection was
implemented within the year for which the report was filed or was implemented
in the preceding year, the commission may order the utility to refund, with
interest, the difference to the ratepayers and adjust rates accordingly. This
provision shall not be construed to require a bond or corporate undertaking not
otherwise required.
(e) Notwithstanding anything
herein to the contrary, a utility may not adjust its rates under this
subsection more than two times in any 12-month period. For the purpose of this
paragraph, a combined application or simultaneously filed applications that
were filed under the provisions of paragraphs (a) and (b) shall be considered
one rate adjustment.
(f) The commission may regularly, not less often
than once each year, establish by order a leverage formula or formulae that
reasonably reflect the range of returns on common equity for an average water
or wastewater utility and which, for purposes of this section, shall be used to
calculate the last authorized rate of return on equity for any utility which
otherwise would have no established rate of return on equity. In any other
proceeding in which an authorized rate of return on equity is to be established,
a utility, in lieu of presenting evidence on its rate of return on common
equity, may move the commission to adopt the range of rates of return on common
equity that has been established under this paragraph.
25-30.420 Establishment of Price Index,
Adjustment of Rates; Requirement of Bond; Filings After Adjustment; Notice to
(1) The
Commission shall, on or before March 31 of each year, establish a price
increase or decrease index as required by section 367.081(4)(a), F.S. The Division of the Commission Clerk and
Administrative Services shall mail each regulated water and wastewater utility
a copy of the proposed agency action order establishing the index for the year
and a copy of the application. Form PSC/ECR 15 (04/99), entitled AIndex Application@, is incorporated into this rule by
reference and may be obtained from the Commission=s Division of Economic Regulation. Applications for the newly established price
index will be accepted from April 1 of the year the index is established
through March 31 of the following year.
(a) The
index shall be applied to all operation and maintenance expenses, except for
amortization of rate case expense, costs subject to pass-through adjustments
pursuant to section 367.081(4)(b), F.S., and adjustments or disallowances made
in a utility's most recent rate proceeding.
(b) In
establishing the price index, the Commission will consider cost statistics
compiled by government agencies or bodies, cost data supplied by utility
companies or other interested parties, and applicable wage and price
(2) Any utility seeking to increase or
decrease its rates based upon the application of the index established pursuant
to subsection (1) and as authorized by section 367.081(4)(a), F.S., shall file
an original and five copies of a notice of intention and the materials listed
in (a) through (i) below with the Commission's Division of Economic Regulation
at least 60 days prior to the effective date of the increase or decrease. The adjustment in rates shall take effect on
the date specified in the notice of intention unless the Commission finds that
the notice of intention or accompanying materials do not comply with the law,
or the rules or orders of the Commission. The notice shall be accompanied by:
(a) Revised
tariff sheets;
(b) A
computation schedule showing the increase or decrease in annual revenue that
will result when the index is applied;
(c) The
affirmation required by section 367.081(4)(c), F.S.;
(d) A
copy of the notice to customers required by subsection (6);
(e) The
rate of return on equity that the utility is affirming it will not exceed
pursuant to section 367.081(4)(c), F.S.;
(f) An
annualized revenue figure for the test year used in the index calculation
reflecting the rate change, along with an explanation of the calculation, if
there has been any change in the utility's rates during or subsequent to the
test year;
(g) The
utility's Department of Environmental Protection Public Water System
identification number and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operating Permit number.
(h) A
statement that the utility does not have any active written complaints,
corrective orders, consent orders, or outstanding citations with the Department
of Environmental Protection (DEP) or the County Health Department(s) or that
the utility does have active written complaints, corrective orders, consent
orders, or outstanding citations with the DEP or the County Health
(i) A
copy of any active written complaints, corrective orders, consent orders, or outstanding
citations with the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) or the County
Health Department(s).
(3) If
the Commission, upon its own motion, implements an increase or decrease in the
rates of a utility based upon the application of the index established pursuant
to subsection (1) and as authorized by section 367.081(4)(a), F.S., the
Commission will require a utility to file the information required in
subsection (2).
(4) Upon
a finding of good cause, the Commission may require that a rate increase
pursuant to section 367.081(4)(a), F.S., be implemented under a bond or
corporate undertaking in the same manner as interim rates. For purposes of this
subsection, "good cause" shall include:
(a) Inadequate
service by the utility;
(b) Inadequate
record-keeping by the utility such that the Commission is unable to determine
whether the utility is entitled to implement the rate increase or decrease
under this rule.
(5) Prior
to the time a customer begins consumption at the rates established by application
of the index, the utility shall notify each customer of the increase or
decrease authorized and explain the reasons therefore.
(6) No
utility shall file a notice of intention pursuant to this rule unless the
utility has on file with the Commission an annual report as required by Rule
25-30.110(3), F.A.C., for the test year specified in the order establishing the
index for the year.
(7) No
utility shall implement a rate increase pursuant to this rule within one year
of the official date that it filed a rate proceeding, unless the rate
proceeding has been completed or terminated.
Specific Authority: 350.127(2), 367.081(4)(a),
367.121(1)(c), 367.121(1)(f), F.S. Law
Implemented: 367.081(4), 367.121(1)(c), 367.121(1)(g), F.S. History:
I, ___________________________________, hereby affirm that
the figures and calculations upon which the change in rates is based are
accurate and that the change will not cause
_______________________________ to
exceed the range of its last
(Utility Name)
authorized rate of return on equity, which is
I, the undersigned/officer of the above-named utility, have
read the foregoing and declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief,
the information contained in this application is true and correct.
This affirmation is made pursuant to my request for a 2015
price index and/or pass-through rate increase, in conformance with Section
367.081(4)(c), Florida Statutes.
Further, I am aware that pursuant to Section 837.06,
Florida Statutes, whoever knowingly makes a false statement in writing with the
intent to mislead a public servant in the performance of his official duty shall
be guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree.
Signature: ________________________
Title: ____________________________
Telephone Number: ________________
Fax Number: ______________________
Sworn to and subscribed before me this _____________________
day of ____________________, 20__.
My Commission expires:
Notary Public
State of
Pursuant to Rule 25-30.420(2)(h)
and (i),
(Utility Name)
[ ] does not have any active
written complaints, corrective orders, consent orders, or outstanding citations
with the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) or the County Health
[ ] does have the attached active
written complaint(s), corrective order(s), consent order(s), or outstanding
citation(s) with the DEP or the County Health Department(s). The attachment(s) includes the specific
system(s) involved with DEP permit number and the nature of the active
complaint, corrective order, consent order, or outstanding citation.
This statement is intended such
that the Florida Public Service Commission can make a determination of quality
of service pursuant to Section 367.081(4)(a), Florida Statutes, and Rule 25-30.420(4)(a),
Florida Administrative Code.
Telephone Number: __________________
Fax Number: _______________________
Date: _____________________________
Pursuant to Section 367.081(4)(a), Florida Statutes, water
and wastewater utilities are permitted to adjust the rates and charges to its
customers without those customers bearing the additional expense of a public
hearing. These adjustments in rates would
depend on increases or decreases in noncontrollable expenses subject to
inflationary pressures such as chemicals, and other general operation and
maintenance costs.
On ______________________,
(date) (name
of company)
filed its notice of intention with the Florida Public
Service Commission to increase water and wastewater rates in
Section 367.081(4)(b),
Rule 25-30.425,
Waiver Form
Sample Affirmation Affidavit
Notice to Customers
Section 367.081(4)(b),
(b) The approved
rates of any utility which receives all or any portion of its utility service
from a governmental authority or from a water or wastewater utility regulated
by the commission and which redistributes that service to its utility customers
shall be automatically increased or decreased without hearing, upon verified
notice to the commission 45 days prior to its implementation of the increase or
decrease that the rates charged by the governmental authority or other utility
have changed. The approved rates of any utility which is subject to an increase
or decrease in the rates or fees that it is charged for electric power, the
amount of ad valorem taxes assessed against its used and useful property, the
fees charged by the Department of Environmental Protection in connection with
the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program, or the regulatory
assessment fees imposed upon it by the commission shall be increased or
decreased by the utility, without action by the commission, upon verified
notice to the commission 45 days prior to its implementation of the increase or
decrease that the rates charged by the supplier of the electric power or the
taxes imposed by the governmental authority, or the regulatory assessment fees
imposed upon it by the commission have changed. The new rates authorized shall
reflect the amount of the change of the ad valorem taxes or rates imposed upon
the utility by the governmental authority, other utility, or supplier of
electric power, or the regulatory assessment fees imposed upon it by the
commission. The approved rates of any utility shall be automatically increased,
without hearing, upon verified notice to the commission 45 days prior to
implementation of the increase that costs have been incurred for water quality
or wastewater quality testing required by the Department of Environmental
Protection. The new rates authorized shall reflect, on an amortized basis, the
cost of, or the amount of change in the cost of, required water quality or
wastewater quality testing performed by laboratories approved by the Department
of Environmental Protection for that purpose. The new rates, however, shall not
reflect the costs of any required water quality or wastewater quality testing
already included in a utility's rates. A utility may not use this procedure to
increase its rates as a result of water quality or wastewater quality testing
or an increase in the cost of purchased water services, sewer services, or
electric power or in assessed ad valorem taxes, which increase was initiated
more than 12 months before the filing by the utility. The provisions of this
subsection do not prevent a utility from seeking a change in rates pursuant to
the provisions of subsection (2).
25-30.425 Pass Through Rate Adjustment.
The verified notice to the
Commission of an adjustment of rates under the provisions of Section
367.081(4)(b), F.S., shall be made in the following manner:
(1) Prior to an adjustment
in rates because of an increase or decrease in purchased utility service, the
utility shall file:
(a) A certified copy of the
order, ordinance or other evidence whereby the rates for utility service are
increased or decreased by the governmental agency or by a water or wastewater
utility regulated by the Commission, along with evidence of the utility service
rates of that governmental agency or water or wastewater utility in effect on
January 1 of each of the three preceding years.
(b) A statement setting out
by month the charges for utility services purchased from the governmental
agency or regulated utility for the most recent 12-month period.
(c) 1. A statement setting
out by month the gallons of water or wastewater treatment purchased from the
governmental agency or regulated utility for the most recent 12-month period.
If wastewater treatment service is not based on a metered flow, the number of
units by which the service is measured shall be stated.
2. A statement setting out
by month gallons of water and units of wastewater service sold by the utility
for the most recent 12-month period.
(d) A statement setting out
by month the gallons of water or wastewater treatment purchased from any other
government entity or utility company.
(e) A statement setting out
by month the gallons of water pumped or wastewater treated by the utility
filing the verified notice.
(f) If the total water
available for sale is in excess of 110% of the water sold, a statement
explaining the unaccounted for water.
(2) Prior to an adjustment
in rates because of an increase or decrease in the charge for electric power
the utility shall file with the Commission:
(a) A certified copy of the
order, ordinance or other evidence which establishes that the rates for
electric power have been increased or decreased by the supplier, along with
evidence of the electric power rates of the supplier in effect on January 1 of
each of the three preceding years.
(b) A schedule showing, by
month, the charges for electric power and consumption for the most recent 12
month period, the charges that would have resulted had the new electric rates
been applied, and the difference between the charges under the old rates and
the charges under the new rates.
(c) A statement outlining
the measures taken by the utility to conserve electricity.
(3) Prior to an adjustment
in rates because of an increase or decrease in ad valorem taxes the utility
shall file with the Commission:
(a) A copy of the ad valorem
tax bills which increased or decreased and copies of the previous three years'
bills; if copies have been submitted previously, a schedule showing the tax
total only is acceptable; and
(b) A calculation of the
amount of the ad valorem taxes related to that portion of the water or
wastewater plant not used and useful in providing utility service.
(4) Prior to an adjustment
in rates because of an increase or decrease in the costs of water quality or
wastewater quality testing required by the Department of Environmental
Protection (DEP), or because of an increase or decrease in the fees charged by
DEP in connection with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
Program, the utility shall file with the Commission:
(a) A copy of the invoice for testing;
(b) Calculation of the amortized amount.
(5) In addition to subsections (1), (2),
(3), and (4) above, the utility shall also file:
(a) A schedule of proposed rates which will
pass the increased or decreased costs on to the customers in a fair and nondiscriminatory
manner and on the basis of current customers, and a calculation showing how the
rates were determined;
(b) A statement, by class of customer and
meter size, setting out by month the gallons of water and units of wastewater
service sold by the utility for the most recent 12 month period. This statement shall not be required in
filings for the pass through of increased regulatory assessment fees or ad
valorem taxes;
(c) The affirmation reflecting the
authorized rate of return on equity required by Section 367.081(4)(c), F.S.;
(d) A copy of the notice to customers
required by subsection (7) of this rule;
(e) Revised tariff sheets reflecting the
increased rates;
(f) The rate of return on equity that the
utility is affirming it will not exceed pursuant to Section 367.081(4)(c),
F.S.; and
(g) The utility's DEP Public Water System
identification number and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operating Permit number;
(6) The amount authorized for pass through
rate adjustments shall not exceed the actual cost incurred and shall not exceed
the incremental increase or decrease for the 12-month period. Foregone pass through decreases shall not be
used to adjust a pass through increase below the actual cost incurred.
(7) In order for the Commission to
determine whether a utility which had adjusted its rates pursuant to Section
367.081(4)(b), F.S., has thereby exceeded the range of its last authorized rate
of return, the Commission may require a utility to file the information
required in Rule 25- 30.437, F. A. C., for the test year specified.
(8) Prior to the time a customer begins
consumption at the adjusted rates, the utility shall notify each customer of
the increase authorized and explain the reasons for the increase.
(9) The utility shall file an original and
five copies of the verified notice and supporting documents with the Division
of Economic Regulation. The rates shall become effective 45 days after the
official date of filing. The official date of filing for the verified notice to
the Commission of adjustment in rates shall be at least 45 days before the new
rates are implemented.
Specific Authority 350.127(2),
367.121(1)(c), (f) FS. Law Implemented
367.081(4), 367.121(1)(c), (g) FS.
_______________________________________________ hereby
waives the right to implement a pass-through rate increase within 45 days of
filing, as provided by Section 367.081(4)(b), Florida Statutes, in order that
the pass-through and index rate increase may both be implemented together 60
days after the official filing date of this notice of intention.
(To be used if an index and pass-through rate increase are
requested jointly.)
I, ___________________________________, hereby affirm that
the figures and calculations upon which the change in rates is based are
accurate and that the change will not cause _______________________________ to exceed the range of its last
authorized rate of return on equity, which is
I, the undersigned/officer of the above-named utility, have
read the foregoing and declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief,
the information contained in this application is true and correct.
This affirmation is made pursuant to my request for a 2015
price index and/or pass-through rate increase, in conformance with Section
367.081(4)(c), Florida Statutes.
Further, I am aware that pursuant to Section 837.06,
Florida Statutes, whoever knowingly makes a false statement in writing with the
intent to mislead a public servant in the performance of his official duty
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree.
Signature: ____________________
Title: ________________________
Telephone Number: ____________
Fax Number: _________________
Sworn to and subscribed before me this
_____________________ day of ____________________, 20__.
My Commission expires:
Notary Public
State of
Pursuant to Section 367.081(4)(b), Florida Statutes, water
and wastewater utilities are permitted to pass through, without a public
hearing, a change in rates resulting from: an increase or decrease in rates
charged for utility services received from a governmental agency or another
regulated utility and which services were redistributed by the utility to its
customers; an increase or decrease in
the rates that it is charged for electric power, the amount of ad valorem taxes
assessed against its used and useful property, the fees charged by the
Department of Environmental Protection in connection with the National
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program, or the regulatory assessment
fees imposed upon it by the Commission;
and costs incurred for water quality or wastewater quality testing
required by the Department of Environmental Protection.
On ______________________, _______________________________
(date) (name
of company)
filed its notice of intention with the Florida Public
Service Commission to increase water and wastewater rates in
If you should have any questions, please contact your local
utility office. Be sure to have your
account number handy for quick reference.
Art Graham, Chairman Lisa Polak Edgar Ronald A. Bris้ Julie I. Brown Jimmy Patronis |
State of |
Andrew L.
Maurey, Director Division of
Accounting and Finance (850)
413-6900 |
Public Service Commission |
Regulated Water & Wastewater Utilities
Re: Docket No. 150005-WS - 2015 Price Index
Dear Utility Owner:
to Rule 25-30.420(1)(a), F.A.C., all operation and maintenance expenses shall
be indexed with the exception of:
a) Pass-through
items pursuant to Section 367.081(4)(b), F.S.;
b) Any
amortization of rate case expense; and
c) Disallowances
or adjustments made in an applicant's most recent rate proceeding.
Upon the
filing of a request for an index and/or pass-through increase, staff will
review the application and modify existing rates accordingly. If for no other reason than to keep up with
escalating costs, utilities throughout
Regulated Water & Wastewater Utilities
Page 2
Month Day, 2015
1990 |
4.12% |
2003 |
1.31% |
1991 |
4.12% |
2004 |
1.60% |
1992 |
3.63% |
2005 |
2.17% |
1993 |
3.33% |
2006 |
2.74% |
1994 |
2.56% |
2007 |
3.09% |
1995 |
1.95% |
2008 |
2.39% |
1996 |
2.49% |
2009 |
2.55% |
1997 |
2.13% |
2010 |
0.56% |
1998 |
2.10% |
2011 |
1.18% |
1999 |
1.21% |
2012 |
2.41% |
2000 |
1.36% |
2013 |
1.63% |
2001 |
2.50% |
2014 |
1.41% |
2002 |
2.33% |
2015 |
1.57% |
Please be
aware that pursuant to Section 837.06, F.S., whoever knowingly makes a false
statement in writing with the intent to mislead a public servant in the
performance of his official duty shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the second
Our staff
is available at (850) 413-6900 should you need assistance with your filing. If
you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call.
Andrew L. Maurey
[1] See
Order No.
[2] See
Order No.