floridapsc.com - /pscfiles/library/filings/2024/09063-2024/Support/Exhibit 246/Q07/MFR E/

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9/24/2024 7:06 AM <dir> COS Excel Files
5/2/2024 1:17 PM 190354 E-1.xlsx
5/2/2024 1:17 PM 25135 E-11 Explanation of CP and NCP Development.xlsx
5/2/2024 1:17 PM 232523 E-13d Lighting by Rate Schedule.xlsx
5/2/2024 1:17 PM 462652 E-14 (A-E, G-H) Proposed Tariff Sheets & Support for Charges.xlsx
5/2/2024 1:17 PM 12793933 E-14 (F) Lighting Balances and Charges.xlsx
5/2/2024 1:18 PM 24202 E-15 Projected Billing Determinants - Derivation.xlsx
5/2/2024 1:18 PM 112141 E-17 Load Research Study.xlsx
5/2/2024 1:18 PM 4760138 E-18 Monthly Peaks.xlsx
5/2/2024 1:18 PM 178451 E-2.xlsx
5/2/2024 1:18 PM 33777 E-3, E-4.xlsx
5/2/2024 1:18 PM 318722 E-5 Source and Amount of Revenues - Present Revenues only.xlsx
5/2/2024 1:18 PM 345934 E-6a Unit Costs, Present Rates.xlsx
5/2/2024 1:18 PM 194205 E-6b Unit Costs, Proposed Rates.xlsx
5/2/2024 1:18 PM 89948 E-7 and E-13b Service Charges.xlsx
5/2/2024 1:18 PM 1427612 E-9, 10, 16, 19 (a, b, c) Load Data, Alloc Factors, Losses.xlsx
5/2/2024 1:18 PM 1868173 Rate Design E-Schedules - 2025 - Litigated Case - Clean.xlsx
5/2/2024 1:18 PM 1876126 Rate Design E-Schedules - 2026 - Litigated Case - Clean.xlsx
5/2/2024 1:18 PM 1876416 Rate Design E-Schedules - 2027 - Litigated Case - Clean.xlsx