State of Florida



Public Service Commission

Capital Circle Office Center ● 2540 Shumard Oak Boulevard
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0850




November 17, 2020


Office of Commission Clerk (Teitzman)


Office of Industry Development and Market Analysis (Fogleman)

Office of the General Counsel (Dziechciarz, Passidomo)


Docket No. 20200236-TP – Proposed extension of permissive dialing in the 850 and 813 area codes.


12/01/20Regular Agenda – Proposed Agency Action – Interested Persons May Participate


All Commissioners




February 20, 2021 – Current start of mandatory ten-digit dialing in the 850 area code

October 16, 2021 – Current start of mandatory ten-digit dialing in the 813 area code




Case Background

In June and October of 2019, the Florida Public Service Commission (Commission) established two dockets to address area code relief proposals for the 850 and 813 area codes (Docket Nos. 20190135-TP and 20190196-TP, respectively). Both proposals were filed by the North American Numbering Plan Administrator (NANPA) on behalf of the telecommunications industry. The proposals requested that an All-Services Distributed Overlay (Overlay) be implemented for each of the affected areas due to anticipated demand for telephone numbers.

The NANPA proposals included the industry’s standard thirteen-month implementation schedule, with a six-month permissive dialing period, for each of the area codes. The permissive dialing period is the time period in which customers can dial either seven or ten digits to complete a call. At the end of the permissive dialing period, mandatory ten-digit dialing is implemented, and customers that dial only seven digits will receive an audio message informing the customer to dial the number again using ten digits. The permissive dialing period is typically set for six months prior to the forecasted exhaust date for an area code. NANPA forecasted the exhaust for the 850 and 813 area codes as third quarter of 2021 and fourth quarter of 2022,  respectively.

On November 6, 2019, the Commission approved the 850 area code Overlay and the corresponding implementation schedules by Order No. PSC-2019-0471-FOF-TP (850 Order). On April 10, 2020, the Commission approved the 813 area code Overlay and the corresponding implementation schedules by Order No. PSC-2020-0098-PAA-TP (813 Order).

Following issuance of the 850 and 813 Orders, NANPA and its telecommunications industry workgroup developed dates by which the industry would notify affected companies and customers of the forthcoming implementation dates, including the end date for permissive dialing (which is the same as the start date for mandatory ten-digit dialing). During this process, the industry workgroup co-chairs distributed several email notifications to directory publishers, coin operated payphone providers, alarm associations, 911 county coordinators, and Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs). The industry workgroup distributed three email notifications for the 850 Number Planning Area (NPA), and the first of four notifications for the 813 NPA is scheduled for distribution on December 17, 2020.

On October 21, 2020, staff was contacted by two alarm companies, Smith Security System, Inc. and Panhandle Alarm & Telephone Company, Inc., both of which offer service in the 850 NPA. The companies expressed concern regarding their challenges to reprogram alarm equipment in the remaining time before the transition to mandatory ten-digit dialing, which is set to begin on February 20, 2021. The companies indicated that they are facing impediments in accessing their equipment as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

On November 5, 2020, the Alarm Association of Florida, Inc. (Alarm Association) advised that its members share similar concerns.[1] The Alarm Association is a statewide association that represents security, fire, and low-voltage customers. Approximately 30 of its contractor members are in the 850 NPA, and approximately 40 of its contractor members are in the 813 NPA. These members have thousands of customer accounts. The Alarm Association indicated that while some equipment can and has been remotely reprogramed to dial ten digits, other forms of equipment, such as fire alarms, emergency elevator phones, and some medical alert monitors, must be reprogramed on-site.

The Alarm Association advised that the reduced access to premises, especially residential, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, has greatly hindered scheduling reprograming. The Alarm Association also indicated that the Florida Fire Code (Chapter 633, Florida Statutes) requires that an alarm system be tested after any programing changes to ensure proper system operation, and that this process, depending on the size and location of the system, can take days or in some cases a week or longer.

Accordingly, the Alarm Association requested a 90-day extension of the permissive dialing period for both the 850 and 813 NPAs (though it is more urgently needed in the 850 NPA, since the start of mandatory dialing without an extension is set for February 20, 2021, as indicated above). On November 9, 2020, the Florida Fire Marshals and Inspectors Association expressed its support of the Alarm Association’s request for a 90-day extension of the permissive dialing period, and echoed the concerns expressed by the Alarm Association.[2]

The Commission has jurisdiction pursuant to Sections 364.16(7) and 120.80(13)(d), Florida Statutes, and Chapter 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Section 52.19.

Discussion of Issues

Issue 1: 

 Should the Commission extend the end of the permissive dialing period for the 850 area code from February 20, 2021, to May 22, 2021?


 Yes. The Commission should approve an extension of the permissive dialing period for the 850 area code, as set forth in Order No. PSC-2019-0471-FOF-TP, to May 22, 2021. (Fogleman)

Staff Analysis: 


Summary of Concerns of Alarm Industry

Not all alarm equipment can be remotely reprogramed to dial ten digits. Specifically, the majority of fire alarm systems and emergency elevator phones require on-site reprograming. Furthermore, some legacy consumer medical devices also require on-site reprograming. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the industry has faced challenges gaining access to thousands of buildings to perform such reprograming, resulting in a potential public safety risk if the devices cannot be reprogramed in time. In addition, Smith Security System, Inc. and Panhandle Alarm & Telephone Company, Inc. suggested that insufficient public notice regarding the transition to ten-digit dialing was a compounding factor in their reprograming challenges.

Smith Security System, Inc., Panhandle Alarm & Telephone Company, Inc., the Alarm Association, and the Florida Fire Marshals and Inspectors Association have requested an extension of the permissive dialing period to provide additional time to reprogram alarms throughout the 850 area code. While Smith Security System, Inc. did not specify a requested time frame, Panhandle Alarm & Telephone Company, Inc. requested an extension of twelve months. The Alarm Association and the Florida Fire Marshals and Inspectors Association requested an extension of 90 days.

NANPA Area Code Exhaust Forecast

In October 2020, NANPA issued its semi-annual exhaust analysis which continues to forecast exhaust of the 850 area code in the third quarter of 2021. As of October 30, 2020, there are 16 available Central Office (CO) codes for assignment. While each CO code has 10,000 consecutive telephone numbers, a code can only be assigned to one rate center.

There are a total of 64 rate centers in the 850 area code, of which 63 are optional pooling rate centers, and one is excluded from pooling. The Pooling Administrator has a total of 712 available blocks of 1,000 telephone numbers for assignment. There are available blocks in all rate centers with the exception of the MUNSON and SNEADS rate centers.

NANPA is forecasting demand for two CO codes in the next six months. Due to the limited number of CO codes in the 850 area code, NANPA notes that it may be necessary to ration code assignments if the implementation of the new area code is delayed. Specifically, if the demand for CO codes exceeds the supply prior to final implementation of the new area code, “Jeopardy” could be declared by NANPA for an NPA. When Jeopardy is declared, Interim Jeopardy Procedures are put in place and become effective immediately. The Interim Jeopardy procedures state that pooling and non-pooled CO code applications must be submitted through a lottery process, and CO code allocations initially are set at three per month. NANPA is required to convene the industry no later than three weeks after the Jeopardy declaration in order to reach consensus on the final Jeopardy procedures.

850 Outreach Efforts

In order to educate and receive customer input, staff held a customer workshop on September 6, 2019, in Tallahassee. During this workshop, Commission staff and representatives from NANPA gave presentations explaining the area code relief process, the relief options being considered, and the customer impact. Staff also allotted time for customers to ask questions or give comments. There were no customer comments during the workshop; however, staff did receive one customer comment after the workshop in favor of the Overlay alternative.


NANPA and the industry workgroup developed customer education and notification dates after the 850 Order was approved. Part of this process included the distribution of three additional email notifications sent to directory publishers, coin operated payphone providers, alarm associations, 911 county coordinators and PSAPs. The emails were sent in April, July, and October for the 850 NPA. This process has been used in prior Overlays that resulted in the transition to ten-digit dialing. Two contacts at the Alarm Association were included in these emails. Customer notifications for the general public were sent by all telecommunications companies in August, just prior to the beginning of the permissive dialing period beginning August 22, 2020. The Commission also issued its own news release on August 7, 2020.


Industry Workgroup Proposal

Staff advised the industry workgroup for the 850 area code relief implementation of the concerns raised by the alarm industry. If the Commission decides to extend the permissive dialing period for the 850 area code, the industry workgroup has proposed the following timelines for the Commission’s consideration. As noted in the Commission’s 850 Order, CO codes in the new 448 area code are available only when all assignable CO codes in the 850 area code are assigned.

850/448 NPA

Current Date

Revised Date

End of permissive dialing and start of mandatory 10-digit dialing

February 20, 2021

May 22, 2021

Earliest new 448 NPA central office code activation / in service date

March 20, 2021

June 22, 2021

Earliest date central office codes in the new 448 overlay area may be ordered through NANPA.

January 13, 2021

April 17, 2021


In order for telecommunications carriers to begin incorporating the changes listed above, NANPA must issue a planning letter regarding the actions of the Commission. NANPA’s “NPA Code Relief Planning and Notifications Guidelines” states that it will post the planning letter within ten business days of the final written order. Thus, NANPA will not issue a planning letter without a Final Order from the Commission, unless it is specifically directed to do so.


In light of the barriers the alarm industry has faced in reprograming alarm equipment due to COVID-19, staff recommends approval of the schedule proposed by the industry workgroup. Staff believes that extending the end of the permissive dialing period from February 20, 2021, to May 22, 2021, strikes a reasonable balance between providing additional time to the alarm industry to update equipment and ensure public safety with the need to mitigate the risk of exhausting telephone numbers in the 850 NPA. Also, in order to facilitate this schedule, staff recommends the Commission direct NANPA to issue the planning letter within ten business days of the issuance of the Proposed Agency Action (PAA) Order.

Issue 2: 

 Should the Commission extend the end of the permissive dialing period for the 813 area code from October 16, 2021, to January 22, 2022?


 Yes. The Commission should approve an extension of the permissive dialing period for the 813 area code, as set forth in Order No. PSC-2020-0098-PAA-TP, to January 22, 2022. (Fogleman)

Staff Analysis: 


Summary of Concerns of Alarm Industry

As noted in Issue 1, the majority of fire alarm systems and emergency elevator phones require on-site reprograming of equipment from seven-digit dialing to ten-digit dialing. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Alarm Association has requested that the Commission extend the permissive dialing period to provide for additional time for such reprograming.

NANPA Area Code Exhaust Forecast / 988 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

When the Commission considered area code relief for the 813 area code, NANPA had forecasted the exhaust by third quarter of 2021. In October 2020, NANPA issued its semi-annual exhaust analysis forecast, and updated the exhaust of the 813 area code to the fourth quarter of 2022. Thus, the expected exhaust for the 813 area code was pushed out more than a year. However, the area code exhaust is no longer the sole issue forcing the transition to ten-digit dialing in this area code.

In July 2020, the Federal Communications Commission adopted rules to establish 988 as the new nationwide three-digit phone number to connect those in crises with suicide prevention and mental health crisis counselors. The rules require all phone service providers to direct all 988 calls to the existing National Suicide Prevention Lifeline by July 16, 2022. To ensure that calls to 988 reach the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, all providers will be required to implement ten-digit dialing in areas that use both seven-digit dialing and use 988 as the first three numbers in seven-digit phone numbers.

Because 988 is an active prefix in the 813 area code, the 813 NPA will be required to transition to ten-digit dialing. The implementation schedule related to establishing the 988 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline requires the transition to ten-digit dialing before the new exhaust date for the 813 area code.[3] Thus, the Commission has a limited time to extend the permissive dialing period in the 813 area code, since permissive dialing cannot be extended to the forecasted exhaust (fourth quarter of 2022) due to the implementation of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

813 Outreach Efforts

In an effort to educate and receive customer input, staff held customer workshops on February 6, 2020, in Tampa, FL, and February 7, 2020, in St. Petersburg, FL. During these workshops, Commission staff and a representative from NANPA explained the area code relief process, the relief options being considered, and the customer impact. Staff also allotted time for customers to ask questions or give comments. While there were no customers at either workshop, staff did receive one comment afterwards in favor of the Overlay option.


NANPA and the industry workgroup are working to develop customer education and notification dates. Part of this process includes the distribution of four additional email notifications sent to directory publishers, coin operated payphone providers, alarm associations, 911 county coordinators, and PSAPs for the 813 NPA. As previously indicated, this process has been used in prior Overlays that resulted in the transition to ten-digit dialing. These emails are scheduled to be sent on December 17, 2020, March 5, 2021, June 16, 2021, and September 3, 2021. The first customer notification for the general public is scheduled to be sent by all telecommunications companies in March 2021, just prior to the beginning of the permissive dialing period on April 17, 2021.


Industry Workgroup Proposal

Staff advised the industry workgroup for the 813 area code relief implementation of the concerns identified by the alarm industry. If the Commission decides to extend the permissive dialing period for the 813 area code, the industry workgroup has proposed the following timelines for the Commission’s consideration. As noted in the 813 Order, CO codes in the new 656 area code are available only when all assignable CO codes in the 813 area code are assigned.

813/656 NPA

Current Date

Revised Date

Start of permissive 10-digit dialing

April 17, 2021

No Change

End of permissive dialing and start of mandatory 10-digit dialing

October 16, 2021

January 22, 2022

Earliest new 656 NPA central office code activation / in service date

November 16, 2021

February 22, 2022

Earliest date central office codes in the new 656 overlay area may be ordered through NANPA.

September 11, 2021

December 18, 2021


In order for telecommunications carriers to begin incorporating the changes listed above, NANPA must issue a planning letter regarding the actions of the Commission. NANPA’s “NPA Code Relief Planning and Notifications Guidelines” states that it will post the planning letter within ten business days of the final written order. Thus, NANPA will not issue a planning letter without a Final Order from the Commission, unless it is specifically directed to do so.


In light of the barriers the alarm industry has faced in reprograming alarm equipment due to COVID-19, staff recommends approval of the schedule proposed by the industry workgroup. While the forecasted exhaust date for 813 has been extended, the implementation of the national suicide prevention number limits the amount of time permissive dialing can be extended. Staff believes that extending the end of the permissive dialing period from October 16, 2021, to January 22, 2022, strikes a reasonable balance between providing additional time to the alarm industry to update equipment, ensuring public safety, mitigating the risk of exhausting telephone numbers in the 813 NPA, and the implementation of the national suicide prevention number. Also, in order to facilitate this schedule, staff recommends that the Commission direct NANPA to issue the planning letter within ten business days of the issuance of the PAA Order.


Issue 3: 

 Should this docket be closed?


 Yes. If no person whose substantial interests are affected by the proposed agency action files a protest within 21 days of the issuance of the Proposed Agency Action Order, this docket should be closed upon the issuance of a Consummating Order. (Dziechciarz, Passidomo)

Staff Analysis: 

 At the conclusion of the protest period, if no protest is filed, this docket should be closed upon the issuance of a Consummating Order.


[1] See FPSC Document No. 11831-2020.

[2] See FPSC Document No. 11888-2020.

[3] By comparison, the forecasted exhaust date is the controlling factor for the 850 NPA, rather than the 988 implementation schedule.