State of Florida |
Public Service Commission Capital Circle Office Center ● 2540 Shumard
Oak Boulevard -M-E-M-O-R-A-N-D-U-M- |
TO: |
Office of Commission Clerk (Teitzman) |
Division of Economics (Forrest, Coston) Office of the General Counsel (Stiller) |
RE: |
05/04/21 – Regular Agenda – Tariff Suspension –Participation is at the discretion of the Commission |
On April 1, 2021, Tampa Electric Company (TECO) filed a petition for approval of its 2021 revisions to its underground residential and commercial differential tariffs and associated charges. These tariffs represent the additional costs, if any, TECO incurs to provide underground service in place of overhead service in new residential subdivisions. Specifically, TECO is proposing changes to the non-refundable deposit of its contribution-in-aid-of-construction for the conversion of existing overhead distribution facilities to underground. Also, TECO is proposing changes to the charges for single-phase underground service laterals from overhead distribution systems. This recommendation is to suspend the proposed tariffs. The Commission has jurisdiction over this matter pursuant to Sections 366.03, 366.04, 366.05, and 366.06, Florida Statutes (F.S.).
Issue 1:
Should TECO's proposed underground differential tariffs be suspended?
Yes. Staff recommends that the tariffs be suspended to allow staff sufficient time to review the petition and gather all pertinent information in order to present the Commission with an informed recommendation on the tariff proposals. (Forrest, Coston)
Staff Analysis:
Staff recommends that the tariffs be suspended to allow staff sufficient time to review the petition and gather all pertinent information in order to present the Commission with an informed recommendation on the tariff proposals.
Pursuant to Section 366.06(3), F.S., the Commission may withhold consent to the operation of all or any portion of a new rate schedule, delivering to the utility requesting such a change a reason or written statement of good cause for doing so within 60 days. Staff believes that the reason stated above is a good cause consistent with the requirement of Section 366.06(3), F.S.
Issue 2:
Should this docket be closed?
This docket should remain open pending the Commission’s decision on the proposed tariffs. (Stiller)
Staff Analysis:
This docket should remain open pending the Commission’s decision on the proposed tariffs.