State of Florida



Public Service Commission

Capital Circle Office Center ● 2540 Shumard Oak Boulevard
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0850




February 20, 2020


Office of Commission Clerk (Teitzman)


Office of Industry Development and Market Analysis (Williams)

Office of the General Counsel (Murphy)


Docket No. 20200047-TP – Appointment of Jane E. Johnson to the Telecommunications Access System Act of 1991 (TASA) Advisory Committee.


03/03/20Regular Agenda – Interested Persons May Participate


All Commissioners








 Case Background

The Telecommunications Access System Act of 1991 (TASA) established a statewide telecommunications relay system.[1] Section 427.704(1), F.S., provides that the Florida Public Service Commission (Commission) shall establish, implement, promote, and oversee the administration of a statewide telecommunications access system to provide access to telecommunications relay services by persons who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired, and others who communicate with them.

Pursuant to Section 427.706, F.S., the Commission shall appoint an advisory committee of no more than 10 members to assist the Commission with Florida’s relay system. There are currently seven representatives serving on the advisory committee.

Pursuant to Section 427.706(2), F.S., the advisory committee provides the expertise, experience, and perspective of persons who are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech impaired to the Commission and the telecommunications relay service administrator, Florida Telecommunications Relay, Inc. (FTRI). Specifically, the committee advises the Commission and FTRI on the quality and cost-effectiveness of the relay service system, including the distribution of specialized telecommunications equipment to clients. Members of the advisory committee are not compensated for their services but are entitled to per diem and travel expenses provided through the Florida Public Service Regulatory Trust Fund.


Discussion of Issues

Issue 1: 

 Should the Commission approve the appointment of Jane E. Johnson to the TASA advisory committee effective immediately?


 Yes. Staff recommends that the Commission approve the appointment of Jane E. Johnson to the TASA advisory committee effective immediately. (Williams)

Staff Analysis: 

 Ms. Johnson seeks appointment to the TASA advisory committee to further the efforts of Florida’s Centers for Independent Living to improve access to telecommunications services for the deaf and hard of hearing. Centers for Independent Living are non-profit organizations that support independent living for persons with disabilities. Services provided include finding and using assistive technology. In her duties as the Executive Director for the Florida Association of Centers for Independent Living, Ms. Johnson coordinates advocacy efforts that promote independence for individuals with disabilities.

Ms. Johnson has also served as Chief of Staff for the Department of Children & Families (December 2012 - April 2017), Health & Human Services Policy Coordinator for the Executive Office of the Governor (January 2011 - December 2012), Director of the Florida Agency for Persons with Disabilities (April 2007 - May 2008), and Executive Director of the Florida Alliance for Assistive Services & Technology (December 2003 - April 2007).

Some of Ms. Johnson’s relevant volunteer contributions include:

n  Board Member, Florida Disabled Outdoors Association

n  Governor’s Commission on Disabilities

n  Florida Developmental Disabilities Council

n  Governor’s Task Force on Accessible Electronic & Information Technology


Ms. Johnson holds a Bachelor of Arts from Georgetown University, and a Masters in Public Administration from Norwich University.


Ms. Johnson’s experience with Florida’s Centers for Independent Living, and her advocacy on behalf of citizens with disabilities makes her a great choice for appointment to the TASA advisory committee as set forth at Section 427.706(2), F.S. Therefore, staff recommends that the Commission approve the appointment of Jane E. Johnson to the TASA advisory committee effective immediately.

Issue 2: 

 Should this docket be closed?


 Yes. The docket should be closed upon the issuance of a final order in this docket. (Murphy)

Staff Analysis: 

 The docket should be closed upon the issuance of a final order in this docket.


[1] Sections 427.701 – 427.708, Florida Statutes (F.S.).