floridapsc.com - /pscfiles/library/filings/2020/13241-2020/Support/Exhibit 76/Additional Files/

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9/16/2020 9:40 AM 128272 20200051-GU PGS Garrett ROE workpapers - final.xlsx
9/16/2020 9:40 AM 218628 20200166-GU PGS Garrett Depr Workpapers - final.xlsx
9/16/2020 9:40 AM 1402450 Bodie, Essentials of Investments 149,382-83,395,410,416-17.pdf
9/16/2020 9:40 AM 5197082 Damodaran, Investment Valuation 62-4,162,187,196-97, 279, 285-86, 306-7.pdf
9/16/2020 9:40 AM 1656900 Dimson, Triumph of the Optimists 4,34,65,173,131,133,194.pdf
9/16/2020 9:40 AM 105820 Don't Cry for Utility Shareholders, America.pdf
9/16/2020 9:40 AM 605850 Gordon, Capital Equipment Analysis.pdf
9/16/2020 9:40 AM 2106431 Graham, Corporate Finance 179-81,208,330,357,440-41,509.pdf
9/16/2020 9:40 AM 699825 Griffey ROE Whitepaper.pdf
9/16/2020 9:40 AM 179766 Kolbe, The Cost of Capital 21.pdf
9/16/2020 9:40 AM 844921 Market Risk Premium used in 59 Countries in 2018.pdf
9/16/2020 9:40 AM 120158 Nice Work If You Can Get It.pdf
9/16/2020 9:40 AM 476482 The Equity Risk Premium.pdf